50 meter rifle prone (formerly known as one of four free rifle disciplines) is an International Shooting Sport Federation event consisting of 60 shots from the prone position with a .22 Long Rifle (5.6 mm) caliber rifle. The time limit is 75 minutes for the entire match, including sighting shots, or 90 minutes if there is a need to compensate for slow scoring systems. In the 2013 ISSF rules the 60-shot prone match consists of 15-minute preparation and sighting time, followed by the match – 60 shots in 50 minutes for electronic scoring, and 60 shots in 60 minutes for paper targets. The sport is based on the traditional "English Match" that also consisted of 60 shots in the prone position with a .22 rifle, but had varying distances between 45.7 meters (50.0 yd) and 100 meters (110 yd). Before 2017, the men's event was included in the Olympic program but starting with the 2020 Olympics this event has been removed to promote equal gender in Olympic shooting sports. Mixed gender doubles events were introduced to replace this event and two other individual shooting events. Now this event is contested in World Championships only. This includes a final for the top eight competitors. Beginning with the 2013 season, a new finals format was instituted, in which the qualification score is discarded, and the standings among the top eight shooters are determined by their finals scores alone. The course of fire was also changed significantly with the new rules, from the previous 10-shot and then 20-shots program into a 24-shot elimination format, with the lowest ranking shooter eliminated every two shots, starting from the completion of 12th shot. The women's event is not Olympic but included in both the ISSF and the CISM World Championships. Since the final was discontinued in 2018, shooters with the same score are separated by a number of tie-breaking criteria, the first being the number of inner tens. Women's rifles may weigh up to 6.5 kilograms (14 lb), as opposed to 8.0 kilograms (17.6 lb) for men, but after the switch from standard rifles to sport rifles this is now the only difference in equipment. (en)
50米步枪卧射比赛(英語:50 metre rifle prone)是一个基于传统的(English Match)的国际射击联合会射击比赛項目。参赛选手在距离靶50米处並采用卧姿,在75分钟内发射60发子弹。75分钟包括合计60分钟的实际射击时间和合计15分钟的统计用时间。 50米步枪卧射比赛自1912年起成为奥运会射击比赛项目之一,但只限于男子;在一些国际赛事中都会有女子项目,但通常只计60发;而在一些地区如澳大利亚的昆士兰州,女子跟男子一样以相同规则比赛。比赛选手使用的子弹是小口径的.22 LR,而使用的步枪重量不超过8千克。 正式记分前,允许进行不限定子弹数量的试射。排名前8名的射手进入决赛;在决赛中,每位射手发射10发子弹,每发子弹的规定时间为45秒。射击用的靶分成10环,选手在资格赛中每次射击可获得最高10环,而在总决赛中则可获得最高10.9环。射手射击获得的总环数最多者获胜,总环数是资格赛获得的环数与总决赛获得的环数之和,总环数最大值是709.0环(60x10+10x10.9环),而女子世界锦标赛则为600环(60x10环)。 (zh)