Die 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron (53. Wetteraufklärungsstaffel), auch bekannt unter ihrem Beinamen Hurricane Hunters ist eine fliegende Einheit der United States Air Force. Sie ist dem (403. Geschwader) des Air Force Reserve Command unterstellt und auf der in Biloxi (Mississippi) stationiert. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, in tropische Stürme im Atlantik und der Karibik zu fliegen und Wetterdaten im und um den Sturm aufzuzeichnen. Die Hurrican Hunters der Air Force Reserve unterscheiden sich von den auf der MacDill AFB in Florida stationierten NOAA Hurricane Hunters. Diese nutzen Lockheed WP-3D Orion und Gulfstream IV-SP für die ähnlichen Aufgaben. (de)
The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, also known by its nickname, Hurricane Hunters, is a flying unit of the United States Air Force, and "the only Department of Defense organization still flying into tropical storms and hurricanes." Aligned under the 403rd Wing of the Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) and based at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, with ten aircraft, it flies into tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Central Pacific Ocean for the specific purpose of directly measuring weather data in and around those storms. The 53rd WRS currently operates the Lockheed WC-130J aircraft as its weather data collection platform. The squadron was activated in 1944 during World War II as the 3rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, tracking weather in the North Atlantic between North America and Europe. Redesignated the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron in 1945, the term "Hurricane Hunters" was first applied to its activities in 1946. The 53rd became a part of the USAF before its inactivation in 1947, was reactivated in 1951 as a long range weather reconnaissance unit based in Bermuda and England, and since 1963 has been based in the southern United States or in Puerto Rico with its primary mission the measurement of tropical cyclones. The 53rd WRS moved to its present home station at Keesler AFB in 1973, and after being briefly inactivated again between 1991 and 1993, became an Air Force Reserve unit. The Hurricane Hunters of the Air Force Reserve are distinct from those of the Department of Commerce's NOAA Hurricane Hunters, based at Lakeland Linder International Airport, Florida, who use a pair of Lockheed WP-3D Orion and a Gulfstream IV-SP aircraft to also fly weather reconnaissance, data collection and scientific research missions. In accordance with its memorandum of agreement with NOAA, AFRC maintains a capability in the 53rd WRS for five sorties per day from its home station and two deployed locations in support of requirements for the National Hurricane Operations Plan, or two sorties a day during winter storm seasons. The 53rd also provides a subunit, the Chief, Aerial Reconnaissance Coordination, All Hurricanes ("CARCAH"), at the National Hurricane Center to coordinate the activities of both organizations. Concurrent with its operational mission, the 53rd WRS is also tasked with recruiting, organizing and training assigned personnel to perform aerial weather reconnaissance, and its air crews are qualified to handle tactical airlift missions. (en)
53e escadron de reconnaissance météorologique Le 53e escadron de reconnaissance météorologique (53e WRS), également connu sous son surnom de Hurricane Hunters (chasseurs d'ouragans), est une unité de l'US Air Force et la seule organisation du Département de la Défense des États-Unis à encore affronter des tempêtes tropicales et des ouragans. Il fait partie la 403e escadre de l'Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) et est basé à Keesler Air Force Base au Mississippi. Ses dix avions, des Lockheed WC-130J, étudient les cyclones tropicaux dans l'océan Atlantique, la mer des Caraïbes, le golfe du Mexique et l'océan Pacifique central dans le but spécifique de mesurer directement les données météorologiques dans et autour de ces tempêtes. Parallèlement à sa mission opérationnelle, le 53e WRS est également chargé de recruter, d'organiser et de former le personnel pour la reconnaissance météorologique aérienne, et ses équipages sont qualifiés pour gérer des missions de transport aérien tactique. (fr)
제53기상정찰비행대대(53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron)는 허리케인 헌터(Hurricane Hunters)로도 알려진 미국 공군의 기상 관측 부대이다. 현재 예하 에 배속되어 있다. (ko)
제53기상정찰비행대대(53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron)는 허리케인 헌터(Hurricane Hunters)로도 알려진 미국 공군의 기상 관측 부대이다. 현재 예하 에 배속되어 있다. (ko)
The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, also known by its nickname, Hurricane Hunters, is a flying unit of the United States Air Force, and "the only Department of Defense organization still flying into tropical storms and hurricanes." Aligned under the 403rd Wing of the Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) and based at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, with ten aircraft, it flies into tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Central Pacific Ocean for the specific purpose of directly measuring weather data in and around those storms. The 53rd WRS currently operates the Lockheed WC-130J aircraft as its weather data collection platform. (en)
Die 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron (53. Wetteraufklärungsstaffel), auch bekannt unter ihrem Beinamen Hurricane Hunters ist eine fliegende Einheit der United States Air Force. Sie ist dem (403. Geschwader) des Air Force Reserve Command unterstellt und auf der in Biloxi (Mississippi) stationiert. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, in tropische Stürme im Atlantik und der Karibik zu fliegen und Wetterdaten im und um den Sturm aufzuzeichnen. (de)
53e escadron de reconnaissance météorologique Le 53e escadron de reconnaissance météorologique (53e WRS), également connu sous son surnom de Hurricane Hunters (chasseurs d'ouragans), est une unité de l'US Air Force et la seule organisation du Département de la Défense des États-Unis à encore affronter des tempêtes tropicales et des ouragans. Il fait partie la 403e escadre de l'Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) et est basé à Keesler Air Force Base au Mississippi. Ses dix avions, des Lockheed WC-130J, étudient les cyclones tropicaux dans l'océan Atlantique, la mer des Caraïbes, le golfe du Mexique et l'océan Pacifique central dans le but spécifique de mesurer directement les données météorologiques dans et autour de ces tempêtes. Parallèlement à sa mission opérationnelle, le 53e WRS est égale (fr)