A History of the Future is a 2019 documentary series by The History Channel, written and hosted by Professor Diego Rubio Rodríguez, and produced by Onza Entertainment. The series comprises four episodes, each of which explores one key aspect of society's future (work, democracy, globalization and climate) by analyzing past precedents and modern data, and projecting historical trends. The series has been the most ambitious production of History Channel Iberia to date, and it was commissioned to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the channel entitled “History of the Future.” To create it, the team examined hundreds of hours of archival footage and modern 4K images filmed across the five continents. The series features interviews with 18 leading academics, including Timothy Snyder (Yale), Erik Brynjolfsson (MIT), Naomi Oreskes (Harvard), Graham Allison (Harvard), Carl Benedikt Frey (Oxford), Steven Levitsky (Harvard), Rana Mitter (Oxford), César Hidalgo (MIT), Tim Leuning (LSE), Myles Allen (Oxford), Manuel Muñiz (IE), and Joanna Haigh(Imperial College). The first episode premiered in Spanish and Portuguese on the History Channel on December 9, 2019 with great public success and media coverage. A preview was held on the 25th United Nations Climate Change conference. The English international version will be released in 2020. (en)
A History of the Future is a 2019 documentary series by The History Channel, written and hosted by Professor Diego Rubio Rodríguez, and produced by Onza Entertainment. The series comprises four episodes, each of which explores one key aspect of society's future (work, democracy, globalization and climate) by analyzing past precedents and modern data, and projecting historical trends. (en)