"A Modest Video Game Proposal" is the title of an open letter sent by activist/former attorney Jack Thompson to members of the press and to Entertainment Software Association president Doug Lowenstein on October 10, 2005. He proposed that, if someone were to "create, manufacture, distribute, and sell a video game in 2006" that allows players to play the scenario he has written, in which the character kills video game developers, he would donate $10,000 to the charity of former Take-Two Interactive chairman Paul Eibeler's choosing. The title of the letter alludes to Jonathan Swift's 18th-century satire essay A Modest Proposal. Thompson stated that he thought such a game would never be made because developers would be afraid to "train" people to kill them. He was unaware that Running with Scissors had already released a commercial first-person shooter, Postal 2, in which the player could massacre the employees of Running with Scissors, including its CEO, Vince Desi, and actor Gary Coleman. Before that, some games had the game company buildings as Easter eggs, sometimes destroyable by the player (for example, MechWarrior 2 features the Activision headquarters in some levels), and Doom II even had the player essentially kill id Software co-founder John Romero in the final boss battle of the game. (en)
一个对电子游戏的小小建议(英语:A Modest Video Game Proposal)是由前律师兼社会活动家杰克·汤普森于2005年10月10日所写的公开信。他将此信寄给各新闻媒体与娱乐软件协会的主席,提议:如果有人“在2006年创作、生产、发布并贩卖一款电子游戏”,允许玩家按照他的剧本杀死电子游戏开发者,他就会为前Take-Two主席所指定的任意一家慈善机构捐赠一万美元。这封信的标题来源于作家乔纳森·斯威夫特于十八世纪所写的反讽短文《一個小小的建議》。 汤普森声称根本不会有人做出这样的游戏,认为开发者们害怕“培养出”会杀害他们的人。然而,汤普森并不知道,早在的商业游戏《喋血街头2》中,玩家便能杀戮包括其CEO Vince Desi与演员加利·高文在内的公司雇员。更早之前,还有游戏公司将可以毁坏的公司建筑作为彩蛋加入游戏(如某些关卡中的动视总部)。甚至,在《毁灭战士II》的最终Boss战中,玩家必须要杀死id Software的联合创始人约翰·罗梅洛。 (zh)
一个对电子游戏的小小建议(英语:A Modest Video Game Proposal)是由前律师兼社会活动家杰克·汤普森于2005年10月10日所写的公开信。他将此信寄给各新闻媒体与娱乐软件协会的主席,提议:如果有人“在2006年创作、生产、发布并贩卖一款电子游戏”,允许玩家按照他的剧本杀死电子游戏开发者,他就会为前Take-Two主席所指定的任意一家慈善机构捐赠一万美元。这封信的标题来源于作家乔纳森·斯威夫特于十八世纪所写的反讽短文《一個小小的建議》。 汤普森声称根本不会有人做出这样的游戏,认为开发者们害怕“培养出”会杀害他们的人。然而,汤普森并不知道,早在的商业游戏《喋血街头2》中,玩家便能杀戮包括其CEO Vince Desi与演员加利·高文在内的公司雇员。更早之前,还有游戏公司将可以毁坏的公司建筑作为彩蛋加入游戏(如某些关卡中的动视总部)。甚至,在《毁灭战士II》的最终Boss战中,玩家必须要杀死id Software的联合创始人约翰·罗梅洛。 (zh)
"A Modest Video Game Proposal" is the title of an open letter sent by activist/former attorney Jack Thompson to members of the press and to Entertainment Software Association president Doug Lowenstein on October 10, 2005. He proposed that, if someone were to "create, manufacture, distribute, and sell a video game in 2006" that allows players to play the scenario he has written, in which the character kills video game developers, he would donate $10,000 to the charity of former Take-Two Interactive chairman Paul Eibeler's choosing. The title of the letter alludes to Jonathan Swift's 18th-century satire essay A Modest Proposal. (en)