ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) Rangers (oficiální vietnamský název Biệt Ðộng Quân, latinkou Biet Dong Quan, BDQ) byli rangeři armády Vietnamské republiky. Byli cvičeni za asistence poradců amerických zvláštních jednotek a rangerů. ARVN Rangers byli nasazováni za nepřátelskými liniemi na nebezpečné úkoly „najdi a znič“. Vznikli vyčleněním každé čtvrté roty z každého existujícího pěchotního praporu byli trénováni jako protipovstalecká lehká pěchota, ale později se rozvinuli v elitní jednotky schopné konvenčních, stejně jako protipovstaleckých operací. (cs)
ARVNレンジャー(ARVN Rangers)とは、ベトナム共和国陸軍(南ベトナム軍,Army of the Republic of Vietnam 略称ARVN)のレンジャー部隊である。ベトナム語ではBiệt Ðộng Quân(別働軍、BDQ)と呼ばれ、英語圏では単にVietnamese Rangersとも表記された。ARVNレンジャーはアメリカ陸軍から軍事顧問として派遣されたグリーン・ベレーやレンジャー部隊による援助を受けており、特に重要な任務として越境及び「索敵撃滅作戦」の遂行が課せられていた。当初は既存の歩兵大隊から抽出された4個中隊を母体に対反乱作戦を目的とした軽歩兵部隊として編成され、後には対反乱作戦を任務の一部としながらも共和国軍の中で特に自由な作戦活動を認められた部隊の1つとなった。 (ja)
The Vietnamese Rangers (Vietnamese: Biệt Động Quân), commonly known as the ARVN Rangers, were the light infantry of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. Trained and assisted by American Special Forces and Ranger advisers, the Vietnamese Rangers infiltrated beyond enemy lines in search and destroy missions. Initially trained as a counter-insurgency light infantry force by removing the fourth company each of the existing infantry battalions, they later expanded into a swing force capable of conventional as well as counter-insurgency operations, and were relied on to retake captured regions. Later during Vietnamization the Civilian Irregular Defense Group program was transferred from MACV and integrated as Border Battalions responsible for manning remote outposts in the Central Highlands. Rangers were often regarded as among the most effective units in the war. Part of this was due to the specialized role of these units, given that they had their origins in French-raised Commando Units, the GCMA which were drawn from Viet Minh defectors and Tai-Kadai groups, operating in interdiction and counter-intelligence roles, and were trained specifically for counter-insurgency and rough-terrain warfare in the region. Ranger Units often had a US Military Adviser attached to these units although operated independently. With improvements in the ARVN from 1969 onward and the growing prestige of the Airborne and Marine Division, depredation had caused the Central Highlands-based Rangers to become manned by deserters, released convicts and Montagnards nevertheless the unit continued to operate in the Easter Offensive and frontier skirmishes in 1973 and 1974. (en)
越南共和國別動軍(越南语:Biêt Động Quân,英語:Vietnamese Rangers Corp,VNRC)是越南战争期间,越南共和國軍隊的機動步兵單位,同時也是隸屬於總參謀部的精銳部隊。 (zh)
ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) Rangers (oficiální vietnamský název Biệt Ðộng Quân, latinkou Biet Dong Quan, BDQ) byli rangeři armády Vietnamské republiky. Byli cvičeni za asistence poradců amerických zvláštních jednotek a rangerů. ARVN Rangers byli nasazováni za nepřátelskými liniemi na nebezpečné úkoly „najdi a znič“. Vznikli vyčleněním každé čtvrté roty z každého existujícího pěchotního praporu byli trénováni jako protipovstalecká lehká pěchota, ale později se rozvinuli v elitní jednotky schopné konvenčních, stejně jako protipovstaleckých operací. (cs)
ARVNレンジャー(ARVN Rangers)とは、ベトナム共和国陸軍(南ベトナム軍,Army of the Republic of Vietnam 略称ARVN)のレンジャー部隊である。ベトナム語ではBiệt Ðộng Quân(別働軍、BDQ)と呼ばれ、英語圏では単にVietnamese Rangersとも表記された。ARVNレンジャーはアメリカ陸軍から軍事顧問として派遣されたグリーン・ベレーやレンジャー部隊による援助を受けており、特に重要な任務として越境及び「索敵撃滅作戦」の遂行が課せられていた。当初は既存の歩兵大隊から抽出された4個中隊を母体に対反乱作戦を目的とした軽歩兵部隊として編成され、後には対反乱作戦を任務の一部としながらも共和国軍の中で特に自由な作戦活動を認められた部隊の1つとなった。 (ja)
越南共和國別動軍(越南语:Biêt Động Quân,英語:Vietnamese Rangers Corp,VNRC)是越南战争期间,越南共和國軍隊的機動步兵單位,同時也是隸屬於總參謀部的精銳部隊。 (zh)
The Vietnamese Rangers (Vietnamese: Biệt Động Quân), commonly known as the ARVN Rangers, were the light infantry of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. Trained and assisted by American Special Forces and Ranger advisers, the Vietnamese Rangers infiltrated beyond enemy lines in search and destroy missions. Initially trained as a counter-insurgency light infantry force by removing the fourth company each of the existing infantry battalions, they later expanded into a swing force capable of conventional as well as counter-insurgency operations, and were relied on to retake captured regions. Later during Vietnamization the Civilian Irregular Defense Group program was transferred from MACV and integrated as Border Battalions responsible for manning remote outposts in the Central Highlands. (en)