- "AXIS" (also known as "Avengers & X-Men: AXIS") is a 2014 crossover comic book storyline published by Marvel Comics. Written by Rick Remender, the story involves an initial team-up between the Avengers, X-Men, and a group of villains against Red Skull, who managed to harness the powers of Onslaught and the recently deceased Professor Xavier. As the team rapidly begins losing the battle, Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom cast a powerful inversion spell, which mistakenly reverses the morality of everyone present at the battle, leading to further conflict between the now villainous heroes and heroic villains. Prior to the release of AXIS, tie-ins entitled "March to AXIS" set up the storyline in the September issues of Captain America, Loki: Agent of Asgard, Magneto and Uncanny Avengers. Despite the excitement leading up to the series' release, it received mixed reviews from fans and critics. (en)
- AXIS è un crossover in nove parti pubblicato dalla Marvel Comics fra l'ottobre e il dicembre 2014 con cadenza trimestrale. Sceneggiato da Rick Remender per i disegni di , Terry Dodson, Adam Kubert e , la trama s'incentra sull'ascesa al potere dell'Onslaught Rosso, tramite l'inversione dell'asse morale bene/male di supereroi e criminali del MU, deciso a trasmettere il suo odio al mondo intero al fine di instaurare il Reich Eterno e il genocidio dei mutanti. (it)
- 「アクシス」("AXIS")、または「アベンジャーズ&X-MEN: アクシス」("Avengers & X-Men: AXIS")は、マーベル・コミックより出版された2014年のコミックブックのストーリーラインである。 (ja)
- AXIS è un crossover in nove parti pubblicato dalla Marvel Comics fra l'ottobre e il dicembre 2014 con cadenza trimestrale. Sceneggiato da Rick Remender per i disegni di , Terry Dodson, Adam Kubert e , la trama s'incentra sull'ascesa al potere dell'Onslaught Rosso, tramite l'inversione dell'asse morale bene/male di supereroi e criminali del MU, deciso a trasmettere il suo odio al mondo intero al fine di instaurare il Reich Eterno e il genocidio dei mutanti. (it)
- 「アクシス」("AXIS")、または「アベンジャーズ&X-MEN: アクシス」("Avengers & X-Men: AXIS")は、マーベル・コミックより出版された2014年のコミックブックのストーリーラインである。 (ja)
- "AXIS" (also known as "Avengers & X-Men: AXIS") is a 2014 crossover comic book storyline published by Marvel Comics. Written by Rick Remender, the story involves an initial team-up between the Avengers, X-Men, and a group of villains against Red Skull, who managed to harness the powers of Onslaught and the recently deceased Professor Xavier. As the team rapidly begins losing the battle, Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom cast a powerful inversion spell, which mistakenly reverses the morality of everyone present at the battle, leading to further conflict between the now villainous heroes and heroic villains. Prior to the release of AXIS, tie-ins entitled "March to AXIS" set up the storyline in the September issues of Captain America, Loki: Agent of Asgard, Magneto and Uncanny Avengers. Despite t (en)