Με το όνομα Άκτωρ (Ἄκτωρ) ήταν γνωστά 6 πρόσωπα της ελληνικής μυθολογίας: 1. * Ηλείος επώνυμος και ιδρυτής της Ύρμινας. Ήταν υιός του Φόρβαντα, εγγονός του Λαπίθη και του Επειού, αδελφός του ήταν ο βασιλιάς Αυγείας. Μητέρα του ήταν η και ο υιός του ο Εύρυτος από την γυναίκα του Μολιόνη. Κατά τον Διόδωρο βασίλευσε μαζί με τον αδελφό του Αυγεία. 2. * Αργοναύτης, υιός του Ιππάσου από την Αχαική Πελλήνη. 3. * Από τον Ορχομενό υιός του Άζεως εγγονός του απόγονος του Φρίξου και πατέρας της Αστυόχης. 4. * Βασιλιάς της Φθίας στην Θεσσαλία όπου κατέφυγε ο Πηλεύς μετά τον φόνο του Φώκου για κάθαρση. 5. * Ο υιός του βασιλιά της Φωκίδας Δηίονα και της Διομήδης εγγονός του Ξούθου. Ήταν ο πατέρας του Μενοίτιου και παππούς του ομηρικού Πάτροκλου. 6. * Πατέρας της Αλόπης. (el)
Actor (Ancient Greek: Ἄκτωρ; gen.: Ἄκτoρος Aktoros) is a very common name in Greek mythology. Here is a selection of characters that share this name (which means 'leader', from the verb άγω: to lead or carry): * Actor, father of Eurytus who was an ally of Phineus during his fight with Perseus. * Actor, a king of Phthia, was said to be the son of King Myrmidon and Peisidice, daughter of Aeolus. Some say that Actor died childless, but others say that he is the father of Eurytion, his successor or of Irus, who was also called the father of Eurytion. According to Diodorus, Actor without an heir, was succeeded by Peleus who fled to his country from Aegina for killing his half-brother, Phocus. The hero was then purified by the king for his sins. This story was usually attributed to Actor's possible son Eurytion who was slain accidentally by his son-in-law Peleus. This Actor married Aegina, daughter of the river god Asopus, and had several children, among them Menoetius. Menoetius was counted among the Argonauts, and was the father of Patroclus (Achilles' very close companion). * Actor, son of King Deioneus of Phocis and Diomede, daughter of Xuthus, thus a brother of Asterodeia, Aenetus, Phylacus, and Cephalus. This Actor could be the man referred by Hesiod as the father of Protesilaus, one of the suitors of Helen of Troy. * Actor, son of Azeus, descendant of Phrixus, was ruler of the Minyans of Orchomenus. He was father of Astyoche, who was seduced by the war-god Ares and bore him twin sons, named Ascalaphus and Ialmenus. These last two led the Minyan contingent to the Trojan War. * Actor, son of Phorbas and Hyrmine, thus a brother of Augeas and Tiphys. He was king of Elis, and founded the city of Hyrmina, which he named after his mother. This Actor married Molione and became by her father of the twins known as the Molionides, Eurytus and Cteatus. * Actor, the Epean son of Poseidon and Agamede, daughter of King Augeas. He was the brother of and Dictys. * Actor and Eurythemis were in one source called parents of Ancaeus (who other sources call the son of Lycurgus) and grandparents of Agapenor. * Actor, the Achaean son of Hippasus from Pellene and one of the Argonauts. * Actor, a Lapith. He was killed by the centaur Clanis. * Actor, father of Sthenelus. Sthenelus followed Heracles in his campaign against the Amazons and was killed by them. * Actor, son of Acastus, was accidentally killed by Peleus while hunting. As a retribution, Peleus sent to Acastus some cows and sheep that had been killed by a wolf sent by Thetis. * Actor, son of , brother of Hyperbius. He was among the defenders of the Borraean Gate at Thebes when the Seven against Thebes attacked the city, and confronted Parthenopaeus at the gate. * Actor, a warrior in the army of the Seven against Thebes. He saw a chasm open in the earth that swallowed Amphiaraus. * Actor, an old Theban servant of Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus. During the war of the Seven against Thebes, he accompanied her to the walls when that army appeared in front of the barriers outside the city. Because of his age, Actor cannot follow the princess and he just stayed halfway up the climb to listen to her lament when she saw her brother in the enemy army. * Actor, father of . His son married Polymele, mother of Eudoros by Hermes. * Actor, a shepherd in Lemnos who befriended Philoctetes in Euripides' play Philoctetes. According to some accounts, he was instead the king of Lemnos whose shepherd named , son of Dolops, took care the abandoned hero after he was bitten by a snake. * Actor, one of the companions of the exiled Aeneas. He is probably the same who in another passage is called an Auruncan, and of whose conquered lance Turnus made a boast. This story seems to have given rise to the proverbial saying "Actoris spolium" ("the spoil of Actor"), for any poor spoil in general. * Actor, father of Actoris (though unnamed in the Odyssey) who was given by Icarius to his daughter Penelope after her wedding with Odysseus to serve as her personal handmaiden. (en)
악토르(그리스어: Ἄκτωρ)는 그리스 신화에 자주 등장하는 이름이다. 악토르는 ‘이끌다’, ‘데리고 다니다’ 라는 뜻의 그리스어 동사 άγω에서 기원한 ‘지도자’, ‘이끄는 자’ 라는 뜻이다. 1. * 악토르 : 의 왕 또는 의 왕 2. * 악토르 : 아이기나와 결혼하여 메노이티오스를 낳음. 즉, 파트로클로스의 할아버지. 3. * 악토르 : 아제우스의 아들, 그의 쌍둥이 아들들이 트로이아 전쟁에서 미니얀 군을 이끌고 참전함. 4. * 악토르 : 보프바스의 아들, 엘리스의 왕 5. * 악토르 : 히파소스의 아들, 아르고나우타이 중의 한 사람 6. * 악토르 : 오이높스의 아들, 테바이를 공격한 일곱 장수에서 테바이를 방어하는 사람 중 하나. 7. * 악토르 : 헤라클레스의 동료인 스테넬로스의 아버지 8. * 악토르 : 아이네이아스와 함께 유랑생활에서 동료 중의 하나. 9. * 악토르 : 에케클레스의 아버지 10. * 악토르 : 테바이를 공격한 일곱 장수의 전사 중의 하나. 11. * 악토르 : 테살리아의 결혼식에서 켄타우로스와 싸우다가 죽은 라피타이인 중의 하나. (ko)
А́ктор (лат. Ἄκτωρ) — ім'я декількох персонажів давньогрецької міфології: * Актор — воїн з області аврунків в Італії. Актора вбив Турн, який пишався списом забитого. Відома приказка стародавніх римлян «здобути обладунок Актора» означала похвальбу і приписування собі чужих подвигів. * Актор — цар Фтії, син Мірмідона і Пейсідики. При дворі Актора знайшов притулок Пелей після вбивства свого зведеного брата Фока. Еврітіон, прийомний син Актора, зробив для Пелея обряд очищення, а потім віддав йому в дружини свою дочку Антігону. За іншою версією, Антігона була дочкою Актора і той віддав її в дружини Пелею разом з третиною свого царства. * Актор — син правителя Фокіди Деіона, батько аргонавта Менетія, дід Патрокла. * Актор — житель Орхомена, батько Астіохи, яка народила від Ареса синів Аскалафа і Ялмена. * Актор — житель Еліди, брат Авгія і чоловік Моліони, батько Моліонідів. (uk)
Με το όνομα Άκτωρ (Ἄκτωρ) ήταν γνωστά 6 πρόσωπα της ελληνικής μυθολογίας: 1. * Ηλείος επώνυμος και ιδρυτής της Ύρμινας. Ήταν υιός του Φόρβαντα, εγγονός του Λαπίθη και του Επειού, αδελφός του ήταν ο βασιλιάς Αυγείας. Μητέρα του ήταν η και ο υιός του ο Εύρυτος από την γυναίκα του Μολιόνη. Κατά τον Διόδωρο βασίλευσε μαζί με τον αδελφό του Αυγεία. 2. * Αργοναύτης, υιός του Ιππάσου από την Αχαική Πελλήνη. 3. * Από τον Ορχομενό υιός του Άζεως εγγονός του απόγονος του Φρίξου και πατέρας της Αστυόχης. 4. * Βασιλιάς της Φθίας στην Θεσσαλία όπου κατέφυγε ο Πηλεύς μετά τον φόνο του Φώκου για κάθαρση. 5. * Ο υιός του βασιλιά της Φωκίδας Δηίονα και της Διομήδης εγγονός του Ξούθου. Ήταν ο πατέρας του Μενοίτιου και παππούς του ομηρικού Πάτροκλου. 6. * Πατέρας της Αλόπης. (el)
악토르(그리스어: Ἄκτωρ)는 그리스 신화에 자주 등장하는 이름이다. 악토르는 ‘이끌다’, ‘데리고 다니다’ 라는 뜻의 그리스어 동사 άγω에서 기원한 ‘지도자’, ‘이끄는 자’ 라는 뜻이다. 1. * 악토르 : 의 왕 또는 의 왕 2. * 악토르 : 아이기나와 결혼하여 메노이티오스를 낳음. 즉, 파트로클로스의 할아버지. 3. * 악토르 : 아제우스의 아들, 그의 쌍둥이 아들들이 트로이아 전쟁에서 미니얀 군을 이끌고 참전함. 4. * 악토르 : 보프바스의 아들, 엘리스의 왕 5. * 악토르 : 히파소스의 아들, 아르고나우타이 중의 한 사람 6. * 악토르 : 오이높스의 아들, 테바이를 공격한 일곱 장수에서 테바이를 방어하는 사람 중 하나. 7. * 악토르 : 헤라클레스의 동료인 스테넬로스의 아버지 8. * 악토르 : 아이네이아스와 함께 유랑생활에서 동료 중의 하나. 9. * 악토르 : 에케클레스의 아버지 10. * 악토르 : 테바이를 공격한 일곱 장수의 전사 중의 하나. 11. * 악토르 : 테살리아의 결혼식에서 켄타우로스와 싸우다가 죽은 라피타이인 중의 하나. (ko)
Actor (Ancient Greek: Ἄκτωρ; gen.: Ἄκτoρος Aktoros) is a very common name in Greek mythology. Here is a selection of characters that share this name (which means 'leader', from the verb άγω: to lead or carry): (en)
А́ктор (лат. Ἄκτωρ) — ім'я декількох персонажів давньогрецької міфології: * Актор — воїн з області аврунків в Італії. Актора вбив Турн, який пишався списом забитого. Відома приказка стародавніх римлян «здобути обладунок Актора» означала похвальбу і приписування собі чужих подвигів. * Актор — цар Фтії, син Мірмідона і Пейсідики. При дворі Актора знайшов притулок Пелей після вбивства свого зведеного брата Фока. Еврітіон, прийомний син Актора, зробив для Пелея обряд очищення, а потім віддав йому в дружини свою дочку Антігону. За іншою версією, Антігона була дочкою Актора і той віддав її в дружини Пелею разом з третиною свого царства. * Актор — син правителя Фокіди Деіона, батько аргонавта Менетія, дід Патрокла. * Актор — житель Орхомена, батько Астіохи, яка народила від Ареса синів Аскала (uk)