Air National Guard (original) (raw)
- Die Air National Guard (ANG) ist der für den Luftraum zuständige Teil der Nationalgarde der Vereinigten Staaten und bildet mit dem Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) die Reserve-Streitkraft der US Air Force (USAF); ihr Hauptquartier ist in Washington, D.C. (de)
- The Air National Guard (ANG), also known as the Air Guard, is a federal military reserve force of the United States Air Force, as well as the air militia of each U.S. state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the territories of Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It, along with each state's, district's, commonwealth's or territory's Army National Guard component, makes up the National Guard of each state and the districts, commonwealths and territories as applicable. When Air National Guard units are used under the jurisdiction of the state governor they are fulfilling their militia role. However, if federalized by order of the President of the United States, Air National Guard units become an active part of the United States Air Force. They are jointly administered by the states and the National Guard Bureau, a joint bureau of the Army and Air Force that oversees the United States National Guard. Air National Guard operating forces are structured where each of the 50 U.S. states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the territories of Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia of the United States, houses at least one wing. Each wing is either assigned aircraft, or aircraft are shared with a unit of the active duty Air Force or the Air Force Reserve under an "Associate" arrangement. The ANG of the territories of Guam and the Virgin Islands have no aircraft assigned and perform ground support functions. Air National Guard activities may be located on active duty air force bases, air reserve bases, naval air stations/joint reserve bases, or air national guard bases and stations which are either independent military facilities or collocated as tenants on civilian-controlled joint civil-military airports. ANG units typically operate under Title 32 USC. However, when operating under Title 10 USC all ANG units are operationally gained by an active duty Air Force major command (MAJCOM) or the United States Space Force. ANG units of the Combat Air Forces (CAF) based in the Continental United States (CONUS), plus a single air control squadron of the Puerto Rico ANG, are gained by the Air Combat Command (ACC). CONUS-based ANG units in the Mobility Air Forces (MAF), plus the Puerto Rico ANG's airlift wing and the Virgin Islands ANG's civil engineering squadron are gained by the Air Mobility Command (AMC). The vast majority of ANG units fall under either ACC or AMC. However, there remain a few exceptions, such as the Alaska ANG, Hawaii ANG and Guam ANG, whose CAF and MAF units are operationally gained by Pacific Air Forces (PACAF), while a smaller number of ANG units in CONUS are operationally gained by Air Education and Training Command (AETC), Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC), Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), and United States Air Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AFAFRICA). (en)
- La Garde nationale aérienne (Air National Guard ou ANG) est la composante aérienne de la Garde nationale des États-Unis. Elle peut être mobilisée au niveau fédéral où elle devient membre, à part entière, de l'armée de l'air active. Dans le cas où elle est mobilisée au niveau d'un état, elle fonctionne comme une "milice". Chaque État des États-Unis possède la sienne. Elle fut refondée en mai 1946 comme entité à part entière de la future US Air Force établie en 1947. Bien que composée de réservistes, elle prend une part importante à toutes les opérations aériennes d'envergure. Le budget de la défense 2019 autorise un effectif le 30 septembre 2019 de 107 000 membres. (fr)
- Garda Nasional Udara (ANG) merupakan kekuatan cadangan militer federal serta kekuatan milisi masing-masing negara bagian Amerika Serikat, Distrik Columbia, Persemakmuran Puerto Rico, dan wilayah Guam dan Kepulauan Virgin AS. Garda Nasional Udara bersama dengan Garda Nasional Angkatan Darat masing-masing negara bagian, membentuk Garda Nasional dari masing-masing negara bagian. Ketika unit Garda Nasional Udara bertugas di bawah yurisdiksi mereka memenuhi peran sebagai milisi. Namun, ketika difederalisasi atas perintah Presiden Amerika Serikat, maka unit Garda Nasional Udara menjadi bagian aktif dari Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat. (in)
- 空軍州兵(くうぐんしゅうへい ANG, Air National Guard)(州兵空軍 とも)とは、アメリカ合衆国における軍事組織の一つ。陸軍州兵とともに州兵を構成しており、アメリカ空軍の予備部隊となっている。 (ja)
- De Air National Guard (ANG), vaak Air Guard genoemd, is onderdeel van de United States National Guard en is een reservecomponent van de United States Air Force. Net zoals de wordt de ANG geleid door het en een ANG-eenheid kan geactiveerd worden door de President of de gouverneur van de betreffende staat. De National Guard heeft locaties in elke staat van de Unie. De oudste ANG-eenheid is het 102nd Rescue Squadron, New York Air National Guard. Deze eenheid werd gefederaliseerd in 1916. Het was een onderdeel van de Army National Guard op dat moment en had het kenmerk al sinds 1908 met ballonnen te vliegen. Het 102nd vloog de eerste langeafstandsmissie, vanaf Long Island naar om een footballwedstrijd te kijken. Het 102nd werd aangehaald in het boek The Perfect Storm van . Hoewel het ANG volkomen los staat van de USAF, hebben de piloten van de Air National Guard in alle oorlogen van de VS een belangrijke rol gespeeld. ANG-eenheden dienden tijdens de Koreaoorlog en ANG F-100 squadrons van Colorado, New York, Iowa en New Mexico dienden vanaf tijdens de Vietnamoorlog gedurende 11 maanden in 1968-1969 en maakten toen meer dan 24.000 vluchten. Tijdens recente operaties zijn ook hele eenheden geactiveerd. De ANG wordt vaak omschreven als de "reserve" of "parttime vliegers". Het onderhoud van de soms wat oudere vliegtuigen vergt veel tijd en wordt - vanwege het deeltijds ANG-personeel - daarom vaak ook gedaan door gewoon actief USAF-personeel. De meeste ANG-vliegers werken voor commerciële vliegmaatschappijen, maar in de ANG worden ze op een specifiek vliegtuigtype ingezet. Meestal zijn dit transporttoestellen, helikopters of luchtverdedigingsjagers. Sinds de Golfoorlog hebben ANG-piloten de boven Irak gepatrouilleerd. Tijdens de aanslagen van 11 september was de eerste eenheid die luchtverdediging gaf de Happy Hooligans, een ANG F-16-eenheid uit North Dakota, weggestuurd tijdens training bij (Virginia). Een ander ANG onderdeel uit Vermont, de Green Mountain Boys van het 158th Fighter Wing, patrouilleerden later boven New York. De United States Air National Guard heeft ongeveer 45.000 mannen en vrouwen in dienst. (nl)
- L'Air National Guard (abbreviato ANG), è la componente aerea della National Guard of the United States composta da riservisti. Istituita col , è parte integrante della Guardia Nazionale ed è suddivisa in unità distribuite su tutto il territorio statunitense; le unità operano sotto l'autorità del governo dello Stato in cui sono situate. È formata da ognuno dei 50 stati che compongono gli Stati Uniti d'America, dal commonwealth di Porto Rico, dai territori di Guam, delle Isole Vergini e dal Distretto di Columbia, e la disciplina generale riguardo all'organizzazione è contenuta nel Title 10 e Title 32 dello United States Code. Piloti, navigatori e altro personale tecnico specializzato, viene chiamato in servizio per periodi più lunghi rispetto ai tradizionali "un weekend al mese, due settimane l'anno". (it)
- Air National Guard (ANG) (svenska: Flygnationalgardet), är nationalgardeskomponenten av USA:s flygvapen. ANG består av flygande förband för taktiska flygtransporter, lufttankning, jaktflyg, flygräddning, taktiskt flygunderstöd, väderspaning, strategiska flygtransporter, sambandsflyg, luftburen radar, ambulansflyg och flygande specialförband. ANG ställer också upp markförband för flygtrafikledning, flygstridsledning, fortifikations- och byggnadsverksamhet, skjutfältsförvaltning, telesäkerhet och militärsjukhus. Flygnationalgardet hade för budgetåret 2008 en organisationsstyrka om 106 000 soldater, att jämföras med det amerikanska flygvapnets 360 000 soldater. Budgeten uppgick till ca 7,5 miljarder USD. (sv)
- Военно-воздушные силы Национальной гвардии США (ВВС Национальной гвардии США) (англ. US Air National Guard, ANG), Воздушная гвардия США (англ. US Air Guard) — составная часть, вид сил Национальной гвардии США, действующего резерва ВС США. Представляет собой боеготовые части и подразделения организованного резерва ВВС США. (ru)
- Повітряні сили Національної гвардії США (англ. Air National Guard, ANG) — федеральний військовий резерв сил у складі Повітряних сил країни, повітряний компонент Національної гвардії США, відомий також, як повітряна міліція кожного штату, округу Колумбія, Пуерто-Рико, територій Гуам та Віргінських островів. Разом із Національною гвардією армії США утворюють компонент Національної гвардії кожного штату Сполучених Штатів. (uk)
- 空軍國民警衛隊(英語:Air National Guard, ANG)是美国各个州、哥伦比亚特区、波多黎各、关岛、美属维尔京群岛的民兵航空部隊及美軍空軍部隊的後備部隊,与美国陆军国民警衛隊一起组成了美国国民警衛隊。 (zh)
- dbr:List_of_states_and_territories_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Federal_government_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Territories_of_the_United_States
- Provide the Air Force with combat-ready reserve air forces (Title 10) as well as protecting and supporting their respective states (Title 32)
- *Cold War *Korean War *Vietnam War *Grenada War *Persian Gulf War *Kosovo War *War on Terror *Afghan War *Iraq War (en)
- Brown, I. G. (en)
- Brubaker, David A. (en)
- Clarke, Stanley E. III (en)
- Conaway, John B. (en)
- Finch, George G. (en)
- Guice, John T. (en)
- James, Daniel III (en)
- Killey, Philip G. (en)
- Loh, Michael A. (en)
- McKinley, Craig R. (en)
- Neal, Brian G. (en)
- Pesch, John J. (en)
- Rice, L. Scott (en)
- Ricks, Earl T. (en)
- Robertson, William A. R. (en)
- Shepperd, Donald W. (en)
- Titshaw, Emmett R. Jr. (en)
- Weaver, Paul A. Jr. (en)
- Wilson, Winston P. (en)
- Wyatt, Harry M. III (en)
- Provide the Air Force with combat-ready reserve air forces as well as protecting and supporting their respective states (en)
- 1950-09-25 (xsd:date)
- 1954-01-04 (xsd:date)
- 1962-08-05 (xsd:date)
- 1974-04-19 (xsd:date)
- 1977-01-31 (xsd:date)
- 1981-04-01 (xsd:date)
- 1988-11-01 (xsd:date)
- 1994-01-28 (xsd:date)
- 1998-01-28 (xsd:date)
- 2001-12-03 (xsd:date)
- 2002-06-03 (xsd:date)
- 2006-05-20 (xsd:date)
- 2008-11-17 (xsd:date)
- 2009-02-02 (xsd:date)
- 2013-01-30 (xsd:date)
- 2015-12-18 (xsd:date)
- 2016-05-10 (xsd:date)
- 2020-07-28 (xsd:date)
- October 1948 (en)
- 0001-01-26 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-01-28 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-02-01 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-02-02 (xsd:gMonthDay)
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- 0001-05-20 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-06-03 (xsd:gMonthDay)
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- 0001-10-01 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-10-13 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-11-01 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-11-17 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-11-28 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-12-03 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-12-18 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 2020-07-28 (xsd:date)
- dbt:US_military_navbox
- dbt:Abbr
- dbt:Air_Force_Historical_Research_Agency
- dbt:Air_National_Guard
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Ayd
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- dbt:Col-end
- dbt:Col-start
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- dbt:Frac
- dbt:Infobox_military_unit
- dbt:Nbsp
- dbt:Officeholder_table
- dbt:Portal
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:See_also
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Small
- dbt:US_Air_Force_navbox
- dbt:Use_dmy_dates
- dbt:Air_force
- owl:Thing
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- wikidata:Q176799
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- yago:WikicatMilitaryUnitsAndFormationsOfTheUnitedStates
- yago:WikicatMilitaryUnitsAndFormationsOfTheUnitedStatesAirForce
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Group100031264
- yago:MilitaryUnit108198398
- yago:Organization108008335
- yago:YagoLegalActor
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:MilitaryUnit
- dbo:Organisation
- yago:SocialGroup107950920
- yago:Unit108189659
- umbel-rc:Organization
- umbel-rc:Troop_MilitaryUnit
- Die Air National Guard (ANG) ist der für den Luftraum zuständige Teil der Nationalgarde der Vereinigten Staaten und bildet mit dem Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) die Reserve-Streitkraft der US Air Force (USAF); ihr Hauptquartier ist in Washington, D.C. (de)
- 空軍州兵(くうぐんしゅうへい ANG, Air National Guard)(州兵空軍 とも)とは、アメリカ合衆国における軍事組織の一つ。陸軍州兵とともに州兵を構成しており、アメリカ空軍の予備部隊となっている。 (ja)
- Военно-воздушные силы Национальной гвардии США (ВВС Национальной гвардии США) (англ. US Air National Guard, ANG), Воздушная гвардия США (англ. US Air Guard) — составная часть, вид сил Национальной гвардии США, действующего резерва ВС США. Представляет собой боеготовые части и подразделения организованного резерва ВВС США. (ru)
- Повітряні сили Національної гвардії США (англ. Air National Guard, ANG) — федеральний військовий резерв сил у складі Повітряних сил країни, повітряний компонент Національної гвардії США, відомий також, як повітряна міліція кожного штату, округу Колумбія, Пуерто-Рико, територій Гуам та Віргінських островів. Разом із Національною гвардією армії США утворюють компонент Національної гвардії кожного штату Сполучених Штатів. (uk)
- 空軍國民警衛隊(英語:Air National Guard, ANG)是美国各个州、哥伦比亚特区、波多黎各、关岛、美属维尔京群岛的民兵航空部隊及美軍空軍部隊的後備部隊,与美国陆军国民警衛隊一起组成了美国国民警衛隊。 (zh)
- The Air National Guard (ANG), also known as the Air Guard, is a federal military reserve force of the United States Air Force, as well as the air militia of each U.S. state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the territories of Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It, along with each state's, district's, commonwealth's or territory's Army National Guard component, makes up the National Guard of each state and the districts, commonwealths and territories as applicable. (en)
- Garda Nasional Udara (ANG) merupakan kekuatan cadangan militer federal serta kekuatan milisi masing-masing negara bagian Amerika Serikat, Distrik Columbia, Persemakmuran Puerto Rico, dan wilayah Guam dan Kepulauan Virgin AS. Garda Nasional Udara bersama dengan Garda Nasional Angkatan Darat masing-masing negara bagian, membentuk Garda Nasional dari masing-masing negara bagian. (in)
- L'Air National Guard (abbreviato ANG), è la componente aerea della National Guard of the United States composta da riservisti. Istituita col , è parte integrante della Guardia Nazionale ed è suddivisa in unità distribuite su tutto il territorio statunitense; le unità operano sotto l'autorità del governo dello Stato in cui sono situate. Piloti, navigatori e altro personale tecnico specializzato, viene chiamato in servizio per periodi più lunghi rispetto ai tradizionali "un weekend al mese, due settimane l'anno". (it)
- La Garde nationale aérienne (Air National Guard ou ANG) est la composante aérienne de la Garde nationale des États-Unis. Elle peut être mobilisée au niveau fédéral où elle devient membre, à part entière, de l'armée de l'air active. Dans le cas où elle est mobilisée au niveau d'un état, elle fonctionne comme une "milice". Chaque État des États-Unis possède la sienne. Elle fut refondée en mai 1946 comme entité à part entière de la future US Air Force établie en 1947. Bien que composée de réservistes, elle prend une part importante à toutes les opérations aériennes d'envergure. (fr)
- De Air National Guard (ANG), vaak Air Guard genoemd, is onderdeel van de United States National Guard en is een reservecomponent van de United States Air Force. Net zoals de wordt de ANG geleid door het en een ANG-eenheid kan geactiveerd worden door de President of de gouverneur van de betreffende staat. De National Guard heeft locaties in elke staat van de Unie. De United States Air National Guard heeft ongeveer 45.000 mannen en vrouwen in dienst. (nl)
- Air National Guard (ANG) (svenska: Flygnationalgardet), är nationalgardeskomponenten av USA:s flygvapen. ANG består av flygande förband för taktiska flygtransporter, lufttankning, jaktflyg, flygräddning, taktiskt flygunderstöd, väderspaning, strategiska flygtransporter, sambandsflyg, luftburen radar, ambulansflyg och flygande specialförband. ANG ställer också upp markförband för flygtrafikledning, flygstridsledning, fortifikations- och byggnadsverksamhet, skjutfältsförvaltning, telesäkerhet och militärsjukhus. (sv)
- Air National Guard (en)
- Air National Guard (de)
- Garda Nasional Udara (in)
- Air National Guard (fr)
- Air National Guard (it)
- 空軍州兵 (ja)
- Air National Guard (nl)
- Военно-воздушные силы Национальной гвардии США (ru)
- Air National Guard (sv)
- Повітряні сили Національної гвардії США (uk)
- 美国空军国民警卫队 (zh)
- freebase:Air National Guard
- yago-res:Air National Guard
- wikidata:Air National Guard
- dbpedia-de:Air National Guard
- dbpedia-fa:Air National Guard
- dbpedia-fr:Air National Guard
- dbpedia-id:Air National Guard
- dbpedia-it:Air National Guard
- dbpedia-ja:Air National Guard
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- dbpedia-nl:Air National Guard
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- dbpedia-ro:Air National Guard
- dbpedia-ru:Air National Guard
- dbpedia-sv:Air National Guard
- dbpedia-tr:Air National Guard
- dbpedia-uk:Air National Guard
- dbpedia-zh:Air National Guard
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is dbo:commandStructure of
- dbr:California_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Puerto_Rico_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:206th_Combat_Communications_Squadron
- dbr:Delaware_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:United_States_Air_Force_Pararescue
- dbr:116th_Air_Control_Squadron
- dbr:147th_Combat_Communications_Squadron
- dbr:149th_Combat_Communications_Squadron
- dbr:153d_Command_and_Control_Squadron
- dbr:162nd_Combat_Communications_Group
- dbr:Colorado_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Connecticut_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Maryland_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Massachusetts_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Georgia_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Minnesota_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Louisiana_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Maine_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:219th_Electronics_Engineering_and_Radar_Installation_Squadron
- dbr:223rd_Cyberspace_Operations_Squadron
- dbr:228th_Combat_Communications_Squadron
- dbr:285th_Civil_Engineering_Squadron
- dbr:Alabama_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Alaska_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:221st_Combat_Communications_Squadron
- dbr:225th_Combat_Communications_Squadron
- dbr:243rd_Air_Traffic_Control_Squadron
- dbr:251st_Cyberspace_Engineering_Installation_Group
- dbr:254th_Combat_Communications_Group
- dbr:263rd_Combat_Communications_Squadron
- dbr:280th_Special_Operations_Communications_Squadron
- dbr:291st_Combat_Communications_Squadron
- dbr:Florida_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Guam_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Hawaii_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Iowa_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Texas_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Arizona_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Kansas_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Kentucky_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:District_of_Columbia_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Idaho_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Illinois_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Indiana_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Michigan_Air_National_Guard
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:California_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Camp_Blanding
- dbr:Campamento_Santiago
- dbr:Candice_Miller
- dbr:Cannon_Air_Force_Base
- dbr:Capital_Airlines_(United_States)
- dbr:Carswell_Air_Force_Base
- dbr:Castle_Airport
- dbr:Beale_Peak
- dbr:Prince_Sultan_Air_Base
- dbr:Princess_Patricia's_Canadian_Light_Infantry
- dbr:Pritchard_Peak
- dbr:Puerto_Rico_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Quartier_Mangin
- dbr:Robins_Air_Force_Base
- dbr:Rockwell_A._Schnabel
- dbr:Rockwell_B-1_Lancer
- dbr:Roger_C._Schultz
- dbr:Roger_E._Combs
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_for_the_Military_Services,_USA
- dbr:Ron_Paul
- dbr:Ronald_J._Bath
- dbr:Roscoe_S._Suddarth
- dbr:Rosecrans_Air_National_Guard_Base
- dbr:Rosecrans_Memorial_Airport
- dbr:Roundarch_Isobar
- dbr:Royal_Guards_of_Hawaii
- dbr:Samuel_S._Stratton
- dbr:San_Gorgonio_Mountain
- dbr:Sandra_Finan
- dbr:Santa_Clara_County,_California
- dbr:Savannah/Hilton_Head_International_Airport
- dbr:Scott_Air_Force_Base
- dbr:Scott_D._Anderson
- dbr:Energy_usage_of_the_United_States_military
- dbr:Engineering_Installation
- dbr:List_of_U.S._Air_Force_acronyms_and_expressions
- dbr:List_of_U.S._Department_of_Defense_agencies
- dbr:List_of_U.S._government_and_military_acronyms
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_Aerospace_Defense_Command_Interceptor_Squadrons
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_Groups
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_aggressor_squadrons
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_air_refueling_squadrons
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_airlift_squadrons
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_bands
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_personnel
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_space_squadrons
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_squadrons_operating_the_A-37_Dragonfly
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_National_Guard_Squadrons
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Army_lieutenant_generals_from_2010_to_2019
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Marine_Corps_astronauts
- dbr:List_of_United_States_tornadoes_from_November_to_December_2015
- dbr:List_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_military_aircraft_(1960–1969)
- dbr:List_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_military_aircraft_(1990–1999)
- dbr:List_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_military_aircraft_(2010–2019)
- dbr:List_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_the_Lockheed_C-130_Hercules
- dbr:List_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_the_Vickers_Viscount
- dbr:List_of_acronyms:_A
- dbr:List_of_active_duty_United_States_Air_Force_major_generals
- dbr:List_of_active_duty_United_States_senior_enlisted_leaders_and_advisors
- dbr:List_of_air_refueling_wings_of_the_United_States_Air_Force
- dbr:List_of_components_of_the_U.S._Department_of_Defense
- dbr:List_of_current_United_States_National_Guard_major_generals
- dbr:List_of_federal_agencies_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_former_Royal_New_Zealand_Air_Force_stations
- dbr:Militia
- dbr:Mission_Accomplished_speech
- dbr:National_Reconnaissance_Operations_Center
- dbr:New_Fighter_Aircraft_Project
- dbr:One_weekend_a_month,_two_weeks_a_year
- dbr:Ontario_Air_National_Guard_Station
- dbr:Television_news_in_the_United_States
- dbr:194th_Engineer_Brigade_(United_States)
- dbr:2008_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Mississippi
- dbr:200th_Airlift_Squadron
- dbr:2010_Air_Guard_400
- dbr:2010_Alaska_USAF_C-17_crash
- dbr:2010_Sunoco_Red_Cross_Pennsylvania_500
- dbr:2010_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Illinois
- dbr:2012_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Illinois
- dbr:206th_Combat_Communications_Squadron
- dbr:213th_Space_Warning_Squadron
- dbr:Barry_Goldwater
- dbr:Battle_Creek,_Michigan
- dbr:Bay_of_Pigs_Invasion
- dbr:Beale_Air_Force_Base
- dbr:Berlin_Crisis_of_1961
- dbr:Bill_Van_Gerpen
- dbr:Blue_Ash_Air_Station
- dbr:Bob_Homme
- dbr:Bob_Hoover
- dbr:Bob_Kasten
- dbr:Bobby_Zarem
- dbr:Boeing_727
- dbr:Boeing_C-17_Globemaster_III
- dbr:Boeing_C-32
- dbr:Boeing_C-40_Clipper
- dbr:Boeing_KC-135_Stratotanker
- dbr:Boeing_KC-97_Stratofreighter
- dbr:Boise_Airport
- dbr:Bonnie_Carroll
- dbr:Bonnie_McElveen-Hunter
- dbr:Boom_operator_(military)
- dbr:Boricua_Popular_Army
- dbr:Braintree_Airport
- dbr:Brevet_(military)
- dbr:David_Agema
- dbr:Davis–Monthan_Air_Force_Base
- dbr:De_Havilland_Canada_DHC-4_Caribou
- dbr:Dean_Paul_Martin
- dbr:Dean_Winslow
- dbr:Deerfield_Township,_New_Jersey
- dbr:Delaware_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Dennis_Nielsen
- dbr:Hog_Island,_Philadelphia
- dbr:Holloman_Air_Force_Base
- dbr:Homestead_Air_Reserve_Base
- dbr:Howard_Air_Force_Base
- dbr:Howard_Thomas_Markey
- dbr:Hubert_Marcoux
- dbr:Hugh_T._Broomall
- dbr:Huntington_Ingalls_Industries
- dbr:Hurlburt_Field
- dbr:John_S._Tuohy
- dbr:John_T._Guice
- dbr:Joint-use_airport
- dbr:Joint_Base_Andrews
- dbr:Joint_Base_Langley–Eustis
- dbr:Joint_Base_Pearl_Harbor–Hickam
- dbr:Joint_Base_San_Antonio
- dbr:Joint_Communications_Support_Element
- dbr:Joseph_A._Craig_High_School
- dbr:Joseph_L._Lengyel
- dbr:Joseph_Maskell
- dbr:Joseph_Mondello
- dbr:Juan_José_Medina_Lamela
- dbr:Juan_Pichardo
- dbr:List_of_Douglas_C-47_Skytrain_operators
- dbr:List_of_Harvard_University_people
- dbr:List_of_Punahou_School_alumni
- dbr:List_of_U.S._Department_of_Defense_and_partner_code_names
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_installations
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_lieutenant_generals_from_2010_to_2019
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_lieutenant_generals_since_2020
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Space_Force_installations
- dbr:List_of_active_duty_United_States_three-star_officers
- dbr:List_of_county_routes_in_Suffolk_County,_New_York_(26–50C)
- dbr:List_of_cyber_warfare_forces
- dbr:List_of_flags_of_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_groups_and_wings_of_the_United_States_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:List_of_paratrooper_forces
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Illinois
- dbr:List_of_presidents_of_the_United_States_by_military_rank
- dbr:Little_Egg_Harbor_Township,_New_Jersey
- dbr:Little_Egg_Harbor_Township_School_District
- dbr:Little_Rock_Air_Force_Base
- dbr:Patrick_Space_Force_Base
- dbr:Pease_Air_National_Guard_Base
- dbr:Pekin_Community_High_School_District_303
- dbr:Penn_State_Forest
- dbr:Pennsylvania_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Peterson_Space_Force_Base
- dbr:Reno–Tahoe_International_Airport
- dbr:Rensselaer_Society_of_Engineers
- dbr:Republic_F-105_Thunderchief
- dbr:Republic_F-84_Thunderjet
- dbr:Republic_P-47_Thunderbolt
- dbr:Rhode_Island_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Richard_C._Nash
- dbr:Richard_M._Scott
- dbr:Richard_R._Neely
- dbr:Richard_Stephen_Ritchie
- dbr:Richard_Winslow_"Dick"_Schmidt
- dbr:Richmond_International_Airport
- dbr:Rickenbacker_Air_National_Guard_Base
- dbr:Rickenbacker_International_Airport
- dbr:Rita_Aragon
- dbr:Robert_A._Rushworth
- dbr:Robert_Bluey
- dbr:Robert_I._Gruber
- dbr:Cyrus_B._Brown
- dbr:DD_Form_214
- dbr:Uniformed_services_of_the_United_States
- dbr:United_Airlines_Flight_93
- dbr:United_States_Air_Force
- dbr:United_States_Air_Force_Combat_Control_Team
- dbr:United_States_Air_Force_Combat_Rescue_School
- dbr:United_States_Air_Force_Pararescue
- dbr:United_States_Air_Force_Tactical_Air_Control_Party
- dbr:United_States_Air_Forces_in_Europe_–_Air_Forces_Africa
- dbr:United_States_Armed_Forces
- dbr:United_States_Army_Air_Forces
- dbr:United_States_Army_Reserve
- dbr:United_States_Coast_Guard
- dbr:United_States_Coast_Guard_Reserve
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_the_Air_Force
- dbr:United_States_European_Command
- dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps_Reserve
- dbr:United_States_Navy_Reserve
- dbr:United_States_Property_and_Fiscal_Officer
- dbr:United_States_Space_Force
- dbr:United_States_Special_Operations_Command
- dbr:United_States_invasion_of_Grenada
- dbr:University_Park_Airport
- dbr:University_of_Missouri–St._Louis
- dbr:Utah_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Utah_Army_National_Guard
- dbr:VAW-123
- dbr:VFC-13
- dbr:VMFA-121
- dbr:VXE-6
- dbr:Vance_D._Brand
- dbr:Vandenberg_Space_Force_Base
- dbr:Venice_Army_Air_Field
- dbr:Vermont's_at-large_congressional_district
- dbr:Vermont_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Vice_Chief_of_the_National_Guard_Bureau
- dbr:Virgin_Islands_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Virginia_Air_National_Guard
- dbr:Virginia_militia
- dbr:Volk_Field_Air_National_Guard_Base
- dbr:Vought_YA-7F
- dbr:Dawne_Deskins
- dbr:Deaths_in_August_2017
- dbr:Deaths_in_August_2018
- dbr:Donald_Beatty
- dbr:Early_life_of_George_W._Bush
- dbr:Indiana_National_Guard
- dbr:Indianapolis_500_traditions
- dbr:Initial_Flight_Training
- dbr:Insignia_of_chaplain_schools_in_the_United_States_military
- dbr:Installations_of_the_United_States_Navy_in_New_Zealand
- dbr:J._M._Whorton
- dbr:John_B._Ellington_Jr.
- dbr:List_of_Air_Expeditionary_units_of_the_United_States_Air_Force
- dbr:List_of_B-52_Units_of_the_United_States_Air_Force
- dbr:List_of_F-100_units_of_the_United_States_Air_Force
- dbr:List_of_LTV_A-7_Corsair_II_operators
- dbr:List_of_Lockheed_F-104_Starfighter_operators
- dbr:List_of_Lockheed_F-104_Starfighter_variants
- dbr:List_of_United_States_Air_Force_special_operations_squadrons
- dbr:Lockheed_C-121_Constellation
- dbr:Lockheed_F-94_Starfire
- dbr:Northern_Michigan
- dbr:Air_National_Guard_of_the_United_States
- dbr:McDonnell_CF-101_Voodoo
- dbr:Naval_air_station
- dbr:Letter_of_reprimand
- dbr:List_of_observation_squadrons_of_the_United_States_Army_National_Guard
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Riverside,_California
- dbr:List_of_people_who_disappeared_mysteriously_at_sea
- dbr:List_of_presidents_of_the_United_States_by_military_service
- dbr:Nuclear_Deterrence_Operations_Service_Medal
- dbr:Pennsylvania_National_Guard
- dbr:Ravens_Mountains
- dbr:Proud_Prophet
- dbr:Psychological_operations_(United_States)
- dbr:North_American_T-6_Texan_variants
- dbr:Northwest_Passage_Drive_Expedition
- dbr:Timeline_of_Moffett_Airfield
- dbr:Timeline_of_antisemitism_in_the_21st_century
- dbr:White_House_social_aide
- dbr:"A"_Device
- dbr:100th_Aero_Squadron
- dbr:100th_Fighter_Squadron
- dbr:101st_Air_Refueling_Wing
- dbr:101st_Intelligence_Squadron
- dbr:101st_Rescue_Squadron
- dbr:102d_Security_Forces_Squadron
- dbr:102nd_Intelligence_Wing
- dbr:102nd_Rescue_Squadron
- dbr:103d_Rescue_Squadron
- dbr:103rd_Air_Control_Squadron
- dbr:103rd_Airlift_Wing
- dbr:103rd_Attack_Squadron
- dbr:104th_Fighter_Squadron
- dbr:104th_Fighter_Wing
- dbr:105th_Airlift_Wing
- dbr:105th_Attack_Squadron
- dbr:106th_Air_Refueling_Squadron
- dbr:106th_Fighter-Interceptor_Wing
- dbr:106th_Rescue_Wing
- dbr:107th_Attack_Wing
- dbr:107th_Fighter_Squadron
- dbr:108th_Air_Refueling_Squadron
- dbr:108th_Attack_Squadron
- dbr:108th_Operations_Group
- dbr:108th_Wing
- dbr:109th_Airlift_Squadron
- dbr:109th_Airlift_Wing
- dbr:10th_Aerospace_Defense_Group
- dbr:10th_Flight_Test_Squadron
- dbr:10th_Tactical_Reconnaissance_Group
- dbr:110th_Bomb_Squadron
- dbr:110th_Wing
- dbr:111th_Attack_Squadron
- dbr:111th_Attack_Wing
- dbr:111th_Space_Operations_Squadron
- dbr:112th_Air_Refueling_Group
- dbr:112th_Fighter_Squadron
is dbp:branch of
- dbr:Royal_Guards_of_Hawaii
- dbr:Bill_Van_Gerpen
- dbr:Juan_Pichardo
- dbr:Rita_Aragon
- dbr:103rd_Air_Control_Squadron
- dbr:112th_Air_Refueling_Group
- dbr:121st_Fighter_Squadron
- dbr:128th_Air_Control_Squadron
- dbr:139th_Intelligence_Squadron
- dbr:147th_Air_Support_Operations_Squadron
- dbr:148th_Fighter_Squadron
- dbr:186th_Airlift_Squadron
- dbr:165th_Air_Support_Operations_Squadron
- dbr:Frank_Edwards_(Illinois_politician)
- dbr:George_Nakano
- dbr:194th_Intelligence_Squadron
- dbr:202d_Engineering_Installation_Squadron
- dbr:283rd_Combat_Communications_Squadron
- dbr:31st_Civil_Support_Team_(WMD)
- dbr:Charles_J._Watters
- dbr:Jim_Brulte
- dbr:Ken_Skowronski
- dbr:Marty_Wilde_(politician)
- dbr:Randy_Jayne
- dbr:Roger_P._Lempke
is dbp:commands of
- dbr:Dennis_Nielsen
- dbr:John_T._Guice
- dbr:George_G._Finch
- dbr:Stanley_E._Clarke_III
- dbr:Emmett_R._Titshaw_Jr.
- dbr:William_A._R._Robertson
- dbr:Winston_P._Wilson
- dbr:Daniel_James_III
- dbr:Earl_T._Ricks
- dbr:Harry_M._Wyatt_III
- dbr:John_B._Conaway
- dbr:John_J._Pesch
- dbr:L._Scott_Rice
- dbr:Donald_Shepperd
- dbr:Philip_G._Killey
- dbr:I._G._Brown
- dbr:Michael_A._Loh
- dbr:Paul_A._Weaver