ألاستير كامبل (بالإنجليزية: Alastair Campbell) (و. 1957 م) هو صحفي، وكاتب يوميات، وروائي، وسياسي بريطاني، هو عضوٌ حزب العمال. (ar)
Alastair John Campbell (born 25 May 1957) is a British journalist, author, strategist, broadcaster and activist known for his roles during Tony Blair's leadership of the Labour Party. Campbell worked as Blair's spokesman and campaign director (1994–1997), then as Downing Street Press Secretary, and as the Prime Minister's Official Spokesperson (1997–2000). He then became Downing Street director of communications and spokesman for the Labour Party (2000–2003). He returned as campaign director for the 2005 United Kingdom general election in Blair's third win. Campbell is the editor at large of The New European and chief interviewer for GQ. He continues to act as a consultant strategist and as an ambassador for Time to Change and other mental health charities. He was an adviser to the People's Vote campaign, demanding a public vote on the final Brexit deal. Since his work for Blair, Campbell has continued to act as a freelance advisor to a number of governments and political parties, including the Prime Minister of Albania. He published his sixteenth book in 2020. In March 2022, he launched the Rest is Politics podcast with Rory Stewart, which has been since its launch the top politics podcast in the UK in the Apple rankings, and often the leading podcast in the UK. (en)
Alastair John Campbell (* 25. Mai 1957 in Keighley, Grafschaft West Yorkshire, England) war der Leiter des Bereichs Kommunikation und Strategie der britischen Regierung von Tony Blair und gilt als einer der „Architekten“ von New Labour. (de)
Alastair John Campbell (nacido el 25 de mayo de 1957) es un responsable de relaciones públicas, y asesor británico, conocido por haber asesorado al Primer Ministro del Reino Unido entre 1997 y 2003. Empezó a trabajar con Tony Blair en 1994. (es)
Alastair John Campbell, né le 25 mai 1957 à Keighley dans le Yorkshire de l'Ouest, est un journaliste et écrivain britannique, plus connu pour avoir été le directeur de la communication et de la stratégie (souvent décrit comme spin doctor) de Tony Blair, Premier ministre du Royaume-Uni, de 1997 à 2003 avec qui il travaillait depuis 1994. (fr)
Alastair John Campbell (Yorkshire (Engeland), 25 mei 1957) is een Britse journalist en voorlichter. Hij is het bekendst als spindoctor voor de Britse premier Tony Blair, die hij van 1994 tot 2003 diende. (nl)
Alastair John Campbell (25 maggio 1957) è un giornalista, conduttore televisivo e politico inglese, noto soprattutto per essere stato il portavoce e lo spin doctor di Tony Blair dalla campagna elettorale sino a Downing Street (1994-2000) e in seguito direttore delle comunicazioni del Partito laburista (2000-2003). Editorialista di The New European e della rivista GQ, è stato consulente per Time To Change e altri enti di beneficenza per la salute mentale, consulente della campagna People's Vote durante la Brexit, consulente dopo Blair di governi e partiti politici tra cui dal 2013 del primo ministro albanese Edi Rama. Nel maggio 2019 Campbell, nemico giurato della Brexit ma anche critico della strategia di Jeremy Corbyn su questo tema, viene espulso dal Partito laburista dopo l'annuncio di aver votato per protesta per i liberaldemocratici nelle elezioni parlamentari europee. (it)
ألاستير كامبل (بالإنجليزية: Alastair Campbell) (و. 1957 م) هو صحفي، وكاتب يوميات، وروائي، وسياسي بريطاني، هو عضوٌ حزب العمال. (ar)
Alastair John Campbell (* 25. Mai 1957 in Keighley, Grafschaft West Yorkshire, England) war der Leiter des Bereichs Kommunikation und Strategie der britischen Regierung von Tony Blair und gilt als einer der „Architekten“ von New Labour. (de)
Alastair John Campbell (nacido el 25 de mayo de 1957) es un responsable de relaciones públicas, y asesor británico, conocido por haber asesorado al Primer Ministro del Reino Unido entre 1997 y 2003. Empezó a trabajar con Tony Blair en 1994. (es)
Alastair John Campbell, né le 25 mai 1957 à Keighley dans le Yorkshire de l'Ouest, est un journaliste et écrivain britannique, plus connu pour avoir été le directeur de la communication et de la stratégie (souvent décrit comme spin doctor) de Tony Blair, Premier ministre du Royaume-Uni, de 1997 à 2003 avec qui il travaillait depuis 1994. (fr)
Alastair John Campbell (Yorkshire (Engeland), 25 mei 1957) is een Britse journalist en voorlichter. Hij is het bekendst als spindoctor voor de Britse premier Tony Blair, die hij van 1994 tot 2003 diende. (nl)
Alastair John Campbell (born 25 May 1957) is a British journalist, author, strategist, broadcaster and activist known for his roles during Tony Blair's leadership of the Labour Party. Campbell worked as Blair's spokesman and campaign director (1994–1997), then as Downing Street Press Secretary, and as the Prime Minister's Official Spokesperson (1997–2000). He then became Downing Street director of communications and spokesman for the Labour Party (2000–2003). He returned as campaign director for the 2005 United Kingdom general election in Blair's third win. (en)
Alastair John Campbell (25 maggio 1957) è un giornalista, conduttore televisivo e politico inglese, noto soprattutto per essere stato il portavoce e lo spin doctor di Tony Blair dalla campagna elettorale sino a Downing Street (1994-2000) e in seguito direttore delle comunicazioni del Partito laburista (2000-2003). (it)