- أنثياس هي فصيلة من أسماك الزينة وتعتبر من أكثر أسماك الزينة شعبية ويقبل الكثيرون على شراء أنواعها المتعددة ذات الألوان البهيجة، وهي أسماك صغيرة مسالمة تعيش في البحر المتوسط وشمال شرق المحيط الأطلسي والمحيط الهادي. يمكن أن تتواجد في المياه الضحلة بالآلاف وتتكون من مجموعات مكونة من ذكر واحد ومن 2-12 أنثى والذكر هو المهيمن على كل مجموعة، يمكن أن تتحول أكبر أنثى في المجموعة إلى ذكر من أجل منافسة الذكر في منصبه. (ar)
- Die Fahnenbarsche (Anthiadidae) sind eine mit fast 230 Arten in tropischen und subtropischen Meeren vorkommende Familie der Barschartigen (Perciformes). Die meisten Arten der Familie sind ausgesprochen farbenprächtig. (de)
- Anthias are members of the family Serranidae and make up the subfamily Anthiinae. Anthias make up a sizeable portion of the population of pink, orange, and yellow reef fishes seen swarming in most coral reef photography and film. The name Anthiidae is preoccupied by a subfamily of ground beetles in the family Carabidae created by Bonelli in 1813 and this grouping should be called the Anthiadinae. However, both the 5th Edition of Fishes of the World and Fishbase give the Serranid subfamily as "Anthiinae". Anthias are mostly small, thus are quite popular within the ornamental fish trade. They form complex social structures based on the number of males and females and also their position on the reef itself, and are mainly zooplankton feeders. They occur in all tropical oceans and seas of the world. The first species recognized in this group was described in the Mediterranean and northeast Atlantic and was given name Anthias anthias by Carl Linnaeus in 1758. Anthias can shoal by the thousands. Anthias do school in these large groups, though they tend toward more intimate subdivisions within the school, appropriately called "harems". These consist of one dominant, colorful male, and two to 12 females — which have their own hierarchy among them — and up to two 'subdominant' males, often less brightly colored and not territorial. Within the swarm of females, territorial males perform acrobatic U-swim displays and vigorously defend an area of the reef and its associated harem. Most anthias are protogynous hermaphrodites. These anthias are born female; if a dominant male perishes, the largest female of the group will often change into a male to take its place. This may lead to squabbling between the next-largest male, which sees an opportunity to advance, and the largest female, whose hormones are surging with testosterone. Seven genera of anthias are known to occur in coral reef ecosystems: Holanthias, Luzonichthys, Nemanthias, Plectranthias, Pseudanthias, Rabaulichthys, and Serranocirrhitus. Members of all these genera make it into the aquarium trade, although Pseudanthias is by far the most encountered in the hobby. (en)
- Les Anthiadinae (originellement : « Anthiinae ») sont une sous-famille de poissons téléostéens, de la famille des Serranidae. La plupart de ces poissons sont souvent appelés « anthias » en français, même si cette appellation est beaucoup plus vaste que le genre Anthias. (fr)
- Anthiinae Poey, 1861 è una sottofamiglia di pesci perciformi appartenente alla famiglia Serranidae. Comprende 25 generi. (it)
- Anthiadinae is een onderfamilie van zeebaarzen (Serranidae) die uit vele geslachten bestaat. (nl)
- Anthiinae é uma subfamília de peixes da família Serranidae, são conhecidos como Anthias ou Perca-do-coral que inclui géneros com ampla distribuição nos recifes de coral de todas as regiões tropicais e subtropicais. A maioria das espécies são pequenos peixes de cores vivas associados às formações de coral, sendo todas elas hermafroditas protogínicas. São conhecidos sete géneros de Anthiinae, todos eles ligados aos ecossistemas dos recifes coralinos: Holanthias, , , , , e . Membros de todos os géneros desta subfamília são comercializados como peixes ornamentais para aquários de água salgada, sendo que o género Pseudanthias é de longe o mais utilizado em aquariofilia. (pt)
- Anthiinae är en underfamilj i familjen havsabborrfiskar. Alla Anthiinae föds som honor. (sv)
- أنثياس هي فصيلة من أسماك الزينة وتعتبر من أكثر أسماك الزينة شعبية ويقبل الكثيرون على شراء أنواعها المتعددة ذات الألوان البهيجة، وهي أسماك صغيرة مسالمة تعيش في البحر المتوسط وشمال شرق المحيط الأطلسي والمحيط الهادي. يمكن أن تتواجد في المياه الضحلة بالآلاف وتتكون من مجموعات مكونة من ذكر واحد ومن 2-12 أنثى والذكر هو المهيمن على كل مجموعة، يمكن أن تتحول أكبر أنثى في المجموعة إلى ذكر من أجل منافسة الذكر في منصبه. (ar)
- Die Fahnenbarsche (Anthiadidae) sind eine mit fast 230 Arten in tropischen und subtropischen Meeren vorkommende Familie der Barschartigen (Perciformes). Die meisten Arten der Familie sind ausgesprochen farbenprächtig. (de)
- Les Anthiadinae (originellement : « Anthiinae ») sont une sous-famille de poissons téléostéens, de la famille des Serranidae. La plupart de ces poissons sont souvent appelés « anthias » en français, même si cette appellation est beaucoup plus vaste que le genre Anthias. (fr)
- Anthiinae Poey, 1861 è una sottofamiglia di pesci perciformi appartenente alla famiglia Serranidae. Comprende 25 generi. (it)
- Anthiadinae is een onderfamilie van zeebaarzen (Serranidae) die uit vele geslachten bestaat. (nl)
- Anthiinae é uma subfamília de peixes da família Serranidae, são conhecidos como Anthias ou Perca-do-coral que inclui géneros com ampla distribuição nos recifes de coral de todas as regiões tropicais e subtropicais. A maioria das espécies são pequenos peixes de cores vivas associados às formações de coral, sendo todas elas hermafroditas protogínicas. São conhecidos sete géneros de Anthiinae, todos eles ligados aos ecossistemas dos recifes coralinos: Holanthias, , , , , e . Membros de todos os géneros desta subfamília são comercializados como peixes ornamentais para aquários de água salgada, sendo que o género Pseudanthias é de longe o mais utilizado em aquariofilia. (pt)
- Anthiinae är en underfamilj i familjen havsabborrfiskar. Alla Anthiinae föds som honor. (sv)
- Anthias are members of the family Serranidae and make up the subfamily Anthiinae. Anthias make up a sizeable portion of the population of pink, orange, and yellow reef fishes seen swarming in most coral reef photography and film. The name Anthiidae is preoccupied by a subfamily of ground beetles in the family Carabidae created by Bonelli in 1813 and this grouping should be called the Anthiadinae. However, both the 5th Edition of Fishes of the World and Fishbase give the Serranid subfamily as "Anthiinae". (en)