- أرتور هيريرا (بالإسبانية: Arturo Herrera) هو نحات ورسام فنزويلي، ولد في 1959 في كاراكاس في فنزويلا. (ar)
- Arturo Herrera (born 1959) is a Venezuelan visual artist who exhibits internationally, known for his melding of cartoons and collage. He has had one-person exhibitions at , Dia Center For The Arts, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Whitney Museum of American Art, UCLA Hammer Museum, and P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center. He moved to Berlin in 2003 for a residency through the German Academic Exchange Service and remained as of 2014. Utilizing fragments of imagery borrowed from popular culture, Arturo Herrera creates collages, felt sculptures, and wall paintings that lie on the shifting border between legibility and abstraction. He especially favors screen printing, which he compares to drawing for its spontaneity and openness to variation between prints. Frequently reworking discarded material, such as books or comics, Herrera takes pride in giving the artifacts a new and "different" life in which they "can go on." (en)
- Артуро Эррера (англ. Arturo Herrera, род. 1959) — современный немецкий художник, работает с различными медиа. (ru)
- أرتور هيريرا (بالإسبانية: Arturo Herrera) هو نحات ورسام فنزويلي، ولد في 1959 في كاراكاس في فنزويلا. (ar)
- Артуро Эррера (англ. Arturo Herrera, род. 1959) — современный немецкий художник, работает с различными медиа. (ru)
- Arturo Herrera (born 1959) is a Venezuelan visual artist who exhibits internationally, known for his melding of cartoons and collage. He has had one-person exhibitions at , Dia Center For The Arts, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Whitney Museum of American Art, UCLA Hammer Museum, and P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center. He moved to Berlin in 2003 for a residency through the German Academic Exchange Service and remained as of 2014. (en)