Banthra Sikandarpur, also called Banthra or Banthara, is a village in Sarojaninagar block of Lucknow district, Uttar Pradesh, India. As of 2011, its population was 10,989, in 1,885 households. A regular market is held here. The village lands cover an area of 703.8 hectares, of which 341.4 (48.5%) were farmlands as of 2011. Fallow lands covered 182.9 hectares (26.0% of the total), and areas under non-agricultural uses covered 66.2 hectares, or 9.4% of the total land area.
Banthra Sikandarpur, also called Banthra or Banthara, is a village in Sarojaninagar block of Lucknow district, Uttar Pradesh, India. As of 2011, its population was 10,989, in 1,885 households. A regular market is held here. The village lands cover an area of 703.8 hectares, of which 341.4 (48.5%) were farmlands as of 2011. Fallow lands covered 182.9 hectares (26.0% of the total), and areas under non-agricultural uses covered 66.2 hectares, or 9.4% of the total land area. (en)
Banthra Sikandarpur, also called Banthra or Banthara, is a village in Sarojaninagar block of Lucknow district, Uttar Pradesh, India. As of 2011, its population was 10,989, in 1,885 households. A regular market is held here. The village lands cover an area of 703.8 hectares, of which 341.4 (48.5%) were farmlands as of 2011. Fallow lands covered 182.9 hectares (26.0% of the total), and areas under non-agricultural uses covered 66.2 hectares, or 9.4% of the total land area. (en)