- فيرّيت باريوم، ويرمز له اختصارا BaFe، مركب كيميائي له الصيغة BaFe2O4 ، ويكون عدد أكسدة الحديد في هذا المركب +5 . (ar)
- Bariumferrit ist eine anorganische chemische Verbindung des Bariums aus der Gruppe der Ferrite. (de)
- Barium ferrite, abbreviated BaFe, BaM, is the chemical compound with the formula BaFe12O19. This and related ferrite materials are components in magnetic stripe cards and loudspeaker magnets. BaFe is described as Ba2+(Fe3+)12(O2−)19. The Fe3+ centers are ferrimagnetically coupled, and one unit cell of BaM has a net magnetic moment of 40μB .This area of technology is usually considered to be an application of the related fields of materials science and solid state chemistry. Barium ferrite is a highly magnetic material, has a high packing density, and is a metal oxide. Studies of this material date at least as far back as 1931, and it has found applications in magnetic card strips, speakers, and magnetic tapes. One area in particular it has found success in is long-term data storage; the material is magnetic, resistant to temperature change, corrosion and oxidization. (en)
- فيرّيت باريوم، ويرمز له اختصارا BaFe، مركب كيميائي له الصيغة BaFe2O4 ، ويكون عدد أكسدة الحديد في هذا المركب +5 . (ar)
- Bariumferrit ist eine anorganische chemische Verbindung des Bariums aus der Gruppe der Ferrite. (de)
- Barium ferrite, abbreviated BaFe, BaM, is the chemical compound with the formula BaFe12O19. This and related ferrite materials are components in magnetic stripe cards and loudspeaker magnets. BaFe is described as Ba2+(Fe3+)12(O2−)19. The Fe3+ centers are ferrimagnetically coupled, and one unit cell of BaM has a net magnetic moment of 40μB .This area of technology is usually considered to be an application of the related fields of materials science and solid state chemistry. (en)