Barry Eichengreen (original) (raw)
- Barry Eichengreen (* 1952) je americký ekonom. Je profesorom ekonomie a politických věd na University of California, Berkeley. Byl poradcem Mezinárodního měnového fondu během asijské finanční krize v letech 1997-1998. Hlavní oblastí jeho výzkumu je mezinárodní makroekonomie a historie finančního systému. (cs)
- Barry Eichengreen (Barry Julian Eichengreen; * 1952 in Berkeley, Kalifornien) ist ein US-amerikanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Professor für Ökonomie und politische Wissenschaften an der University of California, Berkeley. Sein Hauptforschungsfeld sind die internationale Makroökonomie und die Geschichte des Finanzsystems. (de)
- Barry Julian Eichengreen (born 1952) is an American economist and economic historian who holds the title of George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has taught since 1987. Eichengreen currently serves as a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research. Eichengreen's mother was Lucille Eichengreen, a Holocaust survivor and author. (en)
- Barry Eichengreen (né en 1952) est un économiste américain. Il est professeur d'économie et de science politique à l'université Berkeley où il enseigne depuis 1987. C'est un spécialiste du système monétaire et financier international tant dans ses aspects historiques que présents. (fr)
- Barry Eichengreen (1952) è un economista statunitense, dal 1987 professore di Economia e Scienze Politiche presso l'Università della California, Berkeley. Eichengreen ha pubblicato diversi contributi sulla storia del sistema monetario e finanziario internazionale. Dal 1997 al 1998 ha collaborato con il Fondo Monetario Internazionale. Tra le sue opere di maggiore interesse uno studio sul funzionamento del sistema aureo nel periodo tra le due guerre e una storia del sistema monetario internazionale dall'instaurazione del Sistema Aureo sino ai giorni nostri. Negli ultimi anni si è interessato del ruolo del dollaro nel mercato valutario internazionale, dell'economia europea e dell'Unione Monetaria Europea, delle crisi finanziarie e dell'origine dei movimenti populisti. Sua madre Lucille Eichengreen, è una sopravvissuta all'Olocausto. (it)
- バリー・アイケングリーン(Barry J. Eichengreen、1952年 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の経済学者。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校教授(George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science)であり、専門は政治経済学、国際金融論、経済史である。 (ja)
- Барри Джулиан Эйхенгрин (родился в 1952 г.) — американский экономист, профессор экономики и политологии в Калифорнийском университете в Беркли. В настоящее время Эйхенгрин работает научным сотрудником в Национальном бюро экономических исследований и научным сотрудником Центра исследований экономической политики. (ru)
- 巴里·艾肯格林(英語:Barry Eichengreen,1952年-),美国经济学家,在加州大学伯克利分校拥有 George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee 经济与政治科学教授的称号。 (zh)
- Eichengreen in 2012 (en)
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- dbr:Cambridge_University_Press
- dbr:Bellagio_Group
- dbr:Project_Syndicate
- dbr:Ben_Bernanke
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- dbr:United_States
- dbr:University_of_California,_Berkeley
- dbr:University_of_California,_Santa_Cruz
- dbr:University_of_California_at_Berkeley
- dbr:East_Asia_Forum
- dbc:1952_births
- dbc:Living_people
- dbr:George_Pardee
- dbr:Gold_standard
- dbr:Lucille_Eichengreen
- dbr:M.A.
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- dbc:21st-century_American_economists
- dbc:American_people_of_German-Jewish_descent
- dbc:Economic_historians
- dbc:Fellows_of_the_American_Academy_of_Arts_and_Sciences
- dbc:University_of_California,_Berkeley_College_of_Letters_and_Science_faculty
- dbc:Yale_Graduate_School_of_Arts_and_Sciences_alumni
- dbc:Institute_for_New_Economic_Thinking
- dbc:Peterson_Institute_for_International_Economics
- dbr:Centre_for_Economic_Policy_Research
- dbr:UC_Santa_Cruz
- dbr:Doctor_of_Philosophy
- dbr:American_Academy_of_Arts_and_Sciences
- dbr:Economic_History_Association
- dbr:Economics
- dbr:European_Central_Bank
- dbr:Eurozone
- dbr:Federal_Reserve_System
- dbr:Financial_History_Review
- dbc:Presidents_of_the_Economic_History_Association
- dbr:Oxford_University_Press
- dbr:Centre_for_International_Governance_Innovation
- dbr:Foreign_exchange_reserves
- dbr:Guido_Tabellini
- dbr:International_Monetary_Fund
- dbr:The_Economist
- dbr:The_Guardian
- dbr:Charles_Wyplosz
- dbr:EconTalk
- dbr:Economic_history
- dbr:Economist
- dbr:Marcel_Fratzscher
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- dbr:Great_Depression
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- dbr:World_War_I_reparations
- dbr:Yale_University
- dbr:Library_of_Economics_and_Liberty
- dbr:Political_economics
- dbr:M.Phil.
- dbr:CFO_Insight
- A.B. , University of California, Santa Cruz (en)
- M.A. , M.Phil. , M.A. , Ph.D. Yale University (en)
- Eichengreen in 2012 (en)
- Barry J. Eichengreen (en)
- pei2 (en)
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- dbc:Fellows_of_the_American_Academy_of_Arts_and_Sciences
- dbc:University_of_California,_Berkeley_College_of_Letters_and_Science_faculty
- dbc:Yale_Graduate_School_of_Arts_and_Sciences_alumni
- dbc:Institute_for_New_Economic_Thinking
- dbc:Peterson_Institute_for_International_Economics
- dbc:Presidents_of_the_Economic_History_Association
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- yago:Wikicat20th-centuryEconomists
- Barry Eichengreen (* 1952) je americký ekonom. Je profesorom ekonomie a politických věd na University of California, Berkeley. Byl poradcem Mezinárodního měnového fondu během asijské finanční krize v letech 1997-1998. Hlavní oblastí jeho výzkumu je mezinárodní makroekonomie a historie finančního systému. (cs)
- Barry Eichengreen (Barry Julian Eichengreen; * 1952 in Berkeley, Kalifornien) ist ein US-amerikanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Professor für Ökonomie und politische Wissenschaften an der University of California, Berkeley. Sein Hauptforschungsfeld sind die internationale Makroökonomie und die Geschichte des Finanzsystems. (de)
- Barry Julian Eichengreen (born 1952) is an American economist and economic historian who holds the title of George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has taught since 1987. Eichengreen currently serves as a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research. Eichengreen's mother was Lucille Eichengreen, a Holocaust survivor and author. (en)
- Barry Eichengreen (né en 1952) est un économiste américain. Il est professeur d'économie et de science politique à l'université Berkeley où il enseigne depuis 1987. C'est un spécialiste du système monétaire et financier international tant dans ses aspects historiques que présents. (fr)
- バリー・アイケングリーン(Barry J. Eichengreen、1952年 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の経済学者。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校教授(George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science)であり、専門は政治経済学、国際金融論、経済史である。 (ja)
- Барри Джулиан Эйхенгрин (родился в 1952 г.) — американский экономист, профессор экономики и политологии в Калифорнийском университете в Беркли. В настоящее время Эйхенгрин работает научным сотрудником в Национальном бюро экономических исследований и научным сотрудником Центра исследований экономической политики. (ru)
- 巴里·艾肯格林(英語:Barry Eichengreen,1952年-),美国经济学家,在加州大学伯克利分校拥有 George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee 经济与政治科学教授的称号。 (zh)
- Barry Eichengreen (1952) è un economista statunitense, dal 1987 professore di Economia e Scienze Politiche presso l'Università della California, Berkeley. Eichengreen ha pubblicato diversi contributi sulla storia del sistema monetario e finanziario internazionale. Dal 1997 al 1998 ha collaborato con il Fondo Monetario Internazionale. Tra le sue opere di maggiore interesse uno studio sul funzionamento del sistema aureo nel periodo tra le due guerre e una storia del sistema monetario internazionale dall'instaurazione del Sistema Aureo sino ai giorni nostri. Negli ultimi anni si è interessato del ruolo del dollaro nel mercato valutario internazionale, dell'economia europea e dell'Unione Monetaria Europea, delle crisi finanziarie e dell'origine dei movimenti populisti. (it)
- Barry Eichengreen (cs)
- Barry Eichengreen (de)
- Barry Eichengreen (en)
- Barry Eichengreen (fr)
- Barry Eichengreen (it)
- バリー・アイケングリーン (ja)
- Эйхенгрин, Барри (ru)
- 巴里·艾肯格林 (zh)
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- dbpedia-de:Barry Eichengreen
- dbpedia-fr:Barry Eichengreen
- dbpedia-is:Barry Eichengreen
- dbpedia-it:Barry Eichengreen
- dbpedia-ja:Barry Eichengreen
- dbpedia-no:Barry Eichengreen
- dbpedia-ru:Barry Eichengreen
- dbpedia-sk:Barry Eichengreen
- dbpedia-zh:Barry Eichengreen
- Barry J. Eichengreen (en)
is dbo:influencedBy of
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:Barry_J._Eichengreen
- dbr:Barry_Julian_Eichengreen
- dbr:Eichengreen,_Barry
- dbr:Eichengreen,_Barry_J.
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Carlos_Marichal
- dbr:Bellagio_Group
- dbr:List_of_University_of_California,_Berkeley_faculty
- dbr:List_of_children_of_Holocaust_survivors
- dbr:David_W._Blight
- dbr:Ricardo_Hausmann
- dbr:Currency_war
- dbr:Current_History
- dbr:List_of_historians_by_area_of_study
- dbr:Original_sin_(economics)
- dbr:Snake_in_the_tunnel
- dbr:Gold_standard
- dbr:Copenhagen_Consensus
- dbr:Credit_cycle
- dbr:The_Vienna_Institute_for_International_Economic_Studies
- dbr:Lisa_D._Cook
- dbr:Lucille_Eichengreen
- dbr:Feliks_Młynarski
- dbr:Kristin_Forbes
- dbr:Ugo_Panizza
- dbr:Causes_of_the_Great_Depression
- dbr:Aid
- dbr:Jürgen_von_Hagen
- dbr:List_of_American_Academy_of_Arts_and_Sciences_members_(1994–2005)
- dbr:Nixon_shock
- dbr:Economic_History_Association
- dbr:Eurozone
- dbr:Financial_Times_Business_Book_of_the_Year_Award
- dbr:Balance_of_payments
- dbr:Bretton_Woods_system
- dbr:Capital_control
- dbr:Capital_levy
- dbr:Digital_currency
- dbr:Global_Asia
- dbr:Globalization_and_Its_Discontents
- dbr:History_of_Europe
- dbr:List_of_Fellows_of_the_British_Academy_elected_in_the_2020s
- dbr:List_of_Guggenheim_Fellowships_awarded_in_1999
- dbr:List_of_economists
- dbr:Reserve_currency
- dbr:Gustavo_Franco
- dbr:J._Bradford_DeLong
- dbr:María_Soledad_Martínez_Pería
- dbr:A_Monetary_History_of_the_United_States
- dbr:A_Report_on_Germany
- dbr:Charles_de_Gaulle
- dbr:Jewish_Business_News
- dbr:Kevin_O'Rourke
- dbr:Economic_history
- dbr:Herter_Committee
- dbr:Austrian_business_cycle_theory
- dbr:Marshall_Plan
- dbr:Financial_fragility
- dbr:Great_Depression
- dbr:Milton_Friedman
- dbr:Michael_D._Bordo
- dbr:European_Monetary_System
- dbr:Exorbitant_privilege
- dbr:Pitt_Professor_of_American_History_and_Institutions
- dbr:Rencontres_Economiques_d'Aix-en-Provence
- dbr:Outline_of_economics
- dbr:Withdrawal_from_the_eurozone
- dbr:Barry_J._Eichengreen
- dbr:Barry_Julian_Eichengreen
- dbr:Eichengreen,_Barry
- dbr:Eichengreen,_Barry_J.
is dbp:influences of
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