Batlhaping tribe (original) (raw)

Batlhaping is one of the Tswana tribes which resides mostly in the Northern Cape and North West of South Africa. The name of the Batlhaping loosely translates to; " those with an affinity for fish". After Barolong settled on the banks of the Vaal River known as Kolong, fish became a staple of their diet. During their migration, the Batlhaping encounted the Korana, a nomadic Khoisan tribe in 1750. The two tribes settled together. There were several harassing raids by the Ndebele which led to most Barolong to move Northwards to modern day Ganyesa. Those who were left behind stayed and fought back against the raids of the Ndebele and they were referred to from that point as "those who remained behind to eat fish", thus this became their name. This however did not mean that they were independe
