Bay (horse) (original) (raw)
- El pelatge bai és un pelatge mal definit en la nomenclatura catalana “oficial”. La definició oficial no té en compte cap criteri genètic i diu així: “Dit del pelatge dels equins que és groc lleugerament rogenc, amb les extremitats, la crina i la cua negres”. * D'una banda, el TERMCAT tradueix la raça “Cleveland bay” per “Cleveland bai” en català. Això faria correspondre el “bay” anglès al “bai” català. O, el que és igual, bai=castany en català. (Aquesta era la definició clàssica catalana, recollida en el diccionari Fabra. * D'altra banda, el TERMCAT tradueix el “bayo” castellà (que inclou dos pelatges diferents en anglès: “yellow dun” i “buckskin”) per bai en català. * Resumint: el terme “bai” català s'usa per a traduir 3 pelatges diferents en anglès: "bay", "buckskin" i "yellow dun". * Aquesta incongruència pot causar problemes legals en contractes de compra-venda i en exportació-importació de cavalls. (ca)
- Hnědák je jedno ze základních zbarvení koní. Srst je hnědá až červenohnědá po téměř černou; špičky uší, spodky končetin, hříva a ohon jsou vždy černé. Bílé odznaky na hlavě a nohách jsou povoleny. (cs)
- Als Brauner bezeichnet man ein Pferd mit braunem Fell und schwarzer Mähne und Schweif. (de)
- Por la samnoma portugala urbo, vidu Beja (Portugalio). Beja estas koloro ruĝ-bruna (el angla: Bay). Tiun vorton oni kutime nur uzas por priskribi ĉevalon. En la lingvo Esperanto la vorto "bejo" kiel ĉiuj nomoj de koloroj estas A-karaktera radiko. (eo)
- Bay is a hair coat color of horses, characterized by a reddish-brown or brown body color with a black point coloration on the mane, tail, ear edges, and lower legs. Bay is one of the most common coat colors in many horse breeds. The black areas of a bay horse's hair coat are called "black points", and without them, a horse is not a bay horse. Black points may sometimes be covered by white markings; however such markings do not alter a horse's classification as "bay". Bay horses have dark skin – except under white markings, where the skin is pink. Genetically, bay occurs when a horse carries both the Agouti gene and a black base coat. While the basic genetics that create bay coloring are fairly simple, the genes themselves and the mechanisms that cause shade variations within the bay family are quite complex and, at times, disputed. The genetics of dark shades of bay are still under study. The genetic mechanism that produces seal brown has yet to be isolated. Sooty genetics also appear to darken some horses' bay coats, and that genetic mechanism is yet to be fully understood. The addition of dilution genes or various spotting pattern genes create many additional coat colors, although the underlying bay coat color genetics usually manifest by a warm-toned red, tan, or brownish body color and the appearance of black points. (en)
- Un caballo tiene capa castaña o mulata cuando está compuesta principalmente por pelos de color marrón y rojizo, aunque sus crines y cola son siempre negras, y se denomina capa zaina si no tiene manchas ni pelos blancos. La capa está compuesta únicamente por pelos pardos y rojizos de distintos tonos y es una de las tres capas básicas de los caballos. Está presente en todas las razas equinas. El color castaño rojizo no pertenece a esta capa sino que es propio de la capa alazana. Las diversas tonalidades y distribución del castaño se producen genéticamente por múltiples factores, pero el color básico de la capa se produce por la acción de dos alelos, el del color rojizo, que es un alelo recesivo, «e», y el dominante «E» para el color negro; la presencia de ambos proporciona el color pardo al pelo. Estos son los dos alelos de color más frecuentes en los caballos, y todos los demás colores y tonalidades se producen por la acción de genes y alelos adicionales que actúan sobre la producción de los dos colores básicos. (es)
- Kapisa adalah suatu warna rambut kuda, yang tampak cokelat kemerahan. Kapisa merupakan salah-satu warna rambut kuda yang paling umum. Kuda dengan warna rambut ini kadang memiliki corak rambut yang lebih terang di bagian oreng. (in)
- Le bai est, dans le domaine de l'hippologie, l'une des couleurs de robes les plus fréquentes chez le cheval. Le pelage est dans les tons roux, marron à chocolat. La crinière, la queue, le contour des oreilles et le bas des membres sont noirs, c'est essentiellement ce qui différencie les chevaux bais des alezans. La peau de ces chevaux est sombre, excepté sous leurs marques blanches (listes, balzanes...) où elle est rose. On trouve des bais parmi presque toutes les races de chevaux. La robe baie est classée différemment par la génétique et les Haras nationaux français. Le gène responsable de la robe baie est nommé « Agouti ». (fr)
- Il mantello equino baio presenta crini ed estremità nere e corpo marrone in tutte le sue gradazioni. Il baio è il mantello ancestrale del cavallo (gene Agouti), quindi è il più diffuso. Le aree nere del cavallo baio vengono detti punti neri e senza questi, il cavallo non può essere definito baio. (it)
- 鹿毛(かげ、英: Bay、羅: badius、中: 棗)は、馬の毛色のひとつ。一般に茶褐色の毛を持つ馬のこと、またはその状態そのものを指す。、野生馬問わず、最も一般的に見られる毛色である。広義では黒鹿毛、青鹿毛を含むが、この記事では狭義の鹿毛のみを扱う。 (ja)
- Baio é uma cor de pelagem dos cavalos, caracterizada por uma cor do corpo marrom-avermelhada ou marrom com uma coloração de pontas pretas na crina, cauda, pontas das orelhas e pernas. Baio é uma das cores de pelagem mais comuns em muitas raças de cavalos. As áreas pretas da pelagem de um cavalo baio são chamadas de "pontas pretas" e, sem elas, um cavalo não é um cavalo baio. Os pontos pretos às vezes podem ser cobertos por marcações brancas; no entanto, tais marcações não alteram a classificação de um cavalo como "baio". Os cavalos baios têm pele escura - exceto sob manchas brancas, onde a pele é rosada. Geneticamente, baios ocorrem quando um cavalo carrega tanto o gene Agouti quanto uma pelagem preta. A adição de outros genes cria muitas cores de pelagem adicionais. Embora os conceitos básicos por trás da coloração de baios sejam bastante simples, os próprios genes e os mecanismos que causam variações de tonalidade dentro da família de baios são bastante complexos e, às vezes, contestados. A genética dos tons escuros do baio ainda estão em estudo. Um teste de DNA que detectou o alelo selo marrom (At) foi desenvolvido, mas posteriormente retirado do mercado. A genética da fuligem também parece escurecer a pelagem de alguns cavalos, e esse mecanismo genético ainda não foi totalmente compreendido. (pt)
- Brun är en av de tre standardfärgerna som en häst kan ha. En brun häst har bruna täckhår (päls), svart man och svans och svarta ben. Brun är den vanligaste hästfärgen och den finns i många olika nyanser, alltifrån väldigt ljusa, till nästan helt svarta. Täckhåren hos en brun häst är bandade, alltså två eller fler färger finns på samma hårstrån. Håren är ljusa närmast huden och mörka i toppen, detta syns extra tydligt på ljus- och mellanbruna hästar som klipps på vintern och då får en ljus, rödorange färg. Bruna hästar kan lätt blandas ihop med fuxar, särskilt svettfuxar (mörka fuxar) och mörka borkar. Motskuggning längs hästens rygg kan se ut som en ål och en på det sättet färgad brun häst kan förväxlas med en black. (sv)
- 棗色是馬的其中一種毛色,與其他毛色黑色,栗色或灰色為主要的馬匹毛色不同 (zh)
- Гнід́а масть — одна з основних мастей коней, що характеризується наявністю одразу двох типів пігментів, це меланіни еумеланін (відповідає за чорний колір шерсті та волосся) та феомеланін (відповідає за руде забарвлення). Гніді лошата зазвичай народжуються зі світлою шерстю на ногах, животі й іноді світлим захисним волоссям (явище підласості у лошат), що згодом змінюється на звичний темний та насичений колір гнідої масті. (uk)
- dbr:Sclera
- dbr:Pastern
- dbr:Black_(horse)
- dbr:Allele
- dbc:Horse_coat_colors
- dbr:Homozygous
- dbr:Horse_hoof
- dbr:Dun_gene
- dbr:Primitive_markings
- dbr:Roan_(horse)
- dbr:Sabino_horse
- dbr:Splashed_white
- dbr:Point_coloration
- dbr:Skewbald
- dbr:Perlino
- dbr:Melanin
- dbr:Overo
- dbr:RALY
- dbr:Seal_brown_(horse)
- dbr:Gene
- dbr:Gray_(horse)
- dbr:Equine_coat_color
- dbr:Equine_coat_color_genetics
- dbr:Pheomelanin
- dbr:Appaloosa
- dbr:Siamese_cat
- dbr:Colloquialism
- dbr:Horse
- dbr:Horse_markings
- dbr:Horse_show
- dbr:Leopard_complex
- dbr:Pinna_(anatomy)
- dbr:Pinto_horse
- dbr:Agouti_coloration_genetics
- dbr:Tricoloured_(horse)
- dbr:Eumelanin
- dbr:Dilution_gene
- dbr:Foal
- dbr:Himalayan_rabbit
- dbr:Silver_dapple_gene
- dbr:Heterozygous
- dbr:Cream_gene
- dbr:Chestnut_(coat)
- dbr:Albinism
- dbr:Agouti_gene
- dbr:Black_horse
- dbr:Pangare
- dbr:Dominance_relationship
- dbr:Champagne_gene
- dbr:Mane_(horse)
- dbr:Sooty_(gene)
- dbr:Wild_type
- dbr:Tail_(horse)
- dbr:Rabicano
- dbr:Tobiano
- dbr:Sooty_gene
- dbr:Buckskin_(color)
- dbr:Dun_(color)
- dbr:Chestnut_horse
- dbr:Breed_registries
- dbr:Wildtype
- dbr:File:Arabian_Simeon_Stud(4428278721).jpg
- dbr:File:Countershading_stripe.jpg
- dbr:File:Gelderländer_trabend.jpg
- dbr:File:Poulain_de_race_ardennaise_1.jpg
- dbr:File:RAS_NSW_Mounted_Police_muster.jpg
- Dark bay or "brown" horses often have lighter hair around the muzzle, eyes, flanks, and elbow (en)
- A bay mare (en)
- Black horse with sun-bleached forelock, showing solid black hairs around the eye, even though forelock is reddish (en)
- Dark bay horse, showing lighter hairs around the eye (en)
- A liver chestnut is distinguished from a bay by a lack of black points. The mane and tail are the same color as the body, or lighter. (en)
- This horse is bay despite the fact that its black legs are masked by white markings (en)
- A very dark bay horse might appear to be almost black (en)
- Brown, unless modified by another gene (en)
- 150 (xsd:integer)
- 200 (xsd:integer)
- 240 (xsd:integer)
- Hnědák je jedno ze základních zbarvení koní. Srst je hnědá až červenohnědá po téměř černou; špičky uší, spodky končetin, hříva a ohon jsou vždy černé. Bílé odznaky na hlavě a nohách jsou povoleny. (cs)
- Als Brauner bezeichnet man ein Pferd mit braunem Fell und schwarzer Mähne und Schweif. (de)
- Por la samnoma portugala urbo, vidu Beja (Portugalio). Beja estas koloro ruĝ-bruna (el angla: Bay). Tiun vorton oni kutime nur uzas por priskribi ĉevalon. En la lingvo Esperanto la vorto "bejo" kiel ĉiuj nomoj de koloroj estas A-karaktera radiko. (eo)
- Kapisa adalah suatu warna rambut kuda, yang tampak cokelat kemerahan. Kapisa merupakan salah-satu warna rambut kuda yang paling umum. Kuda dengan warna rambut ini kadang memiliki corak rambut yang lebih terang di bagian oreng. (in)
- Le bai est, dans le domaine de l'hippologie, l'une des couleurs de robes les plus fréquentes chez le cheval. Le pelage est dans les tons roux, marron à chocolat. La crinière, la queue, le contour des oreilles et le bas des membres sont noirs, c'est essentiellement ce qui différencie les chevaux bais des alezans. La peau de ces chevaux est sombre, excepté sous leurs marques blanches (listes, balzanes...) où elle est rose. On trouve des bais parmi presque toutes les races de chevaux. La robe baie est classée différemment par la génétique et les Haras nationaux français. Le gène responsable de la robe baie est nommé « Agouti ». (fr)
- Il mantello equino baio presenta crini ed estremità nere e corpo marrone in tutte le sue gradazioni. Il baio è il mantello ancestrale del cavallo (gene Agouti), quindi è il più diffuso. Le aree nere del cavallo baio vengono detti punti neri e senza questi, il cavallo non può essere definito baio. (it)
- 鹿毛(かげ、英: Bay、羅: badius、中: 棗)は、馬の毛色のひとつ。一般に茶褐色の毛を持つ馬のこと、またはその状態そのものを指す。、野生馬問わず、最も一般的に見られる毛色である。広義では黒鹿毛、青鹿毛を含むが、この記事では狭義の鹿毛のみを扱う。 (ja)
- 棗色是馬的其中一種毛色,與其他毛色黑色,栗色或灰色為主要的馬匹毛色不同 (zh)
- Гнід́а масть — одна з основних мастей коней, що характеризується наявністю одразу двох типів пігментів, це меланіни еумеланін (відповідає за чорний колір шерсті та волосся) та феомеланін (відповідає за руде забарвлення). Гніді лошата зазвичай народжуються зі світлою шерстю на ногах, животі й іноді світлим захисним волоссям (явище підласості у лошат), що згодом змінюється на звичний темний та насичений колір гнідої масті. (uk)
- El pelatge bai és un pelatge mal definit en la nomenclatura catalana “oficial”. La definició oficial no té en compte cap criteri genètic i diu així: “Dit del pelatge dels equins que és groc lleugerament rogenc, amb les extremitats, la crina i la cua negres”. (ca)
- Bay is a hair coat color of horses, characterized by a reddish-brown or brown body color with a black point coloration on the mane, tail, ear edges, and lower legs. Bay is one of the most common coat colors in many horse breeds. The addition of dilution genes or various spotting pattern genes create many additional coat colors, although the underlying bay coat color genetics usually manifest by a warm-toned red, tan, or brownish body color and the appearance of black points. (en)
- Un caballo tiene capa castaña o mulata cuando está compuesta principalmente por pelos de color marrón y rojizo, aunque sus crines y cola son siempre negras, y se denomina capa zaina si no tiene manchas ni pelos blancos. La capa está compuesta únicamente por pelos pardos y rojizos de distintos tonos y es una de las tres capas básicas de los caballos. Está presente en todas las razas equinas. El color castaño rojizo no pertenece a esta capa sino que es propio de la capa alazana. (es)
- Baio é uma cor de pelagem dos cavalos, caracterizada por uma cor do corpo marrom-avermelhada ou marrom com uma coloração de pontas pretas na crina, cauda, pontas das orelhas e pernas. Baio é uma das cores de pelagem mais comuns em muitas raças de cavalos. (pt)
- Brun är en av de tre standardfärgerna som en häst kan ha. En brun häst har bruna täckhår (päls), svart man och svans och svarta ben. Brun är den vanligaste hästfärgen och den finns i många olika nyanser, alltifrån väldigt ljusa, till nästan helt svarta. Täckhåren hos en brun häst är bandade, alltså två eller fler färger finns på samma hårstrån. Håren är ljusa närmast huden och mörka i toppen, detta syns extra tydligt på ljus- och mellanbruna hästar som klipps på vintern och då får en ljus, rödorange färg. (sv)
- dbpedia-commons:Bay (horse)
- freebase:Bay (horse)
- yago-res:Bay (horse)
- wikidata:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-ca:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-cs:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-de:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-eo:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-es:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-fa:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-fi:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-fr:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-id:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-it:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-ja:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-mk:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-ms:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-pt:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-simple:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-sv:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-uk:Bay (horse)
- dbpedia-zh:Bay (horse)
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Arabian_Simeon_Stud(4428278721).jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/BayMare.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Clydesdale-busch-gardens_c.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Countershading_stripe.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Gelderländer_trabend.jpg
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is dbo:colour of
- dbr:Cajun_Beat
- dbr:Cannonade
- dbr:Canonero_II
- dbr:Capote_(horse)
- dbr:Ambrosio_(horse)
- dbr:Ameerat
- dbr:Americain
- dbr:American_Post
- dbr:Ammon_Ra
- dbr:Among_Men
- dbr:Bay_Malton
- dbr:Bay_Middleton_(horse)
- dbr:Bay_Ronald
- dbr:Bayardo_(horse)
- dbr:Baystone
- dbr:Bayuda_(horse)
- dbr:Be_My_Chief
- dbr:Be_My_Native
- dbr:Beach_Towel_(horse)
- dbr:Beadsman_(horse)
- dbr:Beam_(horse)
- dbr:Beau_Purple
- dbr:Beauty_Generation
- dbr:Beckett_(horse)
- dbr:Bed_O'_Roses
- dbr:Beeswing_(horse)
- dbr:Beethoven_(horse)
- dbr:Before_Dawn_(horse)
- dbr:Begood_Toya_Mother
- dbr:Behave_Yourself_(horse)
- dbr:Behaving_Badly_(horse)
- dbr:Behemoth_(horse)
- dbr:Behkabad
- dbr:Beholder_(horse)
- dbr:Behrens_(horse)
- dbr:Belardo
- dbr:Beldale_Ball
- dbr:Beldale_Flutter
- dbr:Belle_Mahone
- dbr:Belle_of_All
- dbr:Belmez_(horse)
- dbr:Ben_Ali_(horse)
- dbr:Benbatl
- dbr:Beningbrough_(horse)
- dbr:Princeful
- dbr:Private_Account
- dbr:Protectionist_(horse)
- dbr:Proud_Clarion
- dbr:Rough_Habit
- dbr:Round_Table_(horse)
- dbr:Royal_Anthem_(horse)
- dbr:Royal_Delta
- dbr:Scat_Daddy
- dbr:Scenic_(horse)
- dbr:El_Segundo_(horse)
- dbr:Ela-Mana-Mou
- dbr:Eldaafer
- dbr:Electra_(horse)
- dbr:Electrocutionist
- dbr:Enable_(horse)
- dbr:Encosta_De_Lago
- dbr:English_Prince
- dbr:Ensconse
- dbr:Enstone_Spark
- dbr:Entrepreneur_(horse)
- dbr:Envoi_Allen
- dbr:Eole_(horse)
- dbr:Epatante
- dbr:Epigram_(horse)
- dbr:Epiphaneia_(horse)
- dbr:Epitome_(horse)
- dbr:Epoca_d'Oro
- dbr:Meld_(horse)
- dbr:Melton_(horse)
- dbr:Memnon_(horse)
- dbr:Memoir_(horse)
- dbr:Mendelssohn_(horse)
- dbr:Merger_(horse)
- dbr:Meridian_(horse)
- dbr:Mesa_(horse)
- dbr:Meteora_(horse)
- dbr:Mezzo_Soprano_(horse)
- dbr:Midday_(horse)
- dbr:Milan_(horse)
- dbr:Milkmaid_(horse)
- dbr:Mill_House_(horse)
- dbr:Mimi_(horse)
- dbr:Minardi_(horse)
- dbr:Minding_(horse)
- dbr:Minella_Indo
- dbr:Minella_Times
- dbr:Mineshaft_(horse)
- dbr:Minoru_(horse)
- dbr:Minuet_(horse)
- dbr:Mogul_(horse)
- dbr:Monterosso_(horse)
- dbr:Moon_Madness_(horse)
- dbr:Moonstone_(horse)
- dbr:Moscona_(horse)
- dbr:Moses_(horse)
- dbr:Mother_Earth_(horse)
- dbr:Motivator_(horse)
- dbr:Motrico_(horse)
- dbr:Moulton_(horse)
- dbr:Mount_Nelson_(horse)
- dbr:Mountain_Lodge_(horse)
- dbr:Mozart_(horse)
- dbr:Mujahid_(horse)
- dbr:Musa_(horse)
- dbr:Music_(horse)
- dbr:My_Dear_(British_horse)
- dbr:My_Love_(horse)
- dbr:Nadir_(horse)
- dbr:The_Merry_Monarch
- dbr:M-Lolshan
- dbr:Ma_Biche
- dbr:Mabs_Cross
- dbr:Mac's_Imp
- dbr:Mac_Diarmida
- dbr:Mehthaaf
- dbr:Meisho_Mambo
- dbr:Meisho_Samson
- dbr:Melchbourne_(horse)
- dbr:Melodist
- dbr:Melody_Belle
- dbr:Meneval
- dbr:Menow
- dbr:Merchant_Navy_(horse)
- dbr:Merry_Hampton
- dbr:Merryman_II
- dbr:Mesabi_Maiden
- dbr:Monsun
- dbr:Montaval
- dbr:Montjeu
- dbr:Moonist
- dbr:Moonlight_Cloud
- dbr:Moonshell_(horse)
- dbr:Moorestyle
- dbr:More_Joyous
- dbr:More_So
- dbr:More_of_That
- dbr:Nellie_Flag
- dbr:Teofilo_(horse)
- dbr:War_Cloud
- dbr:Windsor_Lad
- dbr:Olympic_Glory
- dbr:Omaha_Beach_(horse)
- dbr:One_And_Only
- dbr:One_For_Arthur
- dbr:One_Hitter
- dbr:Only_For_Life
- dbr:Only_Royale
- dbr:Parish_Hall
- dbr:Park_Appeal
- dbr:Paseana
- dbr:Pass_Catcher
- dbr:Pass_the_Peace
- dbr:Pastille_(horse)
- dbr:Pastoral_Pursuits
- dbr:Pathfork
- dbr:Tonalist
- dbr:Silver_Deputy
- dbr:Yankee_Affair
- dbr:Princely_Gift
- dbr:Princely_Heir
- dbr:Princess_Doreen
- dbr:Princess_Dorrie
- dbr:Princess_Pati
- dbr:Princessnesian
- dbr:Prized
- dbr:Probabeel
- dbr:Pretty_Gorgeous
- dbr:Pretty_Pollyanna
- dbr:Priam_(horse)
- dbr:Primo_Valentino
- dbr:Prince's_Polly
- dbr:Prince_Blessed
- dbr:Prince_Foote
- dbr:Prince_of_Dance
- dbr:Prohibit_(horse)
- dbr:Rumplestiltskin_(horse)
- dbr:Vagrancy_(horse)
- dbr:Barney_Roy
- dbr:Beat_Hollow
- dbr:Beau_Zam
- dbr:Bee_Bee_Bee
- dbr:Ben's_Cat
- dbr:Best_Mate
- dbr:Better_Talk_Now
- dbr:Black_Caviar
- dbr:Blue_Man_(horse)
- dbr:Bob_and_John
- dbr:Bobs_Worth
- dbr:Bollin_Eric
- dbr:Boston_Harbor_(horse)
- dbr:Brew_(horse)
- dbr:Deep_Impact_(horse)
- dbr:Desert_Vixen
- dbr:Alfred_Nobel_(horse)
- dbr:Algan_(horse)
- dbr:Alhaarth
- dbr:Ali-Royal
- dbr:Alipes_(horse)
- dbr:Alizee_(horse)
- dbr:Alkaased
- dbr:All_Along
- dbr:All_Too_Hard
- dbr:Alleged_(horse)
- dbr:Allied_Powers_(horse)
- dbr:Alligator_Blood_(horse)
- dbr:Almanzor_(horse)
- dbr:Almond_Eye
- dbr:Almutawakel
- dbr:Aloma's_Ruler
- dbr:Anita_Peabody
- dbr:Answer_Lively
- dbr:Antonio_(horse)
- dbr:Any_Given_Saturday
- dbr:Anzum
- dbr:Apalachee_(horse)
- dbr:Apapane_(horse)
- dbr:Apple's_Jade
- dbr:April_Run
- dbr:April_the_Fifth
- dbr:Aqaarid
- dbr:Aqlaam
- dbr:Aquarelliste
- dbr:Araafa
- dbr:Arab_(horse)
- dbr:Arabian_Queen
- dbr:Arbar_(horse)
- dbr:Arcadian_Heights
- dbr:Arcano_(horse)
- dbr:Arch_(horse)
- dbr:Arch_Hall_(horse)
- dbr:Archduke_(horse)
- dbr:Archer_(horse)
- dbr:Arctic_Cosmos
- dbr:Arctic_Prince
- dbr:Arctique_Royale
- dbr:Ard_Patrick
- dbr:Ardan_(horse)
- dbr:Ardross_(horse)
- dbr:Argument_(horse)
- dbr:Holy_Roller_(horse)
- dbr:Home_Affairs_(horse)
- dbr:Homeboykris
- dbr:Honor_A._P.
- dbr:Honour_and_Glory
- dbr:Hucklebuck_(horse)
- dbr:Hurricane_Run
- dbr:Journey_(horse)
- dbr:Bertrando
- dbr:Bessarabian_(racehorse)
- dbr:Best_Pal
- dbr:Bethrah
- dbr:Better_Loosen_Up
- dbr:Better_Than_Ever
- dbr:Better_Than_Honour
- dbr:Bettina_(horse)
- dbr:Bianca_Nera
- dbr:Peppers_Pride
- dbr:Perdita_(horse)
- dbr:Reset_(horse)
- dbr:Rip_Van_Winkle_(horse)
- dbr:Riva_Ridge
- dbr:Riverqueen
- dbr:Cudgel_(horse)
- dbr:Cue_Card_(horse)
- dbr:Culpepper_(horse)
- dbr:Cum_Laude_Laurie
- dbr:Cursory_Glance
- dbr:Cut_Above
- dbr:Cwrw
- dbr:Cyborgo
- dbr:Dactylographer_(horse)
- dbr:Daedalus_(horse)
- dbr:Uncle_Mo
- dbr:Unusual_Heat_(horse)
- dbr:Val_Royal
- dbr:Verbatim_(horse)
- dbr:Viewed
- dbr:Vodka_(horse)
- dbr:Davona_Dale
- dbr:Dawn_Run
- dbr:De_La_Rose
- dbr:Deacon_Blues_(horse)
- dbr:Dead_Certain_(horse)
- dbr:Dearly_Precious
- dbr:Debussy_(horse)
- dbr:Decathlon_(horse)
- dbr:Deceit_(horse)
- dbr:Declan's_Moon
- dbr:Declaration_of_War_(horse)
- dbr:Dedicate_(horse)
- dbr:Dee_Majesty
- dbr:Deep_Brillante
- dbr:Definite_Article_(horse)
- dbr:Dehere
- dbr:Deirdre_(horse)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Cajun_Beat
- dbr:Calidoscopio
- dbr:Campeiro
- dbr:Cannonade
- dbr:Canonero_II
- dbr:Capote_(horse)
- dbr:Cass_Ole
- dbr:Castillonnais
- dbr:Ambrosio_(horse)
- dbr:Ameerat
- dbr:Americain
- dbr:American_Cream_Draft
- dbr:American_Paint_Horse
- dbr:American_Post
- dbr:Ammon_Ra
- dbr:Among_Men
- dbr:Amphion_(horse)
- dbr:Bay_Malton
- dbr:Bay_Middleton_(horse)
- dbr:Bay_Ronald
- dbr:Bayakoa
- dbr:Bayard_(legend)
- dbr:Bayardo_(horse)
- dbr:Bayern_(horse)
- dbr:Baystone
- dbr:Bayuda_(horse)
- dbr:Be_My_Chief
- dbr:Be_My_Native
- dbr:Beach_Towel_(horse)
- dbr:Beadsman_(horse)
- dbr:Beam_(horse)
- dbr:Beau_Purple
- dbr:Beaugay
- dbr:Beautiful_Pleasure
- dbr:Beauty_Generation
- dbr:Beckett_(horse)
- dbr:Bed_O'_Roses
- dbr:Beeswing_(horse)
- dbr:Beethoven_(horse)
- dbr:Before_Dawn_(horse)
- dbr:Begood_Toya_Mother
- dbr:Behave_Yourself_(horse)
- dbr:Behaving_Badly_(horse)
- dbr:Behemoth_(horse)
- dbr:Behkabad
- dbr:Beholder_(horse)
- dbr:Behrens_(horse)
- dbr:Belardo
- dbr:Beldale_Ball
- dbr:Beldale_Flutter
- dbr:Bellafina
- dbr:Bellamy_Road_(horse)
- dbr:Belle_Mahone
- dbr:Belle_of_All
- dbr:Belmez_(horse)
- dbr:Ben_Ali_(horse)
- dbr:Ben_Strome
- dbr:Benbatl
- dbr:Bend_Or
- dbr:Beningbrough_(horse)
- dbr:Pottok
- dbr:Princeful
- dbr:Priob
- dbr:Private_Account
- dbr:Protectionist_(horse)
- dbr:Proud_Clarion
- dbr:Pryor_Mountains_Wild_Horse_Range
- dbr:Puissance_(horse)
- dbr:Pyrenean_donkey
- dbr:Rodrigo_Pessoa
- dbr:Rottaler
- dbr:Rough_Habit
- dbr:Round_Table_(horse)
- dbr:Royal_Anthem_(horse)
- dbr:Royal_Delta
- dbr:Sardinian_Anglo-Arab
- dbr:Scamper_(horse)
- dbr:Scat_Daddy
- dbr:Scenic_(horse)
- dbr:Scott_Frost_(horse)
- dbr:El_Segundo_(horse)
- dbr:Ela-Mana-Mou
- dbr:Eldaafer
- dbr:Electra_(horse)
- dbr:Electrocutionist
- dbr:Enable_(horse)
- dbr:Encosta_De_Lago
- dbr:Endurance_by_Right
- dbr:English_Prince
- dbr:Ensconse
- dbr:Enstone_Spark
- dbr:Entrepreneur_(horse)
- dbr:Envoi_Allen
- dbr:Eole_(horse)
- dbr:Epatante
- dbr:Epicenter_(horse)
- dbr:Epicuris
- dbr:Epigram_(horse)
- dbr:Epiphaneia_(horse)
- dbr:Epitome_(horse)
- dbr:Epoca_d'Oro
- dbr:Meld_(horse)
- dbr:Melton_(horse)
- dbr:Memnon_(horse)
- dbr:Memoir_(horse)
- dbr:Mendelssohn_(horse)
- dbr:Merger_(horse)
- dbr:Meridian_(horse)
- dbr:Mesa_(horse)
- dbr:Messara_horse
- dbr:Meteora_(horse)
- dbr:Mezzo_Soprano_(horse)
- dbr:Međimurje_horse
- dbr:Midday_(horse)
- dbr:Milan_(horse)
- dbr:Milkmaid_(horse)
- dbr:Mill_House_(horse)
- dbr:Mimi_(horse)
- dbr:Minardi_(horse)
- dbr:Minding_(horse)
- dbr:Minella_Indo
- dbr:Minella_Times
- dbr:Mineshaft_(horse)
- dbr:Minoru_(horse)
- dbr:Minuet_(horse)
- dbr:Mogul_(horse)
- dbr:Moira_(horse)
- dbr:Monterosso_(horse)
- dbr:Montrose_(horse)
- dbr:Moon_Madness_(horse)
- dbr:Moonstone_(horse)
- dbr:Moscona_(horse)
- dbr:Moses_(horse)
- dbr:Mother_Earth_(horse)
- dbr:Motivator_(horse)
- dbr:Motrico_(horse)
- dbr:Moulton_(horse)
- dbr:Mount_Nelson_(horse)
- dbr:Mountain_Lodge_(horse)
- dbr:Moyle_horse
- dbr:Mozart_(horse)
- dbr:Mujahid_(horse)
- dbr:Musa_(horse)
- dbr:Music_(horse)
- dbr:Musical_Romance_(horse)
- dbr:My_Dear_(British_horse)
- dbr:My_Dear_III
- dbr:My_Love_(horse)
- dbr:Myrtlewood_(horse)
- dbr:Nadir_(horse)
- dbr:National_Show_Horse
- dbr:The_Merry_Monarch
- dbr:M-Lolshan
- dbr:Ma_Biche
- dbr:Mabs_Cross
- dbr:Mac's_Imp
- dbr:Mac_Diarmida
- dbr:Mehthaaf
- dbr:Meisho_Mambo
- dbr:Meisho_Samson
- dbr:Melanocortin_1_receptor
- dbr:Melchbourne_(horse)
- dbr:Melodist
- dbr:Melody_Belle
- dbr:Meneval
- dbr:Menow
- dbr:Mercedes_Won
- dbr:Merchant_Navy_(horse)
- dbr:Merry_Hampton
- dbr:Merryman_II
- dbr:Mesabi_Maiden
- dbr:Monsun
- dbr:Montaval
- dbr:Montjeu
- dbr:Moonist
- dbr:Moonlight_Cloud
- dbr:Moonshell_(horse)
- dbr:Moorestyle
- dbr:More_Joyous
- dbr:More_So
- dbr:More_of_That
- dbr:Nellie_Flag
- dbr:Nellie_Morse
- dbr:Plaudit
- dbr:Teofilo_(horse)
- dbr:War_Cloud
- dbr:Windsor_Lad
- dbr:Olympiad_(horse)
- dbr:Olympic_Glory
- dbr:Omaha_Beach_(horse)
- dbr:On-and-On
- dbr:One_And_Only
- dbr:One_Count
- dbr:One_For_Arthur
- dbr:One_Hitter
- dbr:One_Master
- dbr:Only_For_Life
- dbr:Only_Royale
- dbr:Onlyforyou_(horse)
- dbr:Parish_Hall
- dbr:Park_Appeal
- dbr:Paseana
- dbr:Pass_Catcher
- dbr:Pass_the_Peace
- dbr:Pastille_(horse)
- dbr:Pastoral_Pursuits
- dbr:Pathfork
- dbr:Qualify_(horse)
- dbr:Tonalist
- dbr:Rafalca
- dbr:Silver_Deputy
- dbr:Storm_Song
- dbr:Tomy_Lee
- dbr:Yankee_Affair
- dbr:Prince_of_Penzance
- dbr:Princely_Gift
- dbr:Princely_Heir
- dbr:Princess_Doreen
- dbr:Princess_Dorrie
- dbr:Princess_Pati
- dbr:Princessnesian
- dbr:Prized
- dbr:Probabeel
- dbr:Pretendre
- dbr:Pretty_Gorgeous
- dbr:Pretty_Pollyanna
- dbr:Priam_(horse)
- dbr:Primo_Valentino
- dbr:Prince's_Polly
- dbr:Prince_Blessed
- dbr:Prince_Foote
- dbr:Prince_of_Dance
- dbr:Prohibit_(horse)
- dbr:Rumplestiltskin_(horse)
- dbr:Spanish-Norman_horse
- dbr:Vagrancy_(horse)
- dbr:2011_King_George_VI_and_Queen_Elizabeth_Stakes
- dbr:2020_King_George_VI_and_Queen_Elizabeth_Stakes
- dbr:Barney_Roy
- dbr:Bashkir_horse
- dbr:Baudet_du_Poitou
- dbr:Beat_Hollow
- dbr:Beau_Zam
- dbr:Bee_Bee_Bee
- dbr:Belmont_Stakes
- dbr:Ben's_Cat
- dbr:Ben_Brush
- dbr:Berkshire_Fencible_Cavalry
- dbr:Best_Mate
- dbr:Better_Talk_Now
- dbr:Bhutia_Horse
- dbr:Big_Drama
- dbr:Black_Caviar
- dbr:Blue_Man_(horse)
- dbr:Bob_and_John
- dbr:Bobs_Worth
- dbr:Bollin_Eric
- dbr:Boston_Harbor_(horse)
- dbr:Bourbonnais_Donkey
- dbr:Breton_horse
- dbr:Brew_(horse)
- dbr:Deep_Impact_(horse)
- dbr:Der_Löwe
- dbr:Desert_Vixen
- dbr:Alfred_Nobel_(horse)
- dbr:Algan_(horse)
- dbr:Alhaarth
- dbr:Ali-Royal
- dbr:Alipes_(horse)
- dbr:Alizee_(horse)
- dbr:Alkaased
- dbr:All_Along
- dbr:All_Too_Hard
- dbr:All_the_Pretty_Horses_(novel)
- dbr:Alleged_(horse)
- dbr:Allied_Powers_(horse)
- dbr:Alligator_Blood_(horse)
- dbr:Almanzor_(horse)
- dbr:Almond_Eye
- dbr:Almutawakel
- dbr:Aloma's_Ruler
- dbr:Anita_Peabody
- dbr:Annapolis_(horse)
- dbr:Answer_Lively
- dbr:Antonio_(horse)
- dbr:Any_Given_Saturday
- dbr:Anzum
- dbr:Apalachee_(horse)
- dbr:Apapane_(horse)
- dbr:Apple's_Jade
- dbr:April_Run
- dbr:April_the_Fifth
- dbr:Aqaarid
- dbr:Aqlaam
- dbr:Aquarelliste
- dbr:Araafa
- dbr:Arab_(horse)
- dbr:Arabian_Queen
- dbr:Arbar_(horse)
- dbr:Arcadian_Heights
is dbp:colour of
- dbr:Cajun_Beat
- dbr:Cannonade
- dbr:Canonero_II
- dbr:Capote_(horse)
- dbr:Ambrosio_(horse)
- dbr:Ameerat
- dbr:American_Post
- dbr:Ammon_Ra
- dbr:Among_Men
- dbr:Bay_Malton
- dbr:Bay_Middleton_(horse)
- dbr:Bay_Ronald
- dbr:Bayardo_(horse)
- dbr:Baystone
- dbr:Bayuda_(horse)
- dbr:Be_My_Chief
- dbr:Be_My_Native
- dbr:Beach_Towel_(horse)
- dbr:Beadsman_(horse)
- dbr:Beam_(horse)
- dbr:Beau_Purple
- dbr:Beauty_Generation
- dbr:Beckett_(horse)
- dbr:Bed_O'_Roses
- dbr:Beeswing_(horse)
- dbr:Beethoven_(horse)
- dbr:Before_Dawn_(horse)
- dbr:Behave_Yourself_(horse)
- dbr:Behaving_Badly_(horse)
- dbr:Behemoth_(horse)
- dbr:Behkabad
- dbr:Beholder_(horse)
- dbr:Behrens_(horse)
- dbr:Belardo
- dbr:Beldale_Ball
- dbr:Beldale_Flutter
- dbr:Belle_Mahone
- dbr:Belle_of_All
- dbr:Belmez_(horse)
- dbr:Ben_Ali_(horse)
- dbr:Benbatl
- dbr:Beningbrough_(horse)
- dbr:Princeful
- dbr:Private_Account
- dbr:Protectionist_(horse)
- dbr:Proud_Clarion
- dbr:Rough_Habit
- dbr:Round_Table_(horse)
- dbr:Royal_Anthem_(horse)
- dbr:Scat_Daddy
- dbr:Scenic_(horse)
- dbr:El_Segundo_(horse)
- dbr:Ela-Mana-Mou
- dbr:Eldaafer
- dbr:Electra_(horse)
- dbr:Electrocutionist
- dbr:Enable_(horse)
- dbr:Encosta_De_Lago
- dbr:English_Prince
- dbr:Ensconse
- dbr:Enstone_Spark
- dbr:Entrepreneur_(horse)
- dbr:Envoi_Allen
- dbr:Eole_(horse)
- dbr:Epatante
- dbr:Epigram_(horse)
- dbr:Epiphaneia_(horse)
- dbr:Epitome_(horse)
- dbr:Epoca_d'Oro
- dbr:Meld_(horse)
- dbr:Melton_(horse)
- dbr:Memnon_(horse)
- dbr:Memoir_(horse)
- dbr:Mendelssohn_(horse)
- dbr:Merger_(horse)
- dbr:Meridian_(horse)
- dbr:Mesa_(horse)
- dbr:Meteora_(horse)
- dbr:Mezzo_Soprano_(horse)
- dbr:Midday_(horse)
- dbr:Milan_(horse)
- dbr:Milkmaid_(horse)
- dbr:Mill_House_(horse)
- dbr:Mimi_(horse)
- dbr:Minardi_(horse)
- dbr:Minding_(horse)
- dbr:Minella_Indo
- dbr:Minella_Times
- dbr:Mineshaft_(horse)
- dbr:Minoru_(horse)
- dbr:Minuet_(horse)
- dbr:Mogul_(horse)
- dbr:Monterosso_(horse)
- dbr:Moon_Madness_(horse)
- dbr:Moonstone_(horse)
- dbr:Moscona_(horse)
- dbr:Moses_(horse)
- dbr:Mother_Earth_(horse)
- dbr:Motivator_(horse)
- dbr:Motrico_(horse)
- dbr:Moulton_(horse)
- dbr:Mount_Nelson_(horse)
- dbr:Mountain_Lodge_(horse)
- dbr:Mozart_(horse)
- dbr:Mujahid_(horse)
- dbr:Musa_(horse)
- dbr:Music_(horse)
- dbr:My_Dear_(British_horse)
- dbr:My_Love_(horse)
- dbr:Nadir_(horse)
- dbr:The_Merry_Monarch
- dbr:M-Lolshan
- dbr:Ma_Biche
- dbr:Mabs_Cross
- dbr:Mac's_Imp
- dbr:Mac_Diarmida
- dbr:Mehthaaf
- dbr:Meisho_Mambo
- dbr:Meisho_Samson
- dbr:Melchbourne_(horse)
- dbr:Melodist
- dbr:Melody_Belle
- dbr:Meneval
- dbr:Menow
- dbr:Merchant_Navy_(horse)
- dbr:Merry_Hampton
- dbr:Merryman_II
- dbr:Mesabi_Maiden
- dbr:Monsun
- dbr:Montaval
- dbr:Montjeu
- dbr:Moonist
- dbr:Moonlight_Cloud
- dbr:Moonshell_(horse)
- dbr:Moorestyle
- dbr:More_Joyous
- dbr:More_So
- dbr:More_of_That
- dbr:Nellie_Flag
- dbr:Teofilo_(horse)
- dbr:War_Cloud
- dbr:Windsor_Lad
- dbr:Olympic_Glory
- dbr:One_And_Only
- dbr:One_For_Arthur
- dbr:One_Hitter
- dbr:Only_For_Life
- dbr:Only_Royale
- dbr:Parish_Hall
- dbr:Park_Appeal
- dbr:Paseana
- dbr:Pass_Catcher
- dbr:Pass_the_Peace
- dbr:Pastille_(horse)
- dbr:Pastoral_Pursuits
- dbr:Pathfork
- dbr:Tonalist
- dbr:Rafalca
- dbr:Silver_Deputy
- dbr:Yankee_Affair
- dbr:Princely_Gift
- dbr:Princely_Heir
- dbr:Princess_Doreen
- dbr:Princess_Dorrie
- dbr:Princess_Pati
- dbr:Princessnesian
- dbr:Prized
- dbr:Probabeel
- dbr:Pretty_Gorgeous
- dbr:Pretty_Pollyanna
- dbr:Priam_(horse)
- dbr:Primo_Valentino
- dbr:Prince's_Polly
- dbr:Prince_Blessed
- dbr:Prince_Foote
- dbr:Prince_of_Dance
- dbr:Prohibit_(horse)
- dbr:Rumplestiltskin_(horse)
- dbr:Vagrancy_(horse)
- dbr:Barney_Roy
- dbr:Beat_Hollow
- dbr:Beau_Zam
- dbr:Bee_Bee_Bee
- dbr:Best_Mate
- dbr:Better_Talk_Now
- dbr:Black_Caviar
- dbr:Blue_Man_(horse)
- dbr:Bob_and_John
- dbr:Bobs_Worth
- dbr:Bollin_Eric
- dbr:Boston_Harbor_(horse)
- dbr:Brew_(horse)
- dbr:Deep_Impact_(horse)
- dbr:Desert_Vixen
- dbr:Alfred_Nobel_(horse)
- dbr:Algan_(horse)
- dbr:Alhaarth
- dbr:Ali-Royal
- dbr:Alizee_(horse)
- dbr:Alkaased
- dbr:All_Along
- dbr:All_Too_Hard
- dbr:Alleged_(horse)
- dbr:Allied_Powers_(horse)
- dbr:Alligator_Blood_(horse)
- dbr:Almanzor_(horse)
- dbr:Almond_Eye
- dbr:Almutawakel
- dbr:Aloma's_Ruler
- dbr:Anita_Peabody
- dbr:Answer_Lively
- dbr:Antonio_(horse)
- dbr:Any_Given_Saturday
- dbr:Anzum
- dbr:Apalachee_(horse)
- dbr:Apapane_(horse)
- dbr:Apple's_Jade
- dbr:April_Run
- dbr:April_the_Fifth
- dbr:Aqaarid
- dbr:Aqlaam
- dbr:Aquarelliste
- dbr:Araafa
- dbr:Arab_(horse)
- dbr:Arabian_Queen
- dbr:Arbar_(horse)
- dbr:Arcadian_Heights
- dbr:Arcano_(horse)
- dbr:Arch_(horse)
- dbr:Arch_Hall_(horse)
- dbr:Archduke_(horse)
- dbr:Archer_(horse)
- dbr:Arctic_Cosmos
- dbr:Arctic_Prince
- dbr:Arctique_Royale
- dbr:Ard_Patrick
- dbr:Ardan_(horse)
- dbr:Ardross_(horse)
- dbr:Argument_(horse)
- dbr:Holy_Roller_(horse)
- dbr:Home_Affairs_(horse)
- dbr:Homeboykris
- dbr:Honor_A._P.
- dbr:Honour_and_Glory
- dbr:Hurricane_Run
- dbr:Journey_(horse)
- dbr:Bertrando
- dbr:Bessarabian_(racehorse)
- dbr:Best_Pal
- dbr:Bethrah
- dbr:Better_Loosen_Up
- dbr:Better_Than_Ever
- dbr:Better_Than_Honour
- dbr:Bettina_(horse)
- dbr:Bianca_Nera
- dbr:Peppers_Pride
- dbr:Perdita_(horse)
- dbr:Reset_(horse)
- dbr:Rip_Van_Winkle_(horse)
- dbr:Riva_Ridge
- dbr:Riverqueen
- dbr:Cudgel_(horse)
- dbr:Cue_Card_(horse)
- dbr:Culpepper_(horse)
- dbr:Cum_Laude_Laurie
- dbr:Cursory_Glance
- dbr:Cut_Above
- dbr:Cwrw
- dbr:Cyborgo
- dbr:Dactylographer_(horse)
- dbr:Daedalus_(horse)
- dbr:Uncle_Mo
- dbr:Unusual_Heat_(horse)
- dbr:Val_Royal
- dbr:Victory_Tilly
- dbr:Viewed
- dbr:Vodka_(horse)
- dbr:Davona_Dale
- dbr:Dawn_Run
- dbr:De_La_Rose
- dbr:Deacon_Blues_(horse)
- dbr:Dead_Certain_(horse)
- dbr:Dearly_Precious
- dbr:Debussy_(horse)
- dbr:Decathlon_(horse)
- dbr:Deceit_(horse)
- dbr:Declan's_Moon
- dbr:Declaration_of_War_(horse)
- dbr:Dedicate_(horse)
- dbr:Dee_Majesty
- dbr:Deep_Brillante
- dbr:Definite_Article_(horse)
- dbr:Dehere
- dbr:Deirdre_(horse)
- dbr:Depth_Charge_(horse)
- dbr:Deputed_Testamony
- dbr:Deputy_Commander_(horse)
- dbr:Deputy_Glitters
- dbr:Deputy_Minister_(horse)
- dbr:Derring-Do