- Blake Raymond Anderson (* 2. Mai 1984 in Concord, Kalifornien) ist ein US-amerikanischer Komiker, Schauspieler und Drehbuchautor. (de)
- بليك أندرسون (بالإنجليزية: Blake Anderson) مواليد 2 مارس 1984 في مقاطعة ساكرامينتو، الولايات المتحدة، هو ممثل ومنتج أمريكي بدأ مسيرته الفنية عام 2006. (ar)
- Blake Raymond Anderson (born March 2, 1984) is an American actor, comedian, producer, screenwriter, and fashion designer. Beginning in 2006, Anderson helped create and join the sketch-comedy troupe Mail Order Comedy, which produced online videos and sketches, such as those involving the rap band The Wizards, along with co-members Anders Holm, Adam DeVine, and Kyle Newacheck. In 2011, Anderson, along with Holm, DeVine, and Newacheck, began starring as fictional versions of themselves in the Comedy Central comedy television series Workaholics, which Anderson co-created. Workaholics ran on the network from 2011 until 2017, airing seven seasons in total. Anderson has appeared in other film and television works, often with other members of Mail Order Comedy. In 2017, Anderson was nominated for two Behind the Voice Actors' People's Choice Voice Acting Awards for his work on Voltron: Legendary Defender, winning the nomination for Best Vocal Ensemble in a New Television Series. He was also nominated for a Young Hollywood Award in 2014. (en)
- Blake Raymond Anderson (2 marzo 1984) è un attore, autore televisivo e doppiatore statunitense. È co-autore e uno dei protagonisti della serie Workaholics. Oltre ad alcune apparizioni in Traffic Light, Entourage, Dr. House, Community, Arrested Development, Parks and Recreation e The Big Bang Theory, ha prestato la sua voce nelle serie animate Penn Zero: Eroe Part-Time, I Simpson, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Uncle Grandpa ed è il doppiatore originale di Clint nel cortometraggio L'era glaciale - La grande caccia alle uova. (it)
- Blake Raymond Anderson (* 2. Mai 1984 in Concord, Kalifornien) ist ein US-amerikanischer Komiker, Schauspieler und Drehbuchautor. (de)
- بليك أندرسون (بالإنجليزية: Blake Anderson) مواليد 2 مارس 1984 في مقاطعة ساكرامينتو، الولايات المتحدة، هو ممثل ومنتج أمريكي بدأ مسيرته الفنية عام 2006. (ar)
- Blake Raymond Anderson (2 marzo 1984) è un attore, autore televisivo e doppiatore statunitense. È co-autore e uno dei protagonisti della serie Workaholics. Oltre ad alcune apparizioni in Traffic Light, Entourage, Dr. House, Community, Arrested Development, Parks and Recreation e The Big Bang Theory, ha prestato la sua voce nelle serie animate Penn Zero: Eroe Part-Time, I Simpson, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Uncle Grandpa ed è il doppiatore originale di Clint nel cortometraggio L'era glaciale - La grande caccia alle uova. (it)
- Blake Raymond Anderson (born March 2, 1984) is an American actor, comedian, producer, screenwriter, and fashion designer. Beginning in 2006, Anderson helped create and join the sketch-comedy troupe Mail Order Comedy, which produced online videos and sketches, such as those involving the rap band The Wizards, along with co-members Anders Holm, Adam DeVine, and Kyle Newacheck. In 2011, Anderson, along with Holm, DeVine, and Newacheck, began starring as fictional versions of themselves in the Comedy Central comedy television series Workaholics, which Anderson co-created. Workaholics ran on the network from 2011 until 2017, airing seven seasons in total. Anderson has appeared in other film and television works, often with other members of Mail Order Comedy. (en)