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Blue Zoo Animation Studio is a British animation studio known for producing children's television series, commercials and, short films. Founded in 2000 by Oli Hyatt, Adam Shaw, and Tom Box from Bournemouth University, the studio has gone on to win numerous BAFTAs and in 2021 won two Daytime Emmy awards. They have also previously won the Best Places to Work in TV survey by Broadcast and Best Companies Group. Some of the more well-known children's shows the studio has produced are Alphablocks, Numberblocks, Digby Dragon, Miffy's Adventures Big and Small, The Adventures of Paddington, and It's Pony. The company operates from a studio in Fitzrovia, London, where they have a team of over 200 artists. It later expanded to a second studio, adjacent to its main studio, thats 'dedicated to episodic 2D animation.' In August 2021, it was announced that they would be opening a new hub in Brighton, initially partnering with Plug-In Media on a new 2D pre-school action comedy series. In 2021, the company became the first major animation studio in the world to achieve B Corp certification. (en) |
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Blue Zoo Animation Studio is a British animation studio known for producing children's television series, commercials and, short films. Founded in 2000 by Oli Hyatt, Adam Shaw, and Tom Box from Bournemouth University, the studio has gone on to win numerous BAFTAs and in 2021 won two Daytime Emmy awards. They have also previously won the Best Places to Work in TV survey by Broadcast and Best Companies Group. In 2021, the company became the first major animation studio in the world to achieve B Corp certification. (en) |