Brown-headed nuthatch (original) (raw)

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El pica-soques capbrú (Sitta pusilla) és un ocell de la família dels sítids (Sittidae).


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dbo:abstract El pica-soques capbrú (Sitta pusilla) és un ocell de la família dels sítids (Sittidae). (ca) Der Braunkopfkleiber (Sitta pusilla) ist eine amerikanische Singvogelart. Er kommt in Kiefernwäldern im Südosten der USA vor. (de) La brunkapa sito estas eta paseroforma birdo, kantbirdo, kiu apartenas al familio Sitedoj kaj loĝas en Norda Ameriko kaj malkreskanta populacio loĝas sur Bahamoj. Simile kiel aliaj membroj de sitedoj (krom roka sito kaj perzia sito) ĝi loĝas en arbaraj aŭ arbar-similaj teritorioj. (eo) The brown-headed nuthatch (Sitta pusilla) is a small songbird endemic to pine forests throughout the Southeastern United States. Genetic analyses indicated low differentiation between northern and southern populations in Florida, but the study also found lower genetic diversity among south Florida populations that may be a result of the increased habitat fragmentation that was documented. The Bahama nuthatch was formerly considered a subspecies (S. p. insularis), has since been reclassified as its own separate species. Two recent studies assessing vocalizations in Bahama and continental nuthatch populations found important differences. One of the studies also demonstrated that continental and Bahama populations did not respond aggressively to calls of the other population. This type of call-response study is often used to help define cryptic species. The bird, like other nuthatches, possesses a sharp black nail-like beak, which it uses to pound open seeds. It is a frequent visitor to feeding stations and is highly fond of sunflower seeds and suet cakes. Bold and inquisitive, this bird is readily approachable by humans. The bird is regularly observed using a small chips of bark, small twigs, and pine needles held in its beak as tools to dig for insects. The nuthatch exhibits other curious behaviors such as cooperative groups where groups of 3-5 adults provide care at a single nest. Recent genetic assessments suggest some of the putatively non-breeding adults associated with these groups may actually breed with individuals in neighboring territories. This nuthatch also exhibits a wide range of other social behaviors that include social grooming and male-female duets similar to those observed for the Pygmy Nuthatch. The brown-headed nuthatch has been found to prefer making their nests at the top of short snags. Despite the other species' common name, the brown-headed nuthatch is about the same size as the pygmy nuthatch and the two species are the world's smallest nuthatches. In the brown-headed nuthatch, the total length is 9–11 cm (3.5–4.3 in), wingspan is 16–18 cm (6.3–7.1 in) and body mass is 10–12 g (0.35–0.42 oz). This species sports a brown cap with narrow black eyeline and buff white cheeks, chin, and belly. Its wings are bluish-gray in color. A small white spot is found at the nape of the neck. The bird's call is a sharp whee-hyah sounding very similar to a "rubber duck" toy and particularly is loud for a bird its size. They also make softer "pit pit pit" calls while in flight as well as other squeaking noises. If heard or seen well, this species is virtually unmistakable in the wild, since it overlaps only with the very differently marked and larger red-breasted and white-breasted nuthatches. (en) Sitta pusilla Sitta generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Sittidae familian sailkatua dago. (eu) El trepador cabecipardo o sita de cabeza castaña (Sitta pusilla)​​ es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Sittidae nativa de Estados Unidos. (es) Sitta pusilla Sitta pusilla Sittelle à tête brune Espèce Sitta pusillaLatham, 1790 Répartition géographique Sud-est des États-Unis Statut de conservation UICN LC : Préoccupation mineure La Sittelle à tête brune (Sitta pusilla) a la calotte brun terne, bordée par une étroite ligne foncée. Une tache claire sur la nuque contraste avec le brun de la tête et le gris-bleu du dos. Elle a les joues, le menton et la gorge blancs. Les parties inférieures sont blanchâtres. Les rémiges sont foncées. La queue est foncée avec des taches blanches sur les plumes extérieures.Le bec, les yeux, les pattes et les doigts sont noirs.Les deux sexes ont tous deux les mêmes caractéristiques. Le juvénile ressemble à l'adulte, mais en plus terne, avec plus de gris et moins de brun, et il lui manque souvent la tache blanche sur la nuque. En 2016, il est proposé de considérer la sous-espèce insularis, endémique de Grand Bahama et en danger d'extinction, comme espèce à part entière, la Sittelle des Bahamas (S. insularis). (fr) De bruinkopboomklever (Sitta pusilla) is een zangvogel uit het geslacht Sitta. (nl) Kowalik malutki (Sitta pusilla) – gatunek małego ptaka z rodziny kowalików (Sittidae). Występuje w południowo-wschodnich Stanach Zjednoczonych i na Bahamach. Wyróżnia się dwa podgatunki, klasyfikowane przez IUCN oddzielnie: kowalik malutki ma status gatunku najmniejszej troski, kowalik bahamski natomiast jest krytycznie zagrożony wyginięciem. (pl) Повзик малий (Sitta pusilla) — вид горобцеподібних птахів родини повзикових (Sittidae). (uk) Brunhuvad nötväcka (Sitta pusilla) är en amerikansk fågel i familjen nötväckor. (sv)
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbc:Native_birds_of_the_Southeastern_United_States dbc:Tool-using_animals dbc:Nuthatches dbr:Pygmy_nuthatch dbr:Endemic dbr:Sunflower_seed dbr:White-breasted_nuthatch dbr:Habitat_fragmentation dbr:Bahama_nuthatch dbc:Endemic_birds_of_the_Eastern_United_States dbc:Birds_described_in_1790 dbc:Taxa_named_by_John_Latham_(ornithologist) dbr:John_Latham_(ornithologist) dbr:Pine dbr:Songbird dbr:Southeastern_United_States dbr:Nuthatch dbr:Red-breasted_nuthatch dbr:Rubber_duck dbr:Tool_use_by_animals dbr:Suet dbr:Temperate_coniferous_forest dbr:Nail_(engineering) dbr:File:Brown-headed_Nuthatch_RWD13b.jpg
dbp:authority Latham, 1790 (en)
dbp:name Brown-headed nuthatch (en)
dbp:rangeMap Brown-headed Nuthatch-rangemap.png (en)
dbp:rangeMapCaption Range of S. pusilla (en)
dbp:status LC (en)
dbp:statusSystem IUCN3.1 (en)
dbp:subdivision ''S. p. insularis (en) S. p. caniceps (en) S. p. pusilla (en)
dbp:subdivisionRanks Subspecies (en)
dbp:taxon Sitta pusilla (en)
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dcterms:subject dbc:Native_birds_of_the_Southeastern_United_States dbc:Tool-using_animals dbc:Nuthatches dbc:Endemic_birds_of_the_Eastern_United_States dbc:Birds_described_in_1790 dbc:Taxa_named_by_John_Latham_(ornithologist)
gold:hypernym dbr:Songbird
rdf:type yago:WikicatBirdsOfTheBahamas yago:WikicatBirdsOfTheUnitedStates yago:WikicatNativeBirdsOfTheEasternUnitedStates yago:WikicatNativeBirdsOfTheSoutheasternUnitedStates yago:WikicatNuthatches yago:Animal100015388 yago:Bird101503061 yago:Chordate101466257 yago:LivingThing100004258 yago:Nuthatch101590583 yago:Object100002684 yago:Organism100004475 yago:Oscine101525720 yago:Passerine101524359 yago:PhysicalEntity100001930 dbo:Bird yago:Vertebrate101471682 yago:Whole100003553 umbel-rc:Animal umbel-rc:BiologicalLivingObject umbel-rc:Bird umbel-rc:EukaryoticCell
rdfs:comment El pica-soques capbrú (Sitta pusilla) és un ocell de la família dels sítids (Sittidae). (ca) Der Braunkopfkleiber (Sitta pusilla) ist eine amerikanische Singvogelart. Er kommt in Kiefernwäldern im Südosten der USA vor. (de) La brunkapa sito estas eta paseroforma birdo, kantbirdo, kiu apartenas al familio Sitedoj kaj loĝas en Norda Ameriko kaj malkreskanta populacio loĝas sur Bahamoj. Simile kiel aliaj membroj de sitedoj (krom roka sito kaj perzia sito) ĝi loĝas en arbaraj aŭ arbar-similaj teritorioj. (eo) Sitta pusilla Sitta generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Sittidae familian sailkatua dago. (eu) El trepador cabecipardo o sita de cabeza castaña (Sitta pusilla)​​ es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Sittidae nativa de Estados Unidos. (es) De bruinkopboomklever (Sitta pusilla) is een zangvogel uit het geslacht Sitta. (nl) Kowalik malutki (Sitta pusilla) – gatunek małego ptaka z rodziny kowalików (Sittidae). Występuje w południowo-wschodnich Stanach Zjednoczonych i na Bahamach. Wyróżnia się dwa podgatunki, klasyfikowane przez IUCN oddzielnie: kowalik malutki ma status gatunku najmniejszej troski, kowalik bahamski natomiast jest krytycznie zagrożony wyginięciem. (pl) Повзик малий (Sitta pusilla) — вид горобцеподібних птахів родини повзикових (Sittidae). (uk) Brunhuvad nötväcka (Sitta pusilla) är en amerikansk fågel i familjen nötväckor. (sv) The brown-headed nuthatch (Sitta pusilla) is a small songbird endemic to pine forests throughout the Southeastern United States. Genetic analyses indicated low differentiation between northern and southern populations in Florida, but the study also found lower genetic diversity among south Florida populations that may be a result of the increased habitat fragmentation that was documented. The Bahama nuthatch was formerly considered a subspecies (S. p. insularis), has since been reclassified as its own separate species. Two recent studies assessing vocalizations in Bahama and continental nuthatch populations found important differences. One of the studies also demonstrated that continental and Bahama populations did not respond aggressively to calls of the other population. This type of cal (en) Sitta pusilla Sitta pusilla Sittelle à tête brune Espèce Sitta pusillaLatham, 1790 Répartition géographique Sud-est des États-Unis Statut de conservation UICN LC : Préoccupation mineure La Sittelle à tête brune (Sitta pusilla) a la calotte brun terne, bordée par une étroite ligne foncée. Une tache claire sur la nuque contraste avec le brun de la tête et le gris-bleu du dos. Elle a les joues, le menton et la gorge blancs. Les parties inférieures sont blanchâtres. Les rémiges sont foncées. La queue est foncée avec des taches blanches sur les plumes extérieures.Le bec, les yeux, les pattes et les doigts sont noirs.Les deux sexes ont tous deux les mêmes caractéristiques. (fr)
rdfs:label Brown-headed nuthatch (en) Pica-soques capbrú (ca) Braunkopfkleiber (de) Brunkapa sito (eo) Sitta pusilla (es) Sitta pusilla (eu) Sittelle à tête brune (fr) Bruinkopboomklever (nl) Kowalik malutki (pl) Brunhuvad nötväcka (sv) Повзик малий (uk)
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is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of dbr:Brown-headed_Nuthatch dbr:Sitta_pusilla
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