CBS News Sunday Morning (normally shortened to Sunday Morning on the program itself since 2009) is an American news magazine television program that has aired on CBS since January 28, 1979. Created by Robert Northshield and original host Charles Kuralt, the 90-minute program currently airs Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Eastern, and from 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Pacific. Since October 9, 2016, the show has been hosted by Jane Pauley, who also hosts news segments, after the retirement of Charles Osgood. Osgood was the host for twenty-two years (and is the program's longest-serving host), taking over from Kuralt on April 10, 1994. (en)
CBS News Sunday Morning ("Berita CBS Minggu Pagi", biasanya disederhanakan sebagai Sunday Morning di acara itu sendiri sejak 2009) adalah acara majalah berita televisi asal Amerika Serikat, yang dibuat oleh dan presenter asli . Program ini telah ditayangkan terus menerus sejak 28 Januari 1979, di CBS, dan mengudara pada hari Minggu pagi pukul 09:00-10:30 Waktu Timur. Presenter acara saat ini adalah , yang mengambil alih tugas dari Kuralt setelah pensiun pada tanggal 3 April 1994, dan sejak itu melampaui kepemilikan Kuralt sebagai presenter. (in)
CBS News Sunday Morning é um programa de televisão estadunidense produzido pela rede CBS desde 28 de janeiro de 1979. Criado por Robert Northshield e , o programa de 90 minutos vai ao ar atualmente aos domingos a partir das 9:30. (pt)
CBS News Sunday Morning (normally shortened to Sunday Morning on the program itself since 2009) is an American news magazine television program that has aired on CBS since January 28, 1979. Created by Robert Northshield and original host Charles Kuralt, the 90-minute program currently airs Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Eastern, and from 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Pacific. Since October 9, 2016, the show has been hosted by Jane Pauley, who also hosts news segments, after the retirement of Charles Osgood. Osgood was the host for twenty-two years (and is the program's longest-serving host), taking over from Kuralt on April 10, 1994. (en)
CBS News Sunday Morning ("Berita CBS Minggu Pagi", biasanya disederhanakan sebagai Sunday Morning di acara itu sendiri sejak 2009) adalah acara majalah berita televisi asal Amerika Serikat, yang dibuat oleh dan presenter asli . Program ini telah ditayangkan terus menerus sejak 28 Januari 1979, di CBS, dan mengudara pada hari Minggu pagi pukul 09:00-10:30 Waktu Timur. Presenter acara saat ini adalah , yang mengambil alih tugas dari Kuralt setelah pensiun pada tanggal 3 April 1994, dan sejak itu melampaui kepemilikan Kuralt sebagai presenter. (in)
CBS News Sunday Morning é um programa de televisão estadunidense produzido pela rede CBS desde 28 de janeiro de 1979. Criado por Robert Northshield e , o programa de 90 minutos vai ao ar atualmente aos domingos a partir das 9:30. (pt)