The CME Group Tour Championship is a women's professional golf tournament, the season-ending event of the LPGA Tour. It succeeded the LPGA Tour Championship, which was played for two seasons in 2009 and 2010. From 2011 to 2013 the tournament was called the CME Group Titleholders. The tournament has a limited field of 60 players. In 2014 the LPGA Tour introduced a season-long points race, the Race to the CME Globe, and a 1millionbonus.TheCMEGroupTourChampionshipmarkedtheendofthisseason−long"Race".Eachplayer′sseason−long"RacetotheCMEGlobe"pointswere"reset"beforethetournamentbasedontheirpositioninthepointslist."Championshippoints"werethenawardedtothetop40playersintheCMEGroupTourChampionshipwhichwereaddedtotheir"resetpoints"todeterminetheoverallwinnerofthe"RacetotheCMEGlobe".ThetitlesponsoristheCMEGroup,aglobalderivativesmarketplacebasedinChicago.LPGACommissionerMichaelWhanannouncedonMarch7,2011,thatCMEhadsignedathree−yearcontracttosponsorthetournament.CMEhadpreviousexperiencehostingpro−ameventswithLPGAplayers.ThefirsttournamentwasplayedinNovember2011atGrandCypressGolfClubinOrlando,Florida,whichhadhostedthe2010LPGATourChampionship.In2012,thetournamentmovedtotheEagleCourseoftheTwinEaglesClub,inNaples,Florida.Since2013,ithasbeenplayedinNaplesattheGoldCourseoftheTiburoˊnGolfClub.The2011winnerearned1 million bonus. The CME Group Tour Championship marked the end of this season-long "Race". Each player's season-long "Race to the CME Globe" points were "reset" before the tournament based on their position in the points list. "Championship points" were then awarded to the top 40 players in the CME Group Tour Championship which were added to their "reset points" to determine the overall winner of the "Race to the CME Globe". The title sponsor is the CME Group, a global derivatives marketplace based in Chicago. LPGA Commissioner Michael Whan announced on March 7, 2011, that CME had signed a three-year contract to sponsor the tournament. CME had previous experience hosting pro-am events with LPGA players. The first tournament was played in November 2011 at Grand Cypress Golf Club in Orlando, Florida, which had hosted the 2010 LPGA Tour Championship. In 2012, the tournament moved to the Eagle Course of the TwinEagles Club, in Naples, Florida. Since 2013, it has been played in Naples at the Gold Course of the Tiburón Golf Club. The 2011 winner earned 1millionbonus.TheCMEGroupTourChampionshipmarkedtheendofthisseason−long"Race".Eachplayer′sseason−long"RacetotheCMEGlobe"pointswere"reset"beforethetournamentbasedontheirpositioninthepointslist."Championshippoints"werethenawardedtothetop40playersintheCMEGroupTourChampionshipwhichwereaddedtotheir"resetpoints"todeterminetheoverallwinnerofthe"RacetotheCMEGlobe".ThetitlesponsoristheCMEGroup,aglobalderivativesmarketplacebasedinChicago.LPGACommissionerMichaelWhanannouncedonMarch7,2011,thatCMEhadsignedathree−yearcontracttosponsorthetournament.CMEhadpreviousexperiencehostingpro−ameventswithLPGAplayers.ThefirsttournamentwasplayedinNovember2011atGrandCypressGolfClubinOrlando,Florida,whichhadhostedthe2010LPGATourChampionship.In2012,thetournamentmovedtotheEagleCourseoftheTwinEaglesClub,inNaples,Florida.Since2013,ithasbeenplayedinNaplesattheGoldCourseoftheTiburoˊnGolfClub.The2011winnerearned500,000, a full one-third of the 1.5millionpurse.Thefirst−placemoneywasthesecondhighestinwomen′sgolf,exceededonlybytheU.S.Women′sOpen.MosteventsontheLPGATourhaveastandardschedulefordistributionofthepurse,withawinner′sshareof151.5 million purse. The first-place money was the second highest in women's golf, exceeded only by the U.S. Women's Open. Most events on the LPGA Tour have a standard schedule for distribution of the purse, with a winner's share of 15%. The 2010 LPGA Tour Championship had the same purse of 1.5millionpurse.Thefirst−placemoneywasthesecondhighestinwomen′sgolf,exceededonlybytheU.S.Women′sOpen.MosteventsontheLPGATourhaveastandardschedulefordistributionofthepurse,withawinner′sshareof151.5 million, with a winner's share of 225,000butitwasa120−playereventratherthanthelimitedfieldofthe2011event.Thepursewasraisedto225,000 but it was a 120-player event rather than the limited field of the 2011 event. The purse was raised to 225,000butitwasa120−playereventratherthanthelimitedfieldofthe2011event.Thepursewasraisedto2 million in 2013, with a 35% winner's share of 700,000,thehighestoftheyear.For2014thepursewasmaintainedat700,000, the highest of the year. For 2014 the purse was maintained at 700,000,thehighestoftheyear.For2014thepursewasmaintainedat2 million but, with the introduction of the "Race to the CME Globe", the winner's share was reduced to one-quarter at 500,000,secondonlytotheU.S.Women′sOpen.In2019,thepurseincreasedto500,000, second only to the U.S. Women's Open. In 2019, the purse increased to 500,000,secondonlytotheU.S.Women′sOpen.In2019,thepurseincreasedto5 million with 1.5milliongoingtothewinner,thelargestwinner′sshareinwomen′sgolf.TheyannouncedonNovember17,2021,thatthe2022Championshippursewillagainincrease,toarecord1.5 million going to the winner, the largest winner's share in women's golf. They announced on November 17, 2021, that the 2022 Championship purse will again increase, to a record 1.5milliongoingtothewinner,thelargestwinner′sshareinwomen′sgolf.TheyannouncedonNovember17,2021,thatthe2022Championshippursewillagainincrease,toarecord7 million, with 2milliontothewinner,thelargesteverforanLPGAtournament.Theminimumpayforanyofthe60entrantswillbe2 million to the winner, the largest ever for an LPGA tournament. The minimum pay for any of the 60 entrants will be 2milliontothewinner,thelargesteverforanLPGAtournament.Theminimumpayforanyofthe60entrantswillbe40,000. (en)
CMEグループ ツアー選手権(CME Group Tour Championship)はLPGAツアーの年間最終戦。 (ja)
Het CME Group Tour Championship is een jaarlijks golftoernooi voor vrouwen, dat deel uitmaakt van de LPGA Tour. Het toernooi werd opgericht in 2011 als de CME Group Titleholders en vindt sinds 2013 plaats op de in Naples, Florida. Het is tevens de laatste golftoernooi op de kalender van de LPGA Tour. Het toernooi wordt over vier dagen gespeeld in een strokeplay-formule en na de tweede dag wordt de cut wordt toegepast. Sinds de oprichting is de CME Group hoofdsponsor van dit toernooi. Van 2011 tot 2013 werd het toernooi georganiseerd onder de naam CME Group Titleholders. In 2014 werd de naam door de LPGA veranderd in het CME Group Tour Championship nadat de LPGA de "Race to the CME Globe" introduceerde. (nl)
CMEグループ ツアー選手権(CME Group Tour Championship)はLPGAツアーの年間最終戦。 (ja)
The CME Group Tour Championship is a women's professional golf tournament, the season-ending event of the LPGA Tour. It succeeded the LPGA Tour Championship, which was played for two seasons in 2009 and 2010. From 2011 to 2013 the tournament was called the CME Group Titleholders. The tournament has a limited field of 60 players. They announced on November 17, 2021, that the 2022 Championship purse will again increase, to a record 7million,with7 million, with 7million,with2 million to the winner, the largest ever for an LPGA tournament. The minimum pay for any of the 60 entrants will be $40,000. (en)
Het CME Group Tour Championship is een jaarlijks golftoernooi voor vrouwen, dat deel uitmaakt van de LPGA Tour. Het toernooi werd opgericht in 2011 als de CME Group Titleholders en vindt sinds 2013 plaats op de in Naples, Florida. Het is tevens de laatste golftoernooi op de kalender van de LPGA Tour. Het toernooi wordt over vier dagen gespeeld in een strokeplay-formule en na de tweede dag wordt de cut wordt toegepast. (nl)