The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA; French: Agence du revenu du Canada; ARC) is the revenue service of the Canadian federal government, and most provincial and territorial governments. The CRA collects taxes, administers tax law and policy, and delivers benefit programs and tax credits. Legislation administered by the CRA includes the Income Tax Act, parts of the Excise Tax Act, and parts of laws relating to the Canada Pension Plan, employment insurance (EI), tariffs and duties. The agency also oversees the registration of charities in Canada, and enforces much of the country's tax laws. From 1867 to 1999, tax services and programs were administered by the Department of National Revenue, otherwise known as Revenue Canada. In 1999, Revenue Canada was reorganized into the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA). In 2003, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) was created out of the CCRA, leading to customs being dropped from the agency's mandate and the agency's current name. The CRA is the largest organization in the Canadian federal public service by number of personnel, employing 43,908 people and has an operating budget of 5.1billionasofthe2018−19fiscalyear.Theagency′sheadquartersarebasedinOttawa,itselfdividedinto5programbranches,whichdirectlysupporttheCRA′scoreresponsibilities,and7corporatebranches,whichdeliverinternalserviceswithintheorganization.TheCRAalsohasoperationsthroughouttherestofCanada,including4TaxCentres(TCs),3NationalVerificationsandCollectionsCentres(NVCCs),and25TaxServicesOffices(TSOs),organizedintofourregions:Atlantic,Ontario,Quebec,andWestern.Duringthe2017taxyear,theCRAcollectedapproximately5.1 billion as of the 2018-19 fiscal year. The agency's headquarters are based in Ottawa, itself divided into 5 program branches, which directly support the CRA's core responsibilities, and 7 corporate branches, which deliver internal services within the organization. The CRA also has operations throughout the rest of Canada, including 4 Tax Centres (TCs), 3 National Verifications and Collections Centres (NVCCs), and 25 Tax Services Offices (TSOs), organized into four regions: Atlantic, Ontario, Quebec, and Western. During the 2017 tax year, the CRA collected approximately 5.1billionasofthe2018−19fiscalyear.Theagency′sheadquartersarebasedinOttawa,itselfdividedinto5programbranches,whichdirectlysupporttheCRA′scoreresponsibilities,and7corporatebranches,whichdeliverinternalserviceswithintheorganization.TheCRAalsohasoperationsthroughouttherestofCanada,including4TaxCentres(TCs),3NationalVerificationsandCollectionsCentres(NVCCs),and25TaxServicesOffices(TSOs),organizedintofourregions:Atlantic,Ontario,Quebec,andWestern.Duringthe2017taxyear,theCRAcollectedapproximately430 billion in revenue on behalf of federal and provincial governments, and administered nearly $34 billion in benefits to Canadians. The CRA is responsible to Parliament through the minister of national revenue (Diane Lebouthillier since 2015). The day-to-day operations of the agency are overseen by the commissioner of revenue (Bob Hamilton since 2016). (en)
Die Canada Revenue Agency (CRA, englisch) bzw. Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC, französisch) ist eine Bundesbehörde, welche für die Regierung Kanadas und für die meisten Provinzen und Territorien des Landes die Steuern verwaltet. Sie überwacht die Rechtsvorschriften des internationalen Handels, verschiedene soziale und wirtschaftliche Programme, die Registrierung von karitativen Einrichtungen sowie Steuergutschriftenprogramme. Ursprünglich hieß die Behörde Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA), bis die Bundesregierung im Dezember 2003 eine Reorganisation durchführte. Sie beschloss damals, die Organisation der Zolleinnahmen und die Verwaltung der Steuern in getrennten Organisationen weiterzuführen. Seither ist die Canada Border Services Agency Teil der öffentlichen Sicherheit in Kanada. Die CCRA wurde erst im November 1999 als Department of National Revenue gegründet. Sie bestand also nicht sehr lange. (de)
L'Agence du revenu du Canada ou ARC (anglais : Canada Revenue Agency ou CRA) est une agence du gouvernement fédéral chargée de mettre en œuvre le droit fiscal fédéral et de la plupart des provinces et territoires et de gérer certains programmes sociaux ou économiques appliqués par le système fiscal. L'agence portait précédemment le nom de Revenu Canada ou Agence des douanes et du revenu du Canada. Elle est sous la responsabilité de la ministre du Revenu national. (fr)
加拿大税务局(英語:Canada Revenue Agency (CRA);法語:Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC)),是加拿大管理全国大多数省、地区税收、国际贸易税收以及若干社会福利、经济刺激政策的联邦政府机构。 (zh)
L'Agence du revenu du Canada ou ARC (anglais : Canada Revenue Agency ou CRA) est une agence du gouvernement fédéral chargée de mettre en œuvre le droit fiscal fédéral et de la plupart des provinces et territoires et de gérer certains programmes sociaux ou économiques appliqués par le système fiscal. L'agence portait précédemment le nom de Revenu Canada ou Agence des douanes et du revenu du Canada. Elle est sous la responsabilité de la ministre du Revenu national. (fr)
加拿大税务局(英語:Canada Revenue Agency (CRA);法語:Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC)),是加拿大管理全国大多数省、地区税收、国际贸易税收以及若干社会福利、经济刺激政策的联邦政府机构。 (zh)
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA; French: Agence du revenu du Canada; ARC) is the revenue service of the Canadian federal government, and most provincial and territorial governments. The CRA collects taxes, administers tax law and policy, and delivers benefit programs and tax credits. Legislation administered by the CRA includes the Income Tax Act, parts of the Excise Tax Act, and parts of laws relating to the Canada Pension Plan, employment insurance (EI), tariffs and duties. The agency also oversees the registration of charities in Canada, and enforces much of the country's tax laws. (en)
Die Canada Revenue Agency (CRA, englisch) bzw. Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC, französisch) ist eine Bundesbehörde, welche für die Regierung Kanadas und für die meisten Provinzen und Territorien des Landes die Steuern verwaltet. Sie überwacht die Rechtsvorschriften des internationalen Handels, verschiedene soziale und wirtschaftliche Programme, die Registrierung von karitativen Einrichtungen sowie Steuergutschriftenprogramme. (de)