Captain Canada (character) (original) (raw)

Captain Canada is a superhero created by CJON-DT (NTV) owner Geoff Stirling, his son Scott Stirling and Filipino artist in the late 1970s. Captain Canada debuted in 1979 in the Captain Newfoundland comic strip published in the Newfoundland Herald (known then as The Sunday Herald) and later appeared in the Atlantis graphic novel, which featured covers by Boris Vallejo. Since his creation, he has become a mascot for NTV and has appeared in numerous promos for the station, the most recent being created by Vancouver based Borderless World Productions in 2010. Captain Canada has made many public appearances, including the annual Santa Claus Parade in St. John's, Newfoundland. There is a plaque in Arizona marking his first manifestation in the United States. Captain Canada also appeared in the