Carolyn Keene (original) (raw)
- ليزلي ماكفرلين (بالإنجليزية: Leslie McFarlane) (25 أكتوبر 1902، كارلتون بلاس في كندا - 6 سبتمبر 1977، ويتبي في كندا)؛ كاتب للأطفال، كاتب، كاتب سيناريو، مخرج أفلام وروائي كندي. (ar)
- Carolyn Keene ist ein Sammelpseudonym, unter dem die von verschiedenen Autoren geschriebenen US-amerikanischen Jugendbuchserien um Nancy Drew und erschienen, sowie der Nancy-Drew-Spin-off River Heights. Darunter waren , Susan Wittig Albert, Harriet Adams, , Walter Karig, und . (de)
- Carolyn Keene is the pseudonym of the authors of the Nancy Drew mystery stories and The Dana Girls mystery stories, both produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate. In addition, the Keene pen name is credited with the Nancy Drew spin-off, River Heights, and the Nancy Drew Notebooks. Edward Stratemeyer, the founder of the Syndicate, hired writers, beginning with Mildred Wirt, later Mildred Wirt Benson, to write the manuscripts for the Nancy Drew books. The writers were paid $125 for each book and were required by their contract to give up all rights to the work and to maintain confidentiality. Benson is credited as the primary writer of Nancy Drew books under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. Harriet Adams (Stratemeyer's daughter) rewrote the original books and added new titles after the withdrawal of Benson. Other ghostwriters who used this name to write Nancy Drew mysteries included Leslie McFarlane, James Duncan Lawrence, Walter Karig, Nancy Axelrad, Patricia Doll, Charles S. Strong, Alma Sasse, Wilhelmina Rankin, George Waller Jr., Margaret Fischer, and Susan Wittig Albert. Also involved in the Nancy Drew writing process were Harriet Stratemeyer Adams's daughters, who gave input on the series and sometimes helped to choose book titles; the Syndicate's secretary, Harriet Otis Smith, who invented the characters of Nancy's friends Bess and George; and the editors at Grosset & Dunlap. In 1979, the Stratemeyer Syndicate changed publishers to Simon & Schuster, a move that the former publishers, Grosset & Dunlap, went to court to prevent, claiming a breach of contract. The decision was made in favor of the Syndicate, stating that they could choose which publisher they would like to use for subsequent entries in the series. In 1985, the Syndicate was bought by publishers Simon & Schuster; the Drew books are now handled by Mega-Books, a New York book packager. (en)
- Leslie MacFarlane, né le 25 octobre 1902 à Carleton Place, Ontario, et mort le 6 septembre 1977 à Whitby, Ontario, est un scénariste et un auteur canadien de roman policier. Il est également un nègre littéraire ayant écrit sous divers noms-maison plusieurs ouvrages de littérature d’enfance et de jeunesse, dont des volumes des séries : Les Frères Hardy signée Franklin W. Dixon, Une enquête des sœurs Parker signée Caroline Quine et Dave Fearless signée Roy Rockwood. (fr)
- Caroline Quine (nom original : Carolyn Keene) est le nom de plume d'au moins une douzaine d'auteurs sous lequel sont publiées les séries policières américaines pour la jeunesse : Alice (nom original : Nancy Drew) et Une enquête des sœurs Parker (titre original : The Dana Girls). En France, ces deux séries ont paru chez Hachette dans les collections Bibliothèque verte et Idéal-Bibliothèque. Depuis 2011, la série Alice est publiée dans la Bibliothèque rose ; la série Une enquête des sœurs Parker n'est, quant à elle, plus rééditée depuis 1987. (fr)
- Franklin W. Dixon est le pseudonyme collectif (ou nom de maison : (en)) de plusieurs auteurs de la série policière pour la jeunesse Les Frères Hardy (en anglais The Hardy Boys). Ce pseudonyme a aussi été utilisé pour la série Ted Scott Flying (1927–1943). (fr)
- Carolyn Keene (10 giugno 1905 – 28 marzo 2002) è stata una scrittrice statunitense, autrice della fortunata serie di Nancy Drew, che ha venduto complessivamente più di 200 milioni di copie. In realtà, è lo pseudonimo dietro al quale si celavano diversi autori dello Stratemeyer Syndicate, gruppo di scrittori guidati da Edward Stratemayer, scrittore e imprenditore nel settore letterario, creatore della serie degli Hardy Boys. (it)
- Carolyn Keene är en pseudonym och det fiktiva författarnamnet på böckerna om Kitty Drew (orig. Nancy Drew) och Mary och Lou (orig. The Dana Girls). Bakom pseudonymen Carolyn Keene står Stratemeyersyndikatet. Böckerna skrevs närmast fabriksmässigt av en rad olika personer eller personkonstellationer som alla gick in under samma pseudonym. Över 500 olika titlar publicerades sedan 1930, Kungliga bibliotekets databas Libris registrerar över 900 utgåvor. Den författare som skrev de första tjugotalet titlarna i Kittyserien var (1905–2002). Böckerna om Kitty Drew, liksom böckerna om Mary och Lou, är ungdomsdeckare. Den första Kittyboken kom ut i USA 1930. (sv)
- Кэ́ролайн Кин (англ. Carolyn Keene) — один из коллективных псевдонимов, под которыми издаётся серия детских книг о приключениях девушки-детектива Нэнси Дрю. Этот коллектив составляли: , , , Милдред Ван Бенсон. В произведениях коллектива всегда сюжет полон неожиданных поворотов, тайны и загадки развивают пытливость ума и авантюризм и жажду приключений. (ru)
- dbr:Pseudonym
- dbc:Stratemeyer_Syndicate_pseudonyms
- dbr:Pen_name
- dbr:The_Secret_of_the_Golden_Pavilion
- dbr:The_Triple_Hoax
- dbr:The_Whispering_Statue
- dbr:The_Hidden_Staircase
- dbr:The_Witch_Tree_Symbol
- dbc:20th-century_American_novelists
- dbc:American_women_novelists
- dbr:The_Message_in_the_Hollow_Oak
- dbr:The_Moonstone_Castle_Mystery
- dbr:The_Clue_in_the_Crumbling_Wall
- dbr:The_Clue_in_the_Old_Album
- dbr:The_Secret_in_the_Old_Attic
- dbr:The_Sky_Phantom
- dbr:The_Mystery_of_the_Tolling_Bell
- dbr:Edward_Stratemeyer
- dbr:Nancy_Drew
- dbr:Leslie_McFarlane
- dbr:Simon_&_Schuster
- dbr:Franklin_W._Dixon
- dbr:Book_packager
- dbr:Stratemeyer_Syndicate
- dbr:The_Phantom_of_Pine_Hill
- dbr:Walter_Karig
- dbr:The_Haunted_Showboat
- dbr:The_Clue_in_the_Diary
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Dancing_Puppet
- dbr:Captive_Witness
- dbr:The_Flying_Saucer_Mystery
- dbr:Race_Against_Time_(Nancy_Drew)
- dbr:Grosset_&_Dunlap
- dbr:Harriet_Adams
- dbr:James_Duncan_Lawrence_(author)
- dbr:The_Clue_in_the_Jewel_Box
- dbr:The_Invisible_Intruder
- dbr:The_Mystery_of_the_99_Steps
- dbr:The_Crooked_Banister
- dbr:The_Twin_Dilemma_(novel)
- dbc:American_mystery_writers
- dbc:Women_mystery_writers
- dbr:Charles_S._Strong
- dbr:Susan_Wittig_Albert
- dbr:The_Bungalow_Mystery
- dbr:The_Swami's_Ring
- dbr:The_Hidden_Window_Mystery
- dbr:The_Ringmaster's_Secret
- dbr:Spin-off_(media)
- dbr:Mildred_Benson
- dbc:Nancy_Drew
- dbr:The_Ghost_of_Blackwood_Hall
- dbr:River_Heights_(Nancy_Drew)
- dbr:The_Clue_in_the_Crossword_Cipher
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Velvet_Mask
- dbr:The_Greek_Symbol_Mystery
- dbr:The_Mystery_at_Lilac_Inn
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Leaning_Chimney
- dbr:The_Clue_in_the_Old_Stagecoach
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Tapping_Heels
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Whistling_Bagpipes
- dbr:The_Scarlet_Slipper_Mystery
- dbr:The_Haunted_Bridge
- dbr:Mystery_of_Crocodile_Island
- dbr:Mystery_of_the_Glowing_Eye
- dbr:Nancy's_Mysterious_Letter
- dbr:Nancy_Drew_Mystery_Stories
- dbr:Nancy_Drew_Notebooks
- dbr:The_Secret_of_the_Wooden_Lady
- dbr:The_Secret_of_Red_Gate_Farm
- dbr:The_Spider_Sapphire_Mystery
- dbr:The_Strange_Message_in_the_Parchment
- dbr:The_Dana_Girls
- dbr:The_Secret_of_the_Old_Clock
- dbr:The_Kachina_Doll_Mystery
- dbr:The_Mystery_of_the_Fire_Dragon
- dbr:The_Double_Jinx_Mystery
- dbr:The_Sign_of_the_Twisted_Candles
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Broken_Locket
- dbr:The_Thirteenth_Pearl
- dbr:The_Quest_of_the_Missing_Map
- dbr:The_Mystery_at_the_Ski_Jump
- dbr:The_Mystery_at_the_Moss-Covered_Mansion
- dbr:The_Secret_of_the_Forgotten_City
- dbr:The_Secret_of_Mirror_Bay
- dbr:The_Broken_Anchor
- dbr:The_Password_to_Larkspur_Lane
- dbr:The_Mysterious_Mannequin
- dbr:The_Secret_in_the_Old_Lace
- dbr:The_Mystery_of_the_Ivory_Charm
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Black_Keys
- dbr:Mildred_Wirt_Benson
- dbr:The_Secret_of_Shadow_Ranch
- dbr:The_Mystery_of_the_Brass-Bound_Trunk
- dbr:Alma_Sasse
- dbr:George_Waller,_Jr.
- dbr:Margaret_Scherf
- dbr:Patricia_Doll
- dbr:Whilemina_Rankin
- dbc:Stratemeyer_Syndicate_pseudonyms
- dbc:20th-century_American_novelists
- dbc:American_women_novelists
- dbc:American_mystery_writers
- dbc:Women_mystery_writers
- dbc:Nancy_Drew
- owl:Thing
- foaf:Person
- dbo:Person
- dul:NaturalPerson
- wikidata:Q19088
- wikidata:Q215627
- wikidata:Q36180
- wikidata:Q5
- wikidata:Q729
- yago:WikicatAmericanChildren'sWriters
- yago:WikicatAmericanMysteryWriters
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- dbo:Eukaryote
- dbo:Species
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- yago:Communicator109610660
- yago:LivingThing100004258
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:Organism100004475
- yago:Person100007846
- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
- yago:Writer110794014
- yago:YagoLegalActor
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- dbo:Writer
- yago:Whole100003553
- yago:WikicatEnglish-languageWriters
- yago:WikicatPseudonymousWriters
- ليزلي ماكفرلين (بالإنجليزية: Leslie McFarlane) (25 أكتوبر 1902، كارلتون بلاس في كندا - 6 سبتمبر 1977، ويتبي في كندا)؛ كاتب للأطفال، كاتب، كاتب سيناريو، مخرج أفلام وروائي كندي. (ar)
- Carolyn Keene ist ein Sammelpseudonym, unter dem die von verschiedenen Autoren geschriebenen US-amerikanischen Jugendbuchserien um Nancy Drew und erschienen, sowie der Nancy-Drew-Spin-off River Heights. Darunter waren , Susan Wittig Albert, Harriet Adams, , Walter Karig, und . (de)
- Leslie MacFarlane, né le 25 octobre 1902 à Carleton Place, Ontario, et mort le 6 septembre 1977 à Whitby, Ontario, est un scénariste et un auteur canadien de roman policier. Il est également un nègre littéraire ayant écrit sous divers noms-maison plusieurs ouvrages de littérature d’enfance et de jeunesse, dont des volumes des séries : Les Frères Hardy signée Franklin W. Dixon, Une enquête des sœurs Parker signée Caroline Quine et Dave Fearless signée Roy Rockwood. (fr)
- Caroline Quine (nom original : Carolyn Keene) est le nom de plume d'au moins une douzaine d'auteurs sous lequel sont publiées les séries policières américaines pour la jeunesse : Alice (nom original : Nancy Drew) et Une enquête des sœurs Parker (titre original : The Dana Girls). En France, ces deux séries ont paru chez Hachette dans les collections Bibliothèque verte et Idéal-Bibliothèque. Depuis 2011, la série Alice est publiée dans la Bibliothèque rose ; la série Une enquête des sœurs Parker n'est, quant à elle, plus rééditée depuis 1987. (fr)
- Franklin W. Dixon est le pseudonyme collectif (ou nom de maison : (en)) de plusieurs auteurs de la série policière pour la jeunesse Les Frères Hardy (en anglais The Hardy Boys). Ce pseudonyme a aussi été utilisé pour la série Ted Scott Flying (1927–1943). (fr)
- Carolyn Keene (10 giugno 1905 – 28 marzo 2002) è stata una scrittrice statunitense, autrice della fortunata serie di Nancy Drew, che ha venduto complessivamente più di 200 milioni di copie. In realtà, è lo pseudonimo dietro al quale si celavano diversi autori dello Stratemeyer Syndicate, gruppo di scrittori guidati da Edward Stratemayer, scrittore e imprenditore nel settore letterario, creatore della serie degli Hardy Boys. (it)
- Кэ́ролайн Кин (англ. Carolyn Keene) — один из коллективных псевдонимов, под которыми издаётся серия детских книг о приключениях девушки-детектива Нэнси Дрю. Этот коллектив составляли: , , , Милдред Ван Бенсон. В произведениях коллектива всегда сюжет полон неожиданных поворотов, тайны и загадки развивают пытливость ума и авантюризм и жажду приключений. (ru)
- Carolyn Keene is the pseudonym of the authors of the Nancy Drew mystery stories and The Dana Girls mystery stories, both produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate. In addition, the Keene pen name is credited with the Nancy Drew spin-off, River Heights, and the Nancy Drew Notebooks. Edward Stratemeyer, the founder of the Syndicate, hired writers, beginning with Mildred Wirt, later Mildred Wirt Benson, to write the manuscripts for the Nancy Drew books. The writers were paid $125 for each book and were required by their contract to give up all rights to the work and to maintain confidentiality. (en)
- Carolyn Keene är en pseudonym och det fiktiva författarnamnet på böckerna om Kitty Drew (orig. Nancy Drew) och Mary och Lou (orig. The Dana Girls). Bakom pseudonymen Carolyn Keene står Stratemeyersyndikatet. Böckerna skrevs närmast fabriksmässigt av en rad olika personer eller personkonstellationer som alla gick in under samma pseudonym. Över 500 olika titlar publicerades sedan 1930, Kungliga bibliotekets databas Libris registrerar över 900 utgåvor. Den författare som skrev de första tjugotalet titlarna i Kittyserien var (1905–2002). (sv)
- Carolyn Keene (en)
- ليزلي ماكفرلين (ar)
- Carolyn Keene (de)
- Franklin W. Dixon (de)
- Caroline Quine (fr)
- Franklin W. Dixon (fr)
- Leslie McFarlane (fr)
- Carolyn Keene (it)
- Кэролайн Кин (ru)
- Carolyn Keene (sv)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Pseudonym
- dbr:En_Garde_(novel)
- dbr:List_of_Wellesley_College_people
- dbr:List_of_authors_by_name:_K
- dbr:List_of_best-selling_books
- dbr:List_of_children's_book_series
- dbr:List_of_children's_books_made_into_feature_films
- dbr:List_of_children's_literature_writers
- dbr:List_of_crime_writers
- dbr:List_of_female_action_heroes_and_villains
- dbr:List_of_female_detective/mystery_writers
- dbr:List_of_fiction_set_in_Chicago
- dbr:List_of_fictional_detectives_for_younger_readers
- dbr:List_of_fictional_private_investigators
- dbr:List_of_fictional_secret_agents
- dbr:List_of_fictional_towns_in_literature
- dbr:Mystery_fiction
- dbr:Process_of_Elimination
- dbr:The_Riding_Club_Crime
- dbr:1930_in_literature
- dbr:1931_in_literature
- dbr:Detective_fiction
- dbr:Josh_Schwartz
- dbr:Best_of_Enemies_(novel)
- dbr:Bibliography_of_Halloween
- dbr:List_of_Nancy_Drew_(2019_TV_series)_episodes
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Iowa_alumni
- dbr:Pen_name
- dbr:Double_Crossing
- dbr:List_of_mystery_writers
- dbr:The_Secret_of_the_Golden_Pavilion
- dbr:The_Triple_Hoax
- dbr:The_Whispering_Statue
- dbr:The_Hidden_Staircase
- dbr:Ned_Nickerson
- dbr:The_Message_in_the_Hollow_Oak
- dbr:The_Moonstone_Castle_Mystery
- dbr:Old_Orchard_(Toledo,_Ohio)
- dbr:The_Clue_in_the_Crumbling_Wall
- dbr:The_Clue_in_the_Old_Album
- dbr:The_Secret_in_the_Old_Attic
- dbr:The_Sky_Phantom
- dbr:The_Wedding_Day_Mystery
- dbr:The_Mystery_of_the_Tolling_Bell
- dbr:Edward_Stratemeyer
- dbr:Nancy_Drew
- dbr:Nancy_Drew..._Detective
- dbr:Nancy_Drew_(2002_film)
- dbr:Nancy_Drew_and_the_Hidden_Staircase_(2019_film)
- dbr:Confessions_of_a_Teen_Sleuth
- dbr:The_Mardi_Gras_Mystery
- dbr:Danger_on_the_Great_Lakes
- dbr:The_Mystery_of_the_Brass_Bound_Trunk
- dbr:Leslie_McFarlane
- dbr:Franklin_W._Dixon
- dbr:Fridtjof_Knutsen
- dbr:Lesley_Kagen
- dbr:The_Phantom_of_Pine_Hill
- dbr:Tim_Considine
- dbr:Walter_Karig
- dbr:Girl_detective_(genre)
- dbr:Hector_Garrido
- dbr:List_of_Bryn_Mawr_College_people
- dbr:Spies_and_Lies
- dbr:The_Treasure_in_the_Royal_Tower_(novel)
- dbr:The_Haunted_Showboat
- dbr:The_Clue_in_the_Diary
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Dancing_Puppet
- dbr:Aladdin_Paperbacks
- dbr:Captive_Witness
- dbr:List_of_Nancy_Drew_books
- dbr:List_of_Stratemeyer_Syndicate_series
- dbr:The_Flying_Saucer_Mystery
- dbr:Race_Against_Time_(Nancy_Drew)
- dbr:Harriet_Adams
- dbr:James_Duncan_Lawrence_(author)
- dbr:Tewksbury_Township,_New_Jersey
- dbr:The_Hardy_Boys/Nancy_Drew_Mysteries
- dbr:The_Invisible_Intruder
- dbr:The_Mystery_of_the_99_Steps
- dbr:The_Crooked_Banister
- dbr:The_Twin_Dilemma_(novel)
- dbr:A_Question_of_Guilt
- dbr:Charles_S._Strong
- dbr:Bicycle_touring
- dbr:Susan_Wittig_Albert
- dbr:Jaana_Kapari-Jatta
- dbr:The_Bungalow_Mystery
- dbr:The_Swami's_Ring
- dbr:The_Hidden_Window_Mystery
- dbr:The_Ringmaster's_Secret
- dbr:Book_series
- dbr:By_the_Light_of_the_Study_Lamp
- dbr:Mildred_Benson
- dbr:Camp_Fire_(organization)
- dbr:Carolyn
- dbr:The_Ghost_of_Blackwood_Hall
- dbr:River_Heights_(Nancy_Drew)
- dbr:The_Runaway_Bride_(novel)
- dbr:The_Clue_in_the_Crossword_Cipher
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Velvet_Mask
- dbr:The_Greek_Symbol_Mystery
- dbr:The_Mystery_at_Lilac_Inn
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Leaning_Chimney
- dbr:List_of_works_published_under_a_pseudonym
- dbr:Keene_(surname)
- dbr:Lynette_Eason
- dbr:The_Clue_in_the_Old_Stagecoach
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Tapping_Heels
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Whistling_Bagpipes
- dbr:The_Scarlet_Slipper_Mystery
- dbr:Tropic_of_Fear
- dbr:The_Haunted_Bridge
- dbr:Ghostwriter
- dbr:Mystery_of_Crocodile_Island
- dbr:Mystery_of_the_Glowing_Eye
- dbr:Nancy's_Mysterious_Letter
- dbr:Nancy_Drew:_Secrets_Can_Kill
- dbr:Nancy_Drew_Mystery_Stories
- dbr:Nancy_Drew_on_Campus
- dbr:The_Secret_of_the_Wooden_Lady
- dbr:The_Case_of_the_Rising_Stars
- dbr:Multiple-use_name
- dbr:The_Secret_of_Red_Gate_Farm
- dbr:The_Spider_Sapphire_Mystery
- dbr:The_Strange_Message_in_the_Parchment
- dbr:The_Dana_Girls
- dbr:The_Secret_of_the_Old_Clock
- dbr:The_Kachina_Doll_Mystery
- dbr:The_Legend_of_the_Emerald_Lady
- dbr:The_Mystery_of_the_Fire_Dragon
- dbr:The_Double_Jinx_Mystery
- dbr:The_Sign_of_the_Twisted_Candles
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Broken_Locket
- dbr:The_Thirteenth_Pearl
- dbr:The_Quest_of_the_Missing_Map
- dbr:The_Mystery_at_the_Ski_Jump
- dbr:The_Mystery_at_the_Moss-Covered_Mansion
- dbr:The_Secret_of_the_Forgotten_City
- dbr:The_Secret_of_Mirror_Bay
- dbr:The_Bike_Tour_Mystery
- dbr:The_Broken_Anchor
- dbr:The_Password_to_Larkspur_Lane
- dbr:The_Mysterious_Mannequin
- dbr:The_Secret_in_the_Old_Lace
- dbr:The_Mystery_of_the_Ivory_Charm
- dbr:The_Clue_of_the_Black_Keys
- dbr:The_E-mail_Mystery
- dbr:The_Secret_at_Shadow_Ranch
- dbr:The_Mystery_of_the_Masked_Rider
- dbr:Super_Mystery
- dbr:Caroline_Quine