Ackley Bridge is a British television drama series that follows the lives of the staff and pupils at the fictional multi-cultural academy school Ackley Bridge College. Series one features the debuts of friends Missy Booth (Poppy Lee Friar) and Nasreen Paracha (Amy-Leigh Hickman), headteacher Mandy Carter (Jo Joyner) and her husband (Paul Nicholls), school cook Kaneez Paracha (Sunetra Sarker), English teacher Emma Keane (Liz White) and her daughter (Fern Deacon), school sponsor Sadiq Nawaz (Adil Ray) and his children (Maariah Hussain) and (Nohail Mohammed), brothers (Samuel Bottomley) and (Sam Retford), school receptionist (Lorraine Cheshire), science teacher (Anneika Rose), head of pastoral care (Arsher Ali), PE teacher (Tom Varey), Missy's mother (Samantha Power) and grandmother (Rita May) and students (Cody Ryan), (Nazmeen Kauser) and (Esa Ashraf), (Emily Pyzer) and (Gurjeet Singh). Series two sees the introduction of science teacher (Tony Jayawardena), Nasreen's half-brother (Adam Fielding), deputy headteacher (Jay Saighal) and student (Megan Parkinson). Series three features the arrivals of Valley Trust transfer teachers (Rob James-Collier) and (Charlie Hardwick), temporary headteacher (Ty Glaser), PE teacher (Hareet Deol) and students (Szymon Kantor), (Phoebe Tuffs-Berry), (Abdul Ahadbutt) and (Zara Salim). The fourth series saw a cast overhaul, with the arrivals of (Robyn Cara) and her half-sister (Carla Woodcock), Kayla's best friend (Yasmin Al-Khudhairi), travellers (Ryan Dean) and (Jasmine Payne) and (Olivia Marie Fearn), Kaneez's nephew (Shobit Piasa) and Rashid's mother (Leena Dhingra). Series five saw the introduction of Marina's younger brother (Adam Little), as well as teacher (Laila Zaidi). (en)
Ackley Bridge is a British television drama series that follows the lives of the staff and pupils at the fictional multi-cultural academy school Ackley Bridge College. Series one features the debuts of friends Missy Booth (Poppy Lee Friar) and Nasreen Paracha (Amy-Leigh Hickman), headteacher Mandy Carter (Jo Joyner) and her husband (Paul Nicholls), school cook Kaneez Paracha (Sunetra Sarker), English teacher Emma Keane (Liz White) and her daughter (Fern Deacon), school sponsor Sadiq Nawaz (Adil Ray) and his children (Maariah Hussain) and (Nohail Mohammed), brothers (Samuel Bottomley) and (Sam Retford), school receptionist (Lorraine Cheshire), science teacher (Anneika Rose), head of pastoral care (Arsher Ali), PE teacher (Tom Varey), Missy's mother (Samantha Power) and grandmothe (en)