Final Fantasy IV, a role-playing video game released by Square in 1991, revolves around , a knight of Baron who embarks on a quest to defeat , a man that is controlling the king of Baron. During Cecil's quest, he is joined by his childhood friends and , as well as other warriors from around the world who also seek to stop Golbez. The visuals of the characters were designed by Yoshitaka Amano. After its initial release, Final Fantasy IV was later ported to multiple consoles. In 2007, Square Enix released an enhanced remake for the Nintendo DS that added voice acting to both the Japanese and English versions. The game's 2008 sequel, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years is set seventeen years after Final Fantasy IV and includes most of the characters from the original game as well as introducing several new characters. The story of The After Years primarily revolves around , the son of Cecil and Rosa. In 2011, a third game in the series was released. Set one year after Final Fantasy IV and sixteen years prior to The After Years, Final Fantasy IV Interlude, was released for the PlayStation Portable, and featured several of the original Final Fantasy IV protagonists. As Final Fantasy IV was the first game in the series on the Super Famicom, character designer Yoshitaka Amano took advantage of the console's graphical capabilities, designing much more elaborate characters than prior entries. Lead designer Takashi Tokita noted how he and the staff worked in making all of the game's cast fit into the story. The characters were well received by video game publications with several of them finding the cast innovative thanks to their characterization. (en)
最終幻想IV系列角色列表列出了電子遊戲《最終幻想IV》中的登場角色。由史克威爾(現史克威爾艾尼克斯)發行的角色扮演遊戲《最終幻想IV》大量的人物設計為天野喜孝負責。《最終幻想IV》發布於1991年,後來被移植到多個平台。在2007年,Square Enix公司發布了添加日語和英語配音版本的《最終幻想IV 3D重製版》。 本作還在2008年推出了續作《最終幻想IV The After -月之歸還-》,為本傳故事的17年後,包括原來的人物還增加了一些新角色。 (zh)
最終幻想IV系列角色列表列出了電子遊戲《最終幻想IV》中的登場角色。由史克威爾(現史克威爾艾尼克斯)發行的角色扮演遊戲《最終幻想IV》大量的人物設計為天野喜孝負責。《最終幻想IV》發布於1991年,後來被移植到多個平台。在2007年,Square Enix公司發布了添加日語和英語配音版本的《最終幻想IV 3D重製版》。 本作還在2008年推出了續作《最終幻想IV The After -月之歸還-》,為本傳故事的17年後,包括原來的人物還增加了一些新角色。 (zh)
Final Fantasy IV, a role-playing video game released by Square in 1991, revolves around , a knight of Baron who embarks on a quest to defeat , a man that is controlling the king of Baron. During Cecil's quest, he is joined by his childhood friends and , as well as other warriors from around the world who also seek to stop Golbez. The visuals of the characters were designed by Yoshitaka Amano. After its initial release, Final Fantasy IV was later ported to multiple consoles. In 2007, Square Enix released an enhanced remake for the Nintendo DS that added voice acting to both the Japanese and English versions. (en)