Charlie's Angels is an American media franchise created by Ivan Goff and Ben Roberts and owned by Sony Pictures Entertainment, which began with the original television series of the same name. The franchise follow the adventures of the Angels, a team of women working for the Townsend Agency, a private secret agent agency, under the leadership of Charlie Townsend, their unseen boss. The original television series enjoyed huge popularity with audiences and was a top ten hit in the Nielsen ratings for its first two seasons. Following its cancellation in 1981, the series continues to have a 1970s American cult and pop culture following through syndication and DVD releases. A numerous variety of merchandise were produced, including dolls, a toy line, board games, beauty products, several sets of trading cards and a comic book series by Dynamite Entertainment. A film series was launched in 2000. Taking place after the events of the original series, the films are a continuation of the story with later generations of Angels. The films receive mixed reviews from critics and have grossed a total of 596million,againstacombinedbudgetof596 million, against a combined budget of 596million,againstacombinedbudgetof261 million. The franchise was rebooted in 2011 with a television series of the same name, which was canceled after seven episodes. Following the cancellation, a third film was produced which restored the original timeline of the franchise. (en)
«Янголи Чарлі» (англ. Charlie's Angels) — назва кількох кіно- та телефільмів і серіалів про спеціальний таємний жіночий підрозділ для боротьби з небезпечними міжнародними злочинцями та шпигунами. Автори медіафраншизи — сценаристи Іван Гофф (1910—1999) і Бен Робертс (1916—1984), власник — Sony Pictures Entertainment. Франшиза «Янголи Чарлі» включає в себе: (uk)
«Янголи Чарлі» (англ. Charlie's Angels) — назва кількох кіно- та телефільмів і серіалів про спеціальний таємний жіночий підрозділ для боротьби з небезпечними міжнародними злочинцями та шпигунами. Автори медіафраншизи — сценаристи Іван Гофф (1910—1999) і Бен Робертс (1916—1984), власник — Sony Pictures Entertainment. Франшиза «Янголи Чарлі» включає в себе: (uk)
Charlie's Angels is an American media franchise created by Ivan Goff and Ben Roberts and owned by Sony Pictures Entertainment, which began with the original television series of the same name. The franchise follow the adventures of the Angels, a team of women working for the Townsend Agency, a private secret agent agency, under the leadership of Charlie Townsend, their unseen boss. (en)