"Contorno" is the fifth episode of the third season of the psychological thriller–horror series Hannibal. It is the 31st overall episode of the series and was written by Tom de Ville, series creator Bryan Fuller, and executive producer Steve Lightfoot and directed by Guillermo Navarro. It was first broadcast on July 2, 2015, on NBC. The series is based on characters and elements appearing in Thomas Harris' novels Red Dragon and Hannibal, with focus on the relationship between FBI special investigator Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) and Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen), a forensic psychiatrist destined to become Graham's most cunning enemy. The episode revolves around Hannibal Lecter's pursuit, with Inspector Rinaldo Pazzi closing in on him, seeking to get a $3 million bounty from Mason Verger. According to Nielsen Media Research, the episode was seen by an estimated 1.23 million household viewers and gained a 0.4/1 ratings share among adults aged 18–49. The episode received critical acclaim, with critics praising the episode's pace compared to the previous episodes, performances and the climactic fight between Jack Crawford and Hannibal Lecter. (en)
"Contorno" is the fifth episode of the third season of the psychological thriller–horror series Hannibal. It is the 31st overall episode of the series and was written by Tom de Ville, series creator Bryan Fuller, and executive producer Steve Lightfoot and directed by Guillermo Navarro. It was first broadcast on July 2, 2015, on NBC. (en)