Die Royal Military Police (RMP) ist die Militärpolizei des britischen Heeres, der British Army. Umgangssprachlich werden die Mitglieder der RMP auch RedCaps genannt, was auf ihre roten Schirmmützen beziehungsweise Barette zurückzuführen ist. Die RMP wurde in zahlreichen Konflikten im 20. Jahrhundert eingesetzt und war auch in Afghanistan im Einsatz. Andere britische Teilstreitkräfte haben eigene Militärpolizeieinheiten. (de)
The Royal Military Police (RMP) is the corps of the British Army responsible for the policing of army service personnel, and for providing a military police presence both in the UK and while service personnel are deployed overseas on operations and exercises. Members of the RMP are often known as 'Redcaps' because of the scarlet covers on their peaked caps and scarlet coloured berets. The RMP's origins can be traced back to the 13th century but it was not until 1877 that a regular corps of military police was formed with the creation of the Military Mounted Police, which was followed by the Military Foot Police in 1885. Although technically two independent corps, they effectively functioned as a single organisation. In 1926, they were fully amalgamated to form the Corps of Military Police (CMP). In recognition of their service in the Second World War, they became the Corps of Royal Military Police on 28 November 1946. In 1992, the RMP amalgamated into the Adjutant General's Corps (AGC), where they form part of the AGC's Provost Branch. Non-commissioned members of the RMP receive their basic training as soldiers at the Army Training Centre in Pirbright. They then receive further training at the Defence School of Policing and Guarding (DSPG), previously known as the Defence College of Policing and Guarding (DCPG). The regimental march of the RMP is "The Watchtower" or "Hoch Heidecksburg", originally a German Army marching tune from 1912 by Rudolf Herzer. The RMP motto is Exemplo ducemus, Latin for "By example shall we lead". (en)
La Royal Military Police, abrégé RMP, est la police militaire de la British Army. Ses membres sont souvent surnommés Redcaps en raison de la couleur rouge écarlate de leur couvre-chef. (fr)
La Royal Military Police (RMP) è la polizia militare dell'esercito britannico, il British Army. Colloquialmente, i membri dell'RMP sono anche chiamati RedCaps, a causa dei loro berretti rossi. L'RMP è stata utilizzata in numerosi conflitti nel XX secolo ed è attualmente in uso anche in Afghanistan. Altre forze armate britanniche hanno le proprie unità di polizia militare. (it)
Die Royal Military Police (RMP) ist die Militärpolizei des britischen Heeres, der British Army. Umgangssprachlich werden die Mitglieder der RMP auch RedCaps genannt, was auf ihre roten Schirmmützen beziehungsweise Barette zurückzuführen ist. Die RMP wurde in zahlreichen Konflikten im 20. Jahrhundert eingesetzt und war auch in Afghanistan im Einsatz. Andere britische Teilstreitkräfte haben eigene Militärpolizeieinheiten. (de)
La Royal Military Police, abrégé RMP, est la police militaire de la British Army. Ses membres sont souvent surnommés Redcaps en raison de la couleur rouge écarlate de leur couvre-chef. (fr)
La Royal Military Police (RMP) è la polizia militare dell'esercito britannico, il British Army. Colloquialmente, i membri dell'RMP sono anche chiamati RedCaps, a causa dei loro berretti rossi. L'RMP è stata utilizzata in numerosi conflitti nel XX secolo ed è attualmente in uso anche in Afghanistan. Altre forze armate britanniche hanno le proprie unità di polizia militare. (it)
The Royal Military Police (RMP) is the corps of the British Army responsible for the policing of army service personnel, and for providing a military police presence both in the UK and while service personnel are deployed overseas on operations and exercises. Members of the RMP are often known as 'Redcaps' because of the scarlet covers on their peaked caps and scarlet coloured berets. (en)