"Decoy" is the eleventh episode of the fourth season of the American Western crime drama television series Justified. It is the 50th overall episode of the series and was written by series developer Graham Yost and producer Chris Provenzano and directed by Michael W. Watkins. It originally aired on FX on March 19, 2013. The series is based on Elmore Leonard's stories about the character Raylan Givens, particularly "Fire in the Hole", which serves as the basis for the episode. The series follows Raylan Givens, a tough deputy U.S. Marshal enforcing his own brand of justice. The series revolves around the inhabitants and culture in the Appalachian Mountains area of eastern Kentucky, specifically Harlan County where many of the main characters grew up. In the episode, the Marshals work to take Drew Thompson out of Harlan while Boyd works with Theo Tonin's crew to get Drew back. According to Nielsen Media Research, the episode was seen by an estimated 2.45 million household viewers and gained a 0.9 ratings share among adults aged 18–49. The episode received universal acclaim from critics, who praised the writing, action scenes, tension, character development, pace and acting (particularly Patton Oswalt and Mike O'Malley), with many deeming it one of the series' best episodes. The episode was named by IndieWire, Time, Vulture and TV Guide as one of the best episodes of 2013. (en)