- Dirty War is a single British television drama film, co-written by Lizzie Mickery and Daniel Percival and directed by Percival, that first broadcast on BBC One on 26 September 2004. The film, produced in association with HBO Films, follows a terrorist attack on Central London where a "dirty bomb" is deployed. Principal cast members for the film include Louise Delamere, Alastair Galbraith, , Martin Savage, Koel Purie, Helen Schlesinger, Ewan Stewart and Paul Antony-Barber. Following its broadcast in the UK, a live questions & answers session with the writers of the programme broadcast on BBC One at 22:50 GMT. In the United States, the film was made available on HBO on 24 January 2005, and the broadcast for the first time on PBS on 23 February 2005. The film was later released on DVD in the United States on October 6, 2005. Percival later won a BAFTA Award for Best New Director for his work on the film. (en)
- Strategia del terrore (Dirty War) è un film per la televisione drammatico del 2004 su un attacco terroristico radioattivo nel centro di Londra. Diretto da , è stato realizzato dalla BBC con lo scopo di informare la popolazione su quali azioni intraprendere in caso di attacco terroristico realizzato tramite bombe sporche. (it)
- Strategia del terrore (Dirty War) è un film per la televisione drammatico del 2004 su un attacco terroristico radioattivo nel centro di Londra. Diretto da , è stato realizzato dalla BBC con lo scopo di informare la popolazione su quali azioni intraprendere in caso di attacco terroristico realizzato tramite bombe sporche. (it)
- Dirty War is a single British television drama film, co-written by Lizzie Mickery and Daniel Percival and directed by Percival, that first broadcast on BBC One on 26 September 2004. The film, produced in association with HBO Films, follows a terrorist attack on Central London where a "dirty bomb" is deployed. Principal cast members for the film include Louise Delamere, Alastair Galbraith, , Martin Savage, Koel Purie, Helen Schlesinger, Ewan Stewart and Paul Antony-Barber. (en)