- Division of Page in New South Wales, as of the 2016 federal election. (en)
- Primary vote results in Page (en)
- Two-candidate-preferred results in Page (en)
- Chart | width=640 | height=300 | type=line | xAxisTitle=Year | yAxisTitle=Vote share | xAxisMin=1983 | xAxisMax=2022 | yAxisMin=0.35 | yAxisMax=0.65 | yAxisFormat=% | linewidth=2 | x=1984,1987,1990,1990,1993,1996,1998,1998,2001,2004,2004,2007,2010,2013,2013,2016,2019,2022 | y1=0.5509,0.5449,0.4915,0.4921,0.4987,0.5431,0.5236 | y2=0.4490,0.4547,0.5050,0.5079,0.5013,0.4569,0.4764 | y3=0.5336,0.5277,0.5423 | y4=0.4664,0.4723,0.4577 | y5=0.5547,0.4764,0.4581,0.5252 | y6=0.4453,0.5236,0.5419,0.4748 | y7=0.5310,0.5230,0.5945,0.6074 | y8=0.4690,0.4770,0.4055,0.3926 | colors=#006644,#DE3533 | showSymbols=true (en)
- Chart | width=640 | height=300 | type=line | xAxisTitle=Year | yAxisTitle=Vote share | xAxisMin=1983 | xAxisMax=2022 | yAxisMin=0 | yAxisMax=0.5 | yAxisFormat=% | linewidth=2 | x=1984,1987,1990,1990,1993,1996,1998,1998,2001,2004,2004,2007,2010,2013,2013,2016,2019,2022 | y1=0.4750,0.4416,0.4297,0.4197,0.2883,0.3666,0.4176,0.4231,0.4185,0.4848,0.4973,0.4305,0.4247,0.4665,0.4643,0.4428,0.4963,0.4561 | y2=0.4113,0.3398,0.3790 | y3=,,,0.3379,0.4183,0.3804,0.3540,0.3538,0.2900,0.3311,0.3307,0.4167,0.4573,0.3879 | y4=0.3589,0.3486,0.2636,0.1867 | y5=,,,,0.0240,0.0390,0.0461,0.0467,0.0720,0.1082,0.0956,0.0810,0.0858,0.0652 | y6=0.0905,0.1114,0.1168,0.0851 | y7=0.0490,0.0730,0.0883,0.0741,0.0134,0.0330,0.0288,0.0287,0.0270 | y8=0.0106,0.0070 | y9=0.1130,0.1074,0.0542 | y10=0.0161 | y11=0.0539 | y12=,,,,0.1731,0.1593 | y13=0.0647 | y14=,0.1456 | y15=,,0.0770 | y16=0.0735 | y17=0.1309 | colors=#006644,#DE3533,#DE3533,#DE3533,#00A651,#00A651,#FFCD00,#FFCD00,#F36C21,#F36C21,#F36C21,#0047AB,#888888,#888888,#888888,#888888,#888888 | showSymbols=true (en)
- The Division of Page is an Australian electoral division in the state of New South Wales. (en)
- La circonscription de Page est une circonscription électorale australienne en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Elle a été créée en 1984 et porte le nom d'Earle Page qui fut pendant quelques jours premier ministre d'Australie. Elle est située au nord-est de l'État, jouxtant le Queensland et l'océan Pacifique et comprend les villes de Ballina, Lismore, Casino, Grafton, Tyringham, Bonalbo, Nimbin et Iluka. C'est un siège disputé entre droite et gauche. (fr)
- Okręg wyborczy Page (ang. Division of Page) – jednomandatowy okręg wyborczy do Izby Reprezentantów Australii, położony w północnej części Nowej Południowej Walii, przy granicy ze stanem Queensland. Pierwsze wybory odbyły się w nim w 1984 roku, jego patronem jest były premier Australii i zarazem wieloletni przywódca Partii Wiejskiej Earle Page. (pl)
- 佩奇選區(英語:Division of Page),是澳大利亞新南威爾士州的下議院選區,位於該州東北部海岸鄉郊地區。面積16,143平方公里。 選區始於1984年,名字是紀念第十一任總理厄爾·佩奇。本區是工黨和澳大利亞國家黨競爭的選區。自2007年起當區議員是。 (zh)