Eaton's (original) (raw)
- The T. Eaton Company Limited, later known as Eaton's, was a Canadian department store chain that was once the largest in the country. It was founded in 1869 in Toronto by Timothy Eaton, an immigrant from what is now Northern Ireland. Eaton's grew to become a retail and social institution in Canada, with stores across the country, buying-offices around the globe, and a mail-order catalog that was found in the homes of most Canadians. A changing economic and retail environment in the late twentieth century, along with mismanagement, culminated in the chain's bankruptcy in 1999. Eaton's pioneered several retail innovations. In an era when haggling for goods was the norm, the chain proclaimed "We propose to sell our goods for CASH ONLY – In selling goods, to have only one price." In addition, it had the long-standing slogan "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded." (en)
- Eaton était jadis la plus grande chaîne de grands magasins du Canada. On disait que seul le nom du premier ministre était mieux connu que celui d'Eaton. Le premier magasin fut fondé en 1869 à Toronto par Timothy Eaton (1834-1907), un immigrant irlandais. (fr)
- 伊頓百貨(英語:Eaton's,法語:Eaton)是加拿大一家已結業的連鎖百貨公司。伊頓於1869年由愛爾蘭裔移民蒂莫西·伊頓在多倫多創辦,由一家小商店演變成加拿大國内家傳戶曉的老店,分店遍佈全國,曾經是國内規模最大的零售商及全國第三大僱主。伊頓以優秀的顧客服務見稱,其郵購服務也曾經廣受歡迎。然而,時移世易,伊頓於20世紀末葉面對日漸艱鉅的經營環境,終於在1999年結業。公司資產由西爾斯百貨(Sears)收購,當中七家門市繼續以伊頓之名營運至2002年改稱西爾斯為止。 (zh)
- Eaton était jadis la plus grande chaîne de grands magasins du Canada. On disait que seul le nom du premier ministre était mieux connu que celui d'Eaton. Le premier magasin fut fondé en 1869 à Toronto par Timothy Eaton (1834-1907), un immigrant irlandais. (fr)
- 伊頓百貨(英語:Eaton's,法語:Eaton)是加拿大一家已結業的連鎖百貨公司。伊頓於1869年由愛爾蘭裔移民蒂莫西·伊頓在多倫多創辦,由一家小商店演變成加拿大國内家傳戶曉的老店,分店遍佈全國,曾經是國内規模最大的零售商及全國第三大僱主。伊頓以優秀的顧客服務見稱,其郵購服務也曾經廣受歡迎。然而,時移世易,伊頓於20世紀末葉面對日漸艱鉅的經營環境,終於在1999年結業。公司資產由西爾斯百貨(Sears)收購,當中七家門市繼續以伊頓之名營運至2002年改稱西爾斯為止。 (zh)
- The T. Eaton Company Limited, later known as Eaton's, was a Canadian department store chain that was once the largest in the country. It was founded in 1869 in Toronto by Timothy Eaton, an immigrant from what is now Northern Ireland. Eaton's grew to become a retail and social institution in Canada, with stores across the country, buying-offices around the globe, and a mail-order catalog that was found in the homes of most Canadians. A changing economic and retail environment in the late twentieth century, along with mismanagement, culminated in the chain's bankruptcy in 1999. (en)