- إدوارد إس. كيسي (بالإنجليزية: Edward S. Casey) هو فيلسوف أمريكي، ولد في 24 فبراير 1939 في توبيكا في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
- Edward S. Casey (* 24. Februar 1939 in Topeka, Kansas) ist ein US-amerikanischer Philosoph und Hochschullehrer. Nach Studium in Yale (B.A 1961) promovierte er an der Northwestern University (1967) und hat an der Yale University, der University of California in Santa Barbara, der New School for Social Research, Emory University, und mehreren anderen Institutionen gelehrt. Er ist Professor für Philosophie an der Stony Brook University, New York. Edward Casey war Präsident der American Philosophical Association (Eastern Division) und Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät der Stony Brook University. Er forscht hinsichtlich der Ästhetik, der Philosophie von Raum und Zeit, der Ethik, der Wahrnehmung und der psychoanalytischen Theorie. Edward S. Casey gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Philosophen bezüglich der Philosophie des Raums. (de)
- Edward S. Casey (born February 24, 1939 in Topeka, Kansas) is an American philosopher and university professor. He has published several volumes on phenomenology, philosophical psychology, and the philosophy of space and place. His work is widely cited in contemporary continental philosophy. He is currently Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Stony Brook University in New York and distinguished visiting faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Casey received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Northwestern University in 1967, after studying at Yale University (B.A., 1961). Prior to Stony Brook University, he taught at Yale, Pacifica Graduate Institute, and the University of California at Santa Barbara. He has held visiting appointments at Rutgers University, the New School for Social Research, Emory University, Amherst College, and Williams College. Casey has cited as primary influences Immanuel Kant, the phenomenologists Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, as well as his teachers William A. Earle at Northwestern University and Paul Ricoeur, with whom he studied at the Sorbonne over several years on a Fulbright Fellowship. Casey was president of the American Philosophical Association (Eastern Division) from 2009 to 2010, Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Stony Brook University, and chairman of the Department of Philosophy at Stony Brook University. He conducts research in aesthetics, the philosophy of space and time, ethics, perception, psychoanalytic theory, and the philosophy of emotion. Overall, Casey's philosophical work is broadly descriptive and attempts to bear out the nuances of basic phenomena and peri-phenomena of human experience that have been neglected in earlier philosophical accounts. (en)
- imagination, edges, the glance, place and space, remembering (en)
- إدوارد إس. كيسي (بالإنجليزية: Edward S. Casey) هو فيلسوف أمريكي، ولد في 24 فبراير 1939 في توبيكا في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
- Edward S. Casey (born February 24, 1939 in Topeka, Kansas) is an American philosopher and university professor. He has published several volumes on phenomenology, philosophical psychology, and the philosophy of space and place. His work is widely cited in contemporary continental philosophy. He is currently Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Stony Brook University in New York and distinguished visiting faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute. (en)
- Edward S. Casey (* 24. Februar 1939 in Topeka, Kansas) ist ein US-amerikanischer Philosoph und Hochschullehrer. Nach Studium in Yale (B.A 1961) promovierte er an der Northwestern University (1967) und hat an der Yale University, der University of California in Santa Barbara, der New School for Social Research, Emory University, und mehreren anderen Institutionen gelehrt. Edward S. Casey gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Philosophen bezüglich der Philosophie des Raums. (de)