Ein Fall für zwei ist eine Krimiserie im ZDF und im SRF. Die Erstausstrahlung der Serie erfolgte am 11. September 1981 mit einer 75-minütigen Pilotepisode. Die Protagonisten sind ein Rechtsanwalt und ein Privatdetektiv. Der Detektiv, Josef Matula, wurde von Episode 1 bis zur Episode 300 im Jahr 2013 von Claus Theo Gärtner gespielt. Der Rechtsanwalt wechselte von Günter Strack (bis 1988) über Rainer Hunold (bis 1997) über eine kürzere Epoche mit Mathias Herrmann (bis 2000) schließlich zu Paul Frielinghaus, der die letzten 118 Folgen im Einsatz war. Die Serie wurde mit der 300. Episode, die am 22. März 2013 auf ORF 2 und am 29. März 2013 im ZDF lief, vorerst eingestellt. Im Anschluss wurde vom ZDF eine Serie gleichen Namens in Auftrag gegeben. Seit 2014 verkörpern in der Krimiserie Ein Fall für zwei der Schauspieler Wanja Mues den Privatdetektiv Leo Oswald und Antoine Monot, Jr. Rechtsanwalt Benjamin „Benni“ Hornberg. Am 14. April 2017 um 21:15 Uhr wurde im ZDF ein neu produziertes, 90-minütiges Krimi-Special mit Josef Matula mit dem Titel Matula ausgestrahlt, das sich an die Ereignisse der ersten Serie anlehnt und am 30. März 2018 mit einem weiteren 90-minütigen Krimi-Special unter dem Namen Matula – Der Schatten des Berges fortgesetzt wurde. Am 19. April 2019 folgte die zweite Fortsetzung Matula – Tod auf Mallorca. (de)
Ein Fall für zwei ("A case for two") is a German television series, which premiered on 11 September 1981 on ZDF. The series, set in Frankfurt am Main, features two main characters who solve crimes: a defense attorney and a private investigator. Josef Matula (played by Claus Theo Gärtner), a former German police officer, has gone into private business. His method of investigation is very effective and direct, and he sometimes even resorts to dirty tricks. Claus Theo Gärtner portrayed the role until 2013. The series' original opening theme sequence showed the viewer that Matula had been fired from the police and tried or convicted. Dr. Renz has defended him and Matula is seen walking out of the jail accompanied by Renz. Before closing we see that Renz has hired Matula as a private detective. In contrast, the attorney character has changed several times. The first attorney was Dr. Dieter Renz (played by Günter Strack). Dr. Renz retired in episode #60 and was replaced by Dr. Rainer Franck (played by Rainer Hunold). In episode #149, Dr. Franck took a job as a law school teacher, and was replaced by Dr. Johannes Voss (played by Mathias Herrmann). In episode #182, Dr. Voss was shot dead by an escaping criminal, and was in turn replaced by Dr. Markus Lessing (played by Paul Frielinghaus). Most of the episodes follow a simple pattern. Someone is murdered, and the police arrest the most likely suspect. The suspect, claiming to be innocent, hires the attorney in the series (Renz, Franck, Voss or Lessing) as his lawyer. The attorney does all the paperwork, talks with the police and attends court. Meanwhile, Matula does all the actual research and detective work - "gets his hands dirty", so to speak. Matula often gets into fights, and even though he is in his early sixties, he often knocks out the bad guys. In the end, the original suspect usually (but not always) turns out to be innocent after all, and the real culprit is found. In late 2006 through early 2007, most episodes included scenes of Matula visiting a strip club, to interrogate the owner or one of the customers, with very brief footage of topless female dancers. Very few, if any, other German detective shows feature similar scenes. Current episodes no longer show such scenes. The show's structure is very similar to that of the American legal drama Perry Mason, though not many scenes in Ein Fall für zwei take place in a courtroom. In October 2011, Gärtner and Frielinghaus announced that they would be leaving the series after the 300th episode, which was aired on 29 March 2013. The series was relaunched with new characters and actors in 2014. Antoine Monot Jr. has since been playing attorney Benjamin "Benni" Hornberg alongside Wanja Mues who portrays investigator Leo Oswald. (en)
Un cas pour deux (Ein Fall für zwei) est une série télévisée allemande en 300 épisodes de 60 minutes créée par Karl Heinz Willschrei et diffusée entre le 11 septembre 1981 et le 29 mars 2013 sur ZDF. (fr)
Un caso per due (Ein Fall für zwei) è una serie poliziesca prodotta e ambientata a Francoforte sul Meno e Wiesbaden, in Germania. È andata in onda ininterrottamente dal 1981 al 2013 sul secondo canale della televisione di stato tedesca ZDF. In Italia è stata trasmessa da Rai 2, dove ha debuttato nell'estate del 1986, cinque anni dopo l'esordio in patria. Dal 2007 è andato in onda in prima serata su Rai 3. Dal 2019 torna su Rai 2 in estate durante la mattina. L'edizione italiana è stata curata fino alla 26ª stagione dalla Televisione della Svizzera Italiana, quindi dalla Rai. La serie è durata 300 episodi; l'ultimo è stato trasmesso in prima visione il 22 marzo 2013 da ORF 2, seguita una settimana dopo da ZDF. Nella Svizzera italiana è trasmessa su LA1, in Francia su France 2, in Finlandia da Yle TV2. L'edizione italiana di 199 puntate di questa serie è stata restaurata e rimasterizzata in HD nel corso del 2017 ed è stata riproposta su RSI LA1 e su Rai 2 nel corso dell'estate 2019 fino al giugno 2021. (it)
Un cas pour deux (Ein Fall für zwei) est une série télévisée allemande en 300 épisodes de 60 minutes créée par Karl Heinz Willschrei et diffusée entre le 11 septembre 1981 et le 29 mars 2013 sur ZDF. (fr)
Ein Fall für zwei ist eine Krimiserie im ZDF und im SRF. Die Erstausstrahlung der Serie erfolgte am 11. September 1981 mit einer 75-minütigen Pilotepisode. Die Protagonisten sind ein Rechtsanwalt und ein Privatdetektiv. Im Anschluss wurde vom ZDF eine Serie gleichen Namens in Auftrag gegeben. Seit 2014 verkörpern in der Krimiserie Ein Fall für zwei der Schauspieler Wanja Mues den Privatdetektiv Leo Oswald und Antoine Monot, Jr. Rechtsanwalt Benjamin „Benni“ Hornberg. (de)
Ein Fall für zwei ("A case for two") is a German television series, which premiered on 11 September 1981 on ZDF. The series, set in Frankfurt am Main, features two main characters who solve crimes: a defense attorney and a private investigator. In late 2006 through early 2007, most episodes included scenes of Matula visiting a strip club, to interrogate the owner or one of the customers, with very brief footage of topless female dancers. Very few, if any, other German detective shows feature similar scenes. Current episodes no longer show such scenes. (en)
Un caso per due (Ein Fall für zwei) è una serie poliziesca prodotta e ambientata a Francoforte sul Meno e Wiesbaden, in Germania. È andata in onda ininterrottamente dal 1981 al 2013 sul secondo canale della televisione di stato tedesca ZDF. In Italia è stata trasmessa da Rai 2, dove ha debuttato nell'estate del 1986, cinque anni dopo l'esordio in patria. Dal 2007 è andato in onda in prima serata su Rai 3. Dal 2019 torna su Rai 2 in estate durante la mattina. L'edizione italiana è stata curata fino alla 26ª stagione dalla Televisione della Svizzera Italiana, quindi dalla Rai. (it)