Die Sozialversicherung in den Vereinigten Staaten beruht auf dem 1935 verabschiedeten Social Security Act, der bis heute verschiedentlich geändert und erweitert wurde. (de)
Social programs in the United States are programs designed to ensure that the basic needs of the American population are met. Federal and state social programs include cash assistance, health insurance, food assistance, housing subsidies, energy and utilities subsidies, and education and childcare assistance. Similar benefits are sometimes provided by the private sector either through policy mandates or on a voluntary basis. Employer-sponsored health insurance is an example of this. American social programs vary in eligibility with some, such as public education, available to all while others, such as housing subsidies, are available only to a subsegment of the population. Programs are provided by various organizations on a federal, state, local, and private level. They help to provide basic needs such as food, shelter, education, and healthcare to residents of the U.S. through primary and secondary education, subsidies of higher education, unemployment and disability insurance, subsidies for eligible low-wage workers, subsidies for housing, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, pensions, and health insurance programs. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program are prominent social programs. Research shows that U.S. government programs that focus on improving the health and educational outcomes of low-income children are the most effective, with benefits substantial enough that the government may even recoup its investment over time due to increased tax revenue from adults who were beneficiaries as children. Veto points in the U.S. structure of government make social programs in the United States resilient to fundamental change. (en)
Socialpolitik i USA utvecklas senare än i andra industriländer. Först på 1930-talet i samband med massarbetslösheten som följde på den ekonomiska depressionen började ett socialt skyddsnät att utvecklas. Allt sedan dess har staten och delstaterna startat allt fler program för att hjälpa de svagaste i samhället men fortfarande litar man till marknadslösningar och individens eget ansvar i betydligt högre grad än i de flesta andra industriländer. (sv)
Die Sozialversicherung in den Vereinigten Staaten beruht auf dem 1935 verabschiedeten Social Security Act, der bis heute verschiedentlich geändert und erweitert wurde. (de)
Socialpolitik i USA utvecklas senare än i andra industriländer. Först på 1930-talet i samband med massarbetslösheten som följde på den ekonomiska depressionen började ett socialt skyddsnät att utvecklas. Allt sedan dess har staten och delstaterna startat allt fler program för att hjälpa de svagaste i samhället men fortfarande litar man till marknadslösningar och individens eget ansvar i betydligt högre grad än i de flesta andra industriländer. (sv)
Social programs in the United States are programs designed to ensure that the basic needs of the American population are met. Federal and state social programs include cash assistance, health insurance, food assistance, housing subsidies, energy and utilities subsidies, and education and childcare assistance. Similar benefits are sometimes provided by the private sector either through policy mandates or on a voluntary basis. Employer-sponsored health insurance is an example of this. (en)