هذه هي قائمة بالمنظمات البيئية.(المقالة الرئيسة: منظمة بيئية) واقرأ أيضا: (List of conservation organisations) (ar)
Au 31 décembre 2017, l'ONU reconnaît 15 696 associations environnementales dans le monde. Mais les risques environnementaux devenant de plus en plus importants, des organisations (gouvernementales ou non), ayant un but géoenvironnemental sont de plus en plus nombreuses[source insuffisante]. Voici une liste d'organisations environnementales non exhaustive. (fr)
An environmental organization is an organization coming out of the conservation or environmental movementsthat seeks to protect, analyse or monitor the environment against misuse or degradation from human forces. In this sense the environment may refer to the biophysical environment or the natural environment. The organization may be a charity, a trust, a non-governmental organization, a governmental organization or an intergovernmental organization. Environmental organizations can be global, national, regional or local. Some environmental issues that environmental organizations focus on include pollution, plastic pollution, waste, resource depletion, human overpopulation and climate change. (en)
Berikut adalah daftar organisasi lingkungan yang terkenal, yang diklasifikasikan berdasarkan tipenya (in)