A presidential memorandum is a type of directive issued by the president of the United States to manage and govern the actions, practices, and policies of the various departments and agencies found under the executive branch of the United States government. It has the force of law and is usually used to delegate tasks, direct specific government agencies to do something, or to start a regulatory process. There are three types of presidential memoranda: presidential determination or presidential finding, memorandum of disapproval, and hortatory memorandum. Sometimes used interchangeably, an executive order is a more prestigious form of executive action that must cite the specific constitutional or statutory authority the president has to use it. Unlike executive orders, memoranda are not required by law to be published in the Federal Register, but publication is necessary in order to have "general applicability and legal effect". The Federal Register gives publication priority to executive orders and presidential proclamations over memoranda. Memoranda can be amended or rescinded by executive orders or another memorandum, but executive orders take legal precedence and cannot be changed by a memorandum. (en)
프레지덴셜 메모랜덤(Presidential memorandum)은 미국 대통령이 작성하는 메모를 말한다. 행정명령과 개념상 명확한 구별이 된 것은 아니지만, 일반적으로 행정명령 보다는 덜 중요한 것으로 여겨진다. 대통령 교서(presidential letters)라고도 부른다. 대통령 확인(presidential determination), 불승인 메모(memorandum of disapproval), 권고 메모(hortatory memorandum)의 세가지가 있다. 대한민국 헌법은 를 수입하여, 모든 대통령의 행위를 문서로써 하게 요구하고 있다. (ko)
프레지덴셜 메모랜덤(Presidential memorandum)은 미국 대통령이 작성하는 메모를 말한다. 행정명령과 개념상 명확한 구별이 된 것은 아니지만, 일반적으로 행정명령 보다는 덜 중요한 것으로 여겨진다. 대통령 교서(presidential letters)라고도 부른다. 대통령 확인(presidential determination), 불승인 메모(memorandum of disapproval), 권고 메모(hortatory memorandum)의 세가지가 있다. 대한민국 헌법은 를 수입하여, 모든 대통령의 행위를 문서로써 하게 요구하고 있다. (ko)
A presidential memorandum is a type of directive issued by the president of the United States to manage and govern the actions, practices, and policies of the various departments and agencies found under the executive branch of the United States government. It has the force of law and is usually used to delegate tasks, direct specific government agencies to do something, or to start a regulatory process. There are three types of presidential memoranda: presidential determination or presidential finding, memorandum of disapproval, and hortatory memorandum. (en)