- FLOSS Weekly is a free and open-source software (FLOSS) themed netcast from the TWiT Network. The show premiered on April 7, 2006, and features interviews with prominent guests from the free software/open source community. It was originally hosted by Leo Laporte; his cohost for the first seventeen episodes was Chris DiBona and subsequently Randal Schwartz. In May 2010, Schwartz took over from Laporte as lead host. May 2020 saw Doc Searls take over the host role in episode 578. Many influential people from the free and open-source community have appeared on the show, including Kent Beck, Ward Cunningham, Miguel de Icaza, Rasmus Lerdorf, Tim O'Reilly, Guido van Rossum, Linus Torvalds, and Jimmy Wales. Show topics are wide in variety, and have for example included ZFS, Mifos, Asterisk, and the OSU Open Source Lab. (en)
- FLOSS Weekly is a free and open-source software (FLOSS) themed netcast from the TWiT Network. The show premiered on April 7, 2006, and features interviews with prominent guests from the free software/open source community. It was originally hosted by Leo Laporte; his cohost for the first seventeen episodes was Chris DiBona and subsequently Randal Schwartz. In May 2010, Schwartz took over from Laporte as lead host. May 2020 saw Doc Searls take over the host role in episode 578. (en)