The tenth season of Family Guy premiered on the Fox network from September 25, 2011, to May 20, 2012 with a one-hour broadcast of two episodes. The series follows the Griffin family, a dysfunctional family consisting of father Peter, mother Lois, daughter Meg, son Chris, baby Stewie and the family dog Brian, who reside in their hometown of Quahog. The executive producers for the ninth production season, which began in season ten, are Seth MacFarlane, Chris Sheridan, Danny Smith, Mark Hentemann, Steve Callaghan, Alec Sulkin, and Wellesley Wild. The showrunners are Hentemann and Callaghan. During this season, Peter becomes friends with Ryan Reynolds (guest-voicing as himself), the Griffins win the lottery, Meg falls in love with an Amish boy as Peter goes to war with his family, Stewie starts driving Brian's car and accidentally crashes it, Meg dates Quagmire on her 18th birthday, Chris dates a girl who looks like Lois (voiced by Elliot Page), Quagmire asks Peter and Joe to help him kill his sister's (voiced by Kaitlin Olson) violently abusive boyfriend (voiced by Ralph Garman), Peter befriends a dolphin (voiced by Ricky Gervais), Kevin Swanson (voiced by Scott Grimes) surprisingly returns to Quahog on Thanksgiving, Lois kidnaps Stewie's sick friend, Brian gets a blind girlfriend who hates dogs, James Woods makes a shocking return after being killed last season when Peter becomes an agent to Tom Tucker, Meg delivers a few home truths while scolding her family for all the abuse she personally suffered, Peter has another showdown with his mortal enemy, and Brian and Stewie travel back in time to the premiere Family Guy episode. Also, the hurricane-themed episode, "Seahorse Seashell Party" that was scheduled to air on May 1, 2011 as part of the ninth season ended up being aired on October 2, 2011 as the second episode of this season and during a crossover called Night of the Hurricane with The Cleveland Show and American Dad!. It was put on hold because of the 2011 Super Outbreak, which killed an estimated 346 people in the Southern United States around the time of the planned original release date. (en)
Craoladh an deichiú séasúr Family Guy idir Meán Fómhair 25, 2011 agus Bealtaine 20, 2012 ag tosú le "". (ga)
La dixième saison de la série d'animation Les Griffin (Family Guy) composée de vingt-trois épisodes est initialement diffusée aux États-Unis du 25 septembre 2011 au 20 mai 2012 sur le réseau Fox et en simultané sur le réseau Global au Canada. En France elle a été disponible en français sur Netflix du 1er janvier 2015 au 1er janvier 2018. (fr)
La decima stagione della serie televisiva I Griffin è andata originariamente in onda negli Stati Uniti dal 25 settembre 2011 al 20 maggio 2012 su Fox. In Italia, la decima stagione è stata trasmessa dal 5 settembre al 14 novembre 2012 su Italia 2. (it)
Десятый сезон американского анимационного телесериала «Гриффины» впервые транслировался в США на телеканале Fox с 25 сентября 2011 года по 20 мая 2012 года. Эпизод на тему урагана Seahorse Seashell Party, который должен был выйти в эфир 1 мая 2011 года в рамках девятого сезона, в итоге вышел в эфир 2 октября 2011 года как второй эпизод десятого сезона. Он был отложен из-за вспышки торнадо в апреле 2011 года, в результате которой погибло около 346 человек. (ru)
Craoladh an deichiú séasúr Family Guy idir Meán Fómhair 25, 2011 agus Bealtaine 20, 2012 ag tosú le "". (ga)
La dixième saison de la série d'animation Les Griffin (Family Guy) composée de vingt-trois épisodes est initialement diffusée aux États-Unis du 25 septembre 2011 au 20 mai 2012 sur le réseau Fox et en simultané sur le réseau Global au Canada. En France elle a été disponible en français sur Netflix du 1er janvier 2015 au 1er janvier 2018. (fr)
La decima stagione della serie televisiva I Griffin è andata originariamente in onda negli Stati Uniti dal 25 settembre 2011 al 20 maggio 2012 su Fox. In Italia, la decima stagione è stata trasmessa dal 5 settembre al 14 novembre 2012 su Italia 2. (it)
Десятый сезон американского анимационного телесериала «Гриффины» впервые транслировался в США на телеканале Fox с 25 сентября 2011 года по 20 мая 2012 года. Эпизод на тему урагана Seahorse Seashell Party, который должен был выйти в эфир 1 мая 2011 года в рамках девятого сезона, в итоге вышел в эфир 2 октября 2011 года как второй эпизод десятого сезона. Он был отложен из-за вспышки торнадо в апреле 2011 года, в результате которой погибло около 346 человек. (ru)
The tenth season of Family Guy premiered on the Fox network from September 25, 2011, to May 20, 2012 with a one-hour broadcast of two episodes. The series follows the Griffin family, a dysfunctional family consisting of father Peter, mother Lois, daughter Meg, son Chris, baby Stewie and the family dog Brian, who reside in their hometown of Quahog. The executive producers for the ninth production season, which began in season ten, are Seth MacFarlane, Chris Sheridan, Danny Smith, Mark Hentemann, Steve Callaghan, Alec Sulkin, and Wellesley Wild. The showrunners are Hentemann and Callaghan. (en)