"First Days" is the second episode of the fifth season of the American sitcom Modern Family, and the series' 98th overall. It was aired on September 25, 2013, the same day as the premiere episode, Suddenly, Last Summer. The episode involves each character dealing with the difficulties of beginning new challenges. As the kids start school again, the parents find challenges in juggling schedules, beginning intimidating new jobs and coping with children growing older and less dependent. The episode was written by Paul Corrigan & Brad Walsh and directed by series co-creator Steven Levitan.
"First Days" is the second episode of the fifth season of the American sitcom Modern Family, and the series' 98th overall. It was aired on September 25, 2013, the same day as the premiere episode, Suddenly, Last Summer. The episode involves each character dealing with the difficulties of beginning new challenges. As the kids start school again, the parents find challenges in juggling schedules, beginning intimidating new jobs and coping with children growing older and less dependent. The episode was written by Paul Corrigan & Brad Walsh and directed by series co-creator Steven Levitan. (en)
*Justin Kirk as Charlie Bingham *Andrew Daly as Principal Brown *J. P. Manoux as Todd *David Haydn-Jones as Director *Mitchell Edmonds as Albert *Nicholas Hormann as Roy (en)
"First Days" is the second episode of the fifth season of the American sitcom Modern Family, and the series' 98th overall. It was aired on September 25, 2013, the same day as the premiere episode, Suddenly, Last Summer. The episode involves each character dealing with the difficulties of beginning new challenges. As the kids start school again, the parents find challenges in juggling schedules, beginning intimidating new jobs and coping with children growing older and less dependent. The episode was written by Paul Corrigan & Brad Walsh and directed by series co-creator Steven Levitan. (en)