Harriet Harman led the Shadow Cabinet during her time as pro tempore Leader of the Labour Party in 2010—from the time Gordon Brown resigned as Labour Leader (and Prime Minister) until Ed Miliband was elected to the leadership. With a few exceptions, Labour Cabinet ministers retained their roles in the Shadow Cabinet. Harman, who had been Leader of the House of Commons, gave the responsibility of shadowing that role to Rosie Winterton, who had attended Cabinet as Minister for Regional Economic Development and Coordination. The two peers who led Cabinet departments, Peter Mandelson at Business, Innovation and Skills and Andrew Adonis at Department for Transport, left the Shadow Cabinet in the first few days after Labour entered opposition. They were replaced by Pat McFadden and Sadiq Khan, respectively. (en)
Le Cabinet de Harriet Harman a été formé par Harriet Harman en 2010 au cours de son intérim comme leader du parti travailliste . Elle a assumé ce rôle à la suite du départ de Gordon Brown de son poste de leader (et de premier ministre) elle a assumé ce poste jusqu'à l'élection d'Ed Miliband à la direction du parti. À quelques exceptions près, les ministres du Cabinet travailliste ont conservé leurs rôles au sein du Cabinet fantôme. Harman, qui avait été leader de la Chambre des communes, a confié cette tâche à Rosie Winterton, qui avait siégé au Cabinet en tant que ministre du Développement économique régional et de la Coordination. (fr)