La prostitución en Hong Kong es legal en sí misma, lo que no es el caso en China continental. Pero los burdeles, la prostitución organizada, la prostitución de menores o el proxenetismo están prohibidos. (es)
Prostitution in Hong Kong is itself legal, but organised prostitution is illegal, as there are laws against keeping a vice establishment, causing or procuring another to be a prostitute, living on the prostitution of others, or public solicitation. The most visible public venues for sex workers in Hong Kong, especially for tourists, are massage parlours and the so-called "Japanese style night clubs". However, most of the commercial sex worker industry consists of women working in small, usually one room apartments, usually referred to as "one-woman brothels", the equivalent of the "walk-up brothel" in the United Kingdom. They advertise for clients through the Internet and local classifieds. Most popular mainstream newspapers will carry such classifieds with brothel guides as an insert within racing form guides. Yellow neon advertising boxes were used to advertise sexual services to such an extent that "yellow" (黃) became synonymous with prostitution. (en)
La prostitution à Hong Kong est légale, ce qui n'est pas le cas en Chine continentale. Mais les maisons closes, le racolage, la prostitution des mineures ou le proxénétisme sont interdits. (fr)
Prostitution i Hongkong är i sig självt lagligt, men organiserad prostitution är olaglig. Det finns lagar mot bordellverksamhet med mera. De mest kända lokalerna där prostitution förekommer, särskilt för turister, är massageinstitut och de så kallade "japanska nattklubbarna". (sv)
La prostitución en Hong Kong es legal en sí misma, lo que no es el caso en China continental. Pero los burdeles, la prostitución organizada, la prostitución de menores o el proxenetismo están prohibidos. (es)
La prostitution à Hong Kong est légale, ce qui n'est pas le cas en Chine continentale. Mais les maisons closes, le racolage, la prostitution des mineures ou le proxénétisme sont interdits. (fr)
Prostitution i Hongkong är i sig självt lagligt, men organiserad prostitution är olaglig. Det finns lagar mot bordellverksamhet med mera. De mest kända lokalerna där prostitution förekommer, särskilt för turister, är massageinstitut och de så kallade "japanska nattklubbarna". (sv)
Prostitution in Hong Kong is itself legal, but organised prostitution is illegal, as there are laws against keeping a vice establishment, causing or procuring another to be a prostitute, living on the prostitution of others, or public solicitation. (en)