- مناورات فرخ النسر أو (بالإنجليزية: Foal Eagle Maneuvers) هي مناورات عسكرية مشتركة تقام في شبه الجزيرة الكورية بين كل من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وكوريا الجنوبية. تحت رعاية قيادة القوات المشتركة للبلدين. وهي واحدة من أكبر المناورات العسكرية ذات الطبيعة الدفاعية التي تجرى سنويا في العالم. (ar)
- Foal Eagle (deutsch: Fohlen + Adler) ist ein seit 1997 jährlich stattfindendes Militärmanöver in Südkorea. Es beteiligen sich Soldaten der USA (insbesondere United States Forces Korea) und der südkoreanischen Streitkräfte. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist jährlich gewachsen. 2013 trainierten über 200.000 Soldaten zwei Monate den Ernstfall. Nordkorea betrachtet diese Übung als Test für eine Invasion Nordkoreas. 2001 bis 2007 wurde das Manöver Reception, Staging, Onward movement, and Integration (RSOI) in Foal Eagle eingebettet. 2008 wurde dieses Manöver umbenannt, so dass seit 2008 die Übung Key Resolve Bestandteil von Foal Eagle ist. Key Resolve ist eine Übung zur Kommandoschulung des United States Pacific Command. 2013 waren an der Militärübung Key Resolve 10.000 südkoreanische und 3.500 US-Soldaten beteiligt. Abkürzung dieser Übungen sind z. B. * FE 97 (Foal Eagle 1997) * RSOI/FE 01 (Reception, Staging, Onward movement, and Integration/ Foal Eagle 2001) * KR/FE 13 (Key Resolve/ Foal Eagle 2013). (de)
- Foal Eagle (Korean: 독수리 연습) is a combined field training exercise (FTX) conducted annually by the Republic of Korea Armed Forces and the United States Armed Forces under the auspices of the Combined Forces Command. It is one of the largest military exercises conducted annually in the world. Foal Eagle has been a source of friction with the government of Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and domestic ROK critics. Foal Eagle is an exercise conducted by the US and ROK armed forces, consisting of rear area security and stability operations, onward movement of critical assets to the forward area, special operations, ground maneuver, amphibious operations, combat air operations, maritime action group operations and counter special operations forces exercises (CSOFEX). The United Nations Command informs the North Korean People's Army that South Korea and the United States will be conducting the exercise. The United Nations Command also reassured the Korean People's Army at general officer-level talks that these exercises, conducted annually in or around March, are purely defensive in nature and have no connection to ongoing or current events. The Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission monitors the exercise for violations of the Korean Armistice Agreement. Since 2001, Foal Eagle combined with the annual American-South Korean Reception, Staging, Onward movement, and Integration (RSOI) combined exercises, with RSOI being renamed Key Resolve in 2008. On June 12, 2018, US President Donald Trump announced that the US would suspend the joint military exercises with South Korea. However, the joint military exercises resumed again on November 5, 2018, though at a small scale. (en)
- 독수리 연습(Foal Eagle)은 매년 한국에서 실시되는 한국과 미국의 대규모 야외기동 군사훈련이다. (ko)
- 鹞鹰(英語:Foal Eagle,韓語:독수리 연습),是美军与大韩民国国军的年度三军联合军演,始于1961年。2001年起,这项军演与美韩的另一项军演RSOI(后来改名为关键决断)同时举行。相比RSOI,鹞鹰演习更富实战性,是一项野外机动训练。 文在寅就任韩国总统后,韩朝关系有所缓和。第二次金特会後,韓美宣佈停止鹞鹰軍演,未來可能以小规模部队演習代替,例如营级以下级别的演习。。 (zh)