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Frank Gant (26. května 1931 – 19. července 2021) byl americký jazzový bubeník. Na počátku své kariéry hrál se saxofonisty a Pepperem Adamsem. V padesátých letech často spolupracoval s Yusefem Lateefem a v letech 1966 až 1976 byl členem tria klavíristy Ahmada Jamala. Během své kariéry spolupracoval s mnoha dalšími hudebníky, mezi něž patří například Monty Alexander, Red Garland, Sonny Stitt, J. J. Johnson a Al Haig. (cs) فرانك غانت (بالإنجليزية: Frank Gant) هو عازف جاز أمريكي، ولد في 26 مايو 1931 في ديترويت في الولايات المتحدة. (ar) Frank Gant (* 26. Mai 1931 in Detroit; † 19. Juli 2021 in der Bronx, New York City) war ein US-amerikanischer Schlagzeuger des Modern Jazz. (de) Frank Gant (born May 26, 1931- July 19, 2021) was an american jazz drummer. Born in Detroit, Michigan, Gant recorded with Donald Byrd, Sonny Stitt, and extensively with Yusef Lateef in the late 1950s and then Red Garland before becoming a member of Ahmad Jamal's trio (1966-1976). His first gigs were with Billy Mitchell and Pepper Adams, and after working with and his Merry Men at the Madison Ballroom, including four days backing Billie Holiday, he went on to join Alvin Jackson's house band at the Blue Bird. As the house drummer at Detroit's Club 12, with Jackson's band, he backed Thelonious Monk and Charlie Rouse in September 1959. In the 1970s, he accompanied Jamil Nasser and Harold Mabern as the rhythm section for workshops run by . (en) |
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Frank Gant (26. května 1931 – 19. července 2021) byl americký jazzový bubeník. Na počátku své kariéry hrál se saxofonisty a Pepperem Adamsem. V padesátých letech často spolupracoval s Yusefem Lateefem a v letech 1966 až 1976 byl členem tria klavíristy Ahmada Jamala. Během své kariéry spolupracoval s mnoha dalšími hudebníky, mezi něž patří například Monty Alexander, Red Garland, Sonny Stitt, J. J. Johnson a Al Haig. (cs) فرانك غانت (بالإنجليزية: Frank Gant) هو عازف جاز أمريكي، ولد في 26 مايو 1931 في ديترويت في الولايات المتحدة. (ar) Frank Gant (* 26. Mai 1931 in Detroit; † 19. Juli 2021 in der Bronx, New York City) war ein US-amerikanischer Schlagzeuger des Modern Jazz. (de) Frank Gant (born May 26, 1931- July 19, 2021) was an american jazz drummer. Born in Detroit, Michigan, Gant recorded with Donald Byrd, Sonny Stitt, and extensively with Yusef Lateef in the late 1950s and then Red Garland before becoming a member of Ahmad Jamal's trio (1966-1976). His first gigs were with Billy Mitchell and Pepper Adams, and after working with and his Merry Men at the Madison Ballroom, including four days backing Billie Holiday, he went on to join Alvin Jackson's house band at the Blue Bird. (en) |