The second season of Fresh Off the Boat, an American sitcom created by Nahnatchka Khan and produced by 20th Century Fox Television, premiered in the United States on ABC on September 22, 2015, and concluded on May 24, 2016. The season consisted of 24 episodes. The series focuses on the life of a Taiwanese-American family in Florida in the 1990s. The first season stars Randall Park, Constance Wu, Hudson Yang, Forrest Wheeler, Ian Chen, Lucille Soong, and Chelsey Crisp. With Ray Wise and Isabella Alexander in supporting roles.
The second season of Fresh Off the Boat, an American sitcom created by Nahnatchka Khan and produced by 20th Century Fox Television, premiered in the United States on ABC on September 22, 2015, and concluded on May 24, 2016. The season consisted of 24 episodes. The series focuses on the life of a Taiwanese-American family in Florida in the 1990s. The first season stars Randall Park, Constance Wu, Hudson Yang, Forrest Wheeler, Ian Chen, Lucille Soong, and Chelsey Crisp. With Ray Wise and Isabella Alexander in supporting roles. (en)
The second season of Fresh Off the Boat, an American sitcom created by Nahnatchka Khan and produced by 20th Century Fox Television, premiered in the United States on ABC on September 22, 2015, and concluded on May 24, 2016. The season consisted of 24 episodes. The series focuses on the life of a Taiwanese-American family in Florida in the 1990s. The first season stars Randall Park, Constance Wu, Hudson Yang, Forrest Wheeler, Ian Chen, Lucille Soong, and Chelsey Crisp. With Ray Wise and Isabella Alexander in supporting roles. (en)