- Der Gersten Pavilion ist eine Mehrzweckhalle in der US-amerikanischen Metropole Los Angeles im Bundesstaat Kalifornien. Die Halle bietet 4156 Sitzplätzen. Im Gersten Pavilion wurden bei den Olympischen Sommerspiele 1984 die Wettbewerbe im Gewichtheben veranstaltet. (de)
- The Gersten Pavilion is a 3,900-seat multi-purpose arena in Los Angeles, California. It is the home of the Loyola Marymount University Lions. It was built in 1981 and has been used for home games by the university's men's basketball, women's basketball, and volleyball teams since January 1982. It was also the part-time practice home for the Los Angeles Lakers. It was the site for the weightlifting competition for the 1984 Summer Olympics. On March 4, 1990, LMU star Hank Gathers died during a West Coast Conference men's basketball tournament game from cardiomyopathy. The tourney was promptly suspended and LMU was awarded the NCAA bid based on their regular season title. The facility also hosted the WCC tournament in 1997. The arena is known among LMU alumni as "Hank's House" in honor of Gathers and the phrase "This is Hank's House" is recited before the start of every men's basketball game. (en)