Western Publishing, auch bekannt unter Western Printing and Lithographing Company und zwischen 1996 und 2001 als Golden Books Family Entertainment, war ein US-amerikanischer Buch- und Comic-Verlag aus Racine (Wisconsin). (de)
Western Publishing ou Western Printing and Lithographing Company était un important éditeur américain, publiant des livres, des magazines, des comics et d'autres objets de presse. La compagnie a cessé son activité à la suite de son éclatement en 2001. (fr)
Western Publishing adalah sebuah perusahaan penerbit besar yang memproduksi buku, majalah, dan buku komik. Namun, kini perusahaan ini sudah tidak ada lagi. Perusahaan ini didirikan oleh dan . (in)
Western Publishing, also known as Western Printing and Lithographing Company, was a Racine, Wisconsin, firm responsible for publishing the Little Golden Books. Its Golden Books Family Entertainment division also produced children's books and family-related entertainment products. The company had editorial offices in New York City and Los Angeles, California. Western Publishing became Golden Books Family Entertainment in 1996. As of 2013, Little Golden Books remains as an imprint of Penguin Random House. (en)
Western Publishing, conosciuta anche come Western Printing and Lithographing Company, è stata una casa editrice statunitense. Ha usato la denominazione "Golden Books Family Entertainment" dal 1996 al 2001. (it)
Western Publishing, também conhecida como "Western Printing and Lithographing Co.", foi uma editora estadunidense cuja sede era em Racine, Wisconsin, responsável pela publicação dos Little Golden Books. Sua divisão Golden Books Family Entertainment também produziu livros infantis e produtos de entretenimento relacionadas com a família. A empresa tinha escritórios editoriais em Nova Iorque e Los Angeles, Califórnia. 'Western Publishing tornou-se Golden Books Family Entertainment no outono de 2001. Em 2016, Little Golden Books permanece como um selo da Penguin Random House. (pt)
Western Publishing, auch bekannt unter Western Printing and Lithographing Company und zwischen 1996 und 2001 als Golden Books Family Entertainment, war ein US-amerikanischer Buch- und Comic-Verlag aus Racine (Wisconsin). (de)
Western Publishing ou Western Printing and Lithographing Company était un important éditeur américain, publiant des livres, des magazines, des comics et d'autres objets de presse. La compagnie a cessé son activité à la suite de son éclatement en 2001. (fr)
Western Publishing adalah sebuah perusahaan penerbit besar yang memproduksi buku, majalah, dan buku komik. Namun, kini perusahaan ini sudah tidak ada lagi. Perusahaan ini didirikan oleh dan . (in)
Western Publishing, also known as Western Printing and Lithographing Company, was a Racine, Wisconsin, firm responsible for publishing the Little Golden Books. Its Golden Books Family Entertainment division also produced children's books and family-related entertainment products. The company had editorial offices in New York City and Los Angeles, California. Western Publishing became Golden Books Family Entertainment in 1996. As of 2013, Little Golden Books remains as an imprint of Penguin Random House. (en)
Western Publishing, conosciuta anche come Western Printing and Lithographing Company, è stata una casa editrice statunitense. Ha usato la denominazione "Golden Books Family Entertainment" dal 1996 al 2001. (it)
Western Publishing, também conhecida como "Western Printing and Lithographing Co.", foi uma editora estadunidense cuja sede era em Racine, Wisconsin, responsável pela publicação dos Little Golden Books. Sua divisão Golden Books Family Entertainment também produziu livros infantis e produtos de entretenimento relacionadas com a família. A empresa tinha escritórios editoriais em Nova Iorque e Los Angeles, Califórnia. 'Western Publishing tornou-se Golden Books Family Entertainment no outono de 2001. Em 2016, Little Golden Books permanece como um selo da Penguin Random House. (pt)