Green Mount Cemetery (original) (raw)
- مقبرة غرين ماونت (بالإنجليزية: Green Mount Cemetery) هي مقبرة تاريخية في بالتيمور بولاية ماريلاند الأمريكية. أُسست في 15 مارس 1838، وكُرِّست في 13 يوليو 1839. تشتهر بكثرة عدد الشخصيات التاريخية المدفونة في أرضها، إلى جانب احتوائها على رفات عدد كبير من أبناء العائلات الكبيرة في منطقة بالتيمور. وتحفل المقبرة بالأعمال الفنية النفيسة، من بينها منحوتات لكبار النحاتين من أمثال ويليام هنري راينهارت وهانس شولر. أُدرجت المقبرة ضمن السجل الوطني للأماكن التاريخية سنة 1980. (ar)
- Green Mount Cemetery is a historic rural cemetery in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. Established on March 15, 1838, and dedicated on July 13, 1839, it is noted for the large number of historical figures interred in its grounds as well as many prominent Baltimore-area families. It retained the name Green Mount when the land was purchased from the heirs of Baltimore merchant Robert Oliver. Green Mount is a treasury of precious works of art, including striking works by major sculptors including William H. Rinehart and Hans Schuler. The cemetery was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1980. Guided tours are available at various times of the year. A Baltimore City Landmark plaque at the entrance reads: Green Mount Cemetery was dedicated in 1839 on the site of the former country estate of Robert Oliver. This was at the beginning of the "rural cemetery movement"; Green Mount was Baltimore's first such rural cemetery and one of the first in the U.S. The movement began both as a response to the health hazard posed by overcrowded church graveyards, and as part of the larger Romantic movement of the mid-1800s, which glorified nature and appealed to emotions. Green Mount reflects the romanticism of its age, not only by its very existence, but also by its buildings and sculpture. The gateway, designed by Robert Cary Long, Jr., and the hilltop chapel, designed by J. Rudolph Niernsee and J. Crawford Neilson, are Gothic Revival, a romantic style recalling medieval buildings remote in time. Nearly 65,000 people are buried here, including the poet Sydney Lanier, philanthropists Johns Hopkins and Enoch Pratt, Napoleon Bonaparte's sister-in-law Betsy Patterson, John Wilkes Booth, and numerous military, political and business leaders. In addition to John Wilkes Booth, two other conspirators in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln are buried here, Samuel Arnold and Michael O'Laughlen. It is common for visitors to the cemetery to leave pennies on the graves of the three men; the one-cent coin features the likeness of the president they successfully sought to murder. The abdicated King Edward VIII and his wife, the Duchess of Windsor, had planned for a burial in a purchased plot in Rose Circle at Green Mount Cemetery, near where the father of the Duchess was interred. However, in 1965 an agreement with Queen Elizabeth II allowed for the king and duchess to be buried near other members of the royal family in the Royal Burial Ground near Windsor Castle. (en)
- Green Mount Cemetery è un cimitero storico situato a Baltimora, Maryland, Stati Uniti, famoso per le varie personalità sepolte, al suo interno si ritrovano sculture di e . (it)
- Кладбище Грин-Маунт (англ. Green Mount Cemetery) — историческое в Балтиморе, штат Мэриленд, США. Основанное 15 марта 1838 года и посвящённое 13 июля 1839 года, оно известно большим количеством исторических личностей, захороненных на его территории, а также многими известными семьями из района Балтимора. Оно сохранило название Грин-Маунт (Зелёная гора), с тех пор как земля была куплена у наследников балтиморского торговца Роберта Оливера. Грин-Маунт — это сокровищница драгоценных произведений искусства, в том числе поразительных работ крупных скульпторов, в том числе Уильяма Райнхарта и Ганса Шулера. Кладбище было внесено в Национальный реестр исторических мест США в 1980 году. Экскурсии проводятся в разное время года. Помимо Джона Уилкса Бута, здесь похоронены ещё два заговорщика в убийстве Авраама Линкольна — и . Посетители кладбища обычно оставляют монеты на могилах троих мужчин; на монете в один цент изображен президент, которого они пытались убить. Отрекшийся от престола король Эдуард VIII и его жена, герцогиня Виндзорская, планировали похороны на купленном участке в Розовом круге на кладбище Грин-Маунт, недалеко от того места, где был похоронен отец герцогини. Однако в 1965 году соглашение с королевой Елизаветой II разрешило похоронить короля и герцогиню рядом с другими членами королевской семьи в Королевской усыпальнице недалеко от Виндзорского замка. (ru)
- Green Mount Cemetery é um cemitério histórico em Baltimore, Estados Unidos. Estabelecido em 15 de março de 1838, e dedicado em 13 de julho de 1839, é conhecido pelo grande número de personalidades históricas sepultadas em seu terreno bem como por famílias proeminentes da região de Baltimore. O cemitério foi listado no Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos em 1980. Visitas guiadas são disponíveis. (pt)
- dbr:Cadwalader_Ringgold
- dbr:Carroll_Bond
- dbr:Prohibition_Party
- dbr:Queen_Elizabeth_II
- dbr:Robert_Milligan_McLane
- dbr:Robert_T._Banks
- dbr:Samuel_Arnold_(conspirator)
- dbr:Episcopal_Diocese_of_Louisiana
- dbr:Military_Secretary_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:Norfolk_and_Western_Railroad
- dbr:Benjamin_Chew_Howard
- dbr:Benjamin_Henry_Latrobe_II
- dbr:Benjamin_Huger_(general)
- dbr:Delaware
- dbr:John_Nelson_(lawyer)
- dbr:John_P._Kennedy
- dbr:John_Wilkes_Booth
- dbr:Johnny_Eck
- dbr:Johns_Hopkins
- dbr:Johns_Hopkins_Hospital
- dbr:Johns_Hopkins_University
- dbr:Joseph_E._Johnston
- dbr:Joseph_Lancaster_Brent
- dbr:Joseph_Pembroke_Thom
- dbr:Joseph_Pere_Bell_Wilmer
- dbr:Penny
- dbr:Reverdy_Johnson
- dbr:Robert_E._Lee
- dbr:Union_Army
- dbr:United_States_Army
- dbr:United_States_Attorney_General
- dbr:United_States_Congress
- dbr:United_States_Navy
- dbr:United_States_Navy_Chaplain_Corps
- dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_State
- dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_the_Navy
- dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_the_Treasury
- dbr:United_States_Senate
- dbr:United_States_Supreme_Court
- dbr:James_R._Price
- dbr:John_B._Van_Meter
- dbr:Colonel_(United_States)
- dbr:Comptroller
- dbr:Confederate_States_Army
- dbr:Consul_(representative)
- dbr:Maryland
- dbr:Maryland's_3rd_congressional_district
- dbr:Maryland_House_of_Delegates
- dbr:Medal_of_Honor
- dbr:Robert_Cary_Long,_Jr.
- dbr:Edward_Coote_Pinkney
- dbr:Edward_VIII
- dbr:Elijah_Bond
- dbr:Elizabeth_Gault_Fisher
- dbr:Elizabeth_Patterson_Bonaparte
- dbr:Enoch_Pratt
- dbr:Frank_Brown_(governor)
- dbr:General_(United_States)
- dbr:George_Colton_(Maryland_politician)
- dbr:George_F._Emmons
- dbr:George_H._Steuart_(brigadier_general)
- dbr:George_Hyde_Fallon
- dbr:George_M._Gill
- dbr:Gothic_Revival_architecture
- dbr:Goucher_College
- dbr:Governor_of_Maryland
- dbr:The_Political_Graveyard
- dbr:Thomas_Dunn_(musician)
- dbr:Rural_cemetery
- dbr:Anthony_Kennedy_(Maryland_politician)
- dbr:Louis_McLane
- dbr:Louis_Wardlaw_Miles
- dbr:Sidney_Lanier
- dbc:1838_establishments_in_Maryland
- dbr:Joshua_Van_Sant
- dbr:File:Sculer_Riggs1.jpg
- dbr:Thomas_Swann
- dbr:Augustus_Bradford
- dbr:Baltimore
- dbr:A._Aubrey_Bodine
- dbr:Adjutant_general
- dbr:Central_Intelligence_Agency
- dbr:U.S._Army
- dbr:U.S._Navy
- dbr:Walter_Lord
- dbr:Walters_Art_Museum
- dbr:War_of_1812
- dbr:Wendell_E._Dunn
- dbr:Westminster_Theological_Seminary
- dbr:William_Daniel_(Maryland_politician)
- dbr:William_H._B._Fusselbaugh_(politician)
- dbr:William_Henry_Rinehart
- dbr:William_Pinkney_Whyte
- dbr:William_Thompson_Walters
- dbr:Windsor_Castle
- dbr:James_Bankhead
- dbr:Justice
- dbr:Liquor
- dbr:A_Night_to_Remember_(book)
- dbr:Abraham_Lincoln
- dbr:Albert_C._Ritchie
- dbr:American_Civil_War
- dbr:Cyrus_McCormick
- dbr:Daniel_Moreau_Barringer
- dbr:Erastus_B._Tyler
- dbr:Ferdinand_Claiborne_Latrobe
- dbr:First_Lady_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Flickr
- dbc:Cemeteries_in_Baltimore
- dbc:Cemeteries_on_the_National_Register_of_Historic_Places_in_Baltimore
- dbc:Greenmount_West,_Baltimore
- dbr:Daniel_Turner_(naval_officer)
- dbr:Forest_Park_High_School_(Maryland)
- dbr:John_Rudolph_Niernsee
- dbr:Presbyterian
- dbr:Hans_Schuler
- dbr:Harriet_Lane
- dbr:Henry_Walters
- dbr:Henry_Winter_Davis
- dbr:Attorney_General_of_Maryland
- dbr:Isaac_Dashiell_Jones
- dbr:Isaac_Freeman_Rasin
- dbr:Isaac_R._Trimble
- dbr:James_Buchanan
- dbr:James_Buck
- dbr:James_H._Preston
- dbr:James_Hall_(governor)
- dbr:James_J._Archer_(Maryland_politician)
- dbr:James_Lawrence_Bartol
- dbr:James_M._Buchanan_(diplomat)
- dbr:James_O._Law
- dbr:Warren_Commission
- dbr:Army_of_Northern_Virginia
- dbr:Arnold_Elzey
- dbr:Atlantic_Coast_Line_Railroad
- dbr:Attorney_General
- dbc:Rural_cemeteries
- dbc:Baltimore_City_Landmarks
- dbr:Jesse_D._Bright
- dbr:Jesse_Hunt
- dbr:John_Archibald_Campbell
- dbr:John_Carroll_Walsh
- dbr:John_Gresham_Machen
- dbr:John_H._B._Latrobe
- dbr:John_H._Winder
- dbr:John_Hanson_Thomas_Jerome
- dbr:John_Lee_Chapman
- dbr:John_MacTavish_(British_Consul)
- dbr:Junius_Brutus_Booth
- dbr:Jérôme_Bonaparte
- dbr:Jérôme_Napoléon_Bonaparte
- dbr:Swarthmore_College
- dbr:Arthur_C._Needles
- dbr:Martha_Ellicott_Tyson
- dbr:Philadelphia
- dbr:Solomon_Hillen_Jr.
- dbr:Civil_engineer
- dbr:Daniel_S._Norton
- dbr:Mexican–American_War
- dbr:Michael_O'Laughlen
- dbr:Napoleon
- dbr:Napoleon_Bonaparte
- dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places
- dbr:RMS_Titanic
- dbr:Second_Seminole_War
- dbr:World_War_I
- dbr:Obed_Hussey
- dbr:Robert_G._Harper
- dbr:Charles_Marshall_(Colonel)
- dbr:John_P._Poe,_Sr.
- dbr:Mayor_of_Baltimore
- dbr:United_States_Ambassador_to_Denmark
- dbr:Harry_W._Nice
- dbr:Wendell_E._Dunn,_Jr.
- dbr:Duchess_of_Windsor
- dbr:J._Crawford_Neilson
- dbr:Maryland-in-Africa
- dbr:Samuel_Arnold_(Lincoln_conspirator)
- dbr:Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States_Reporter_of_Decisions
- dbr:United_States_House_of_Representatives,_Maryland_District_3
- dbr:Royal_Burial_Ground
- dbr:Sydney_Lanier
- dbr:Arunah_Abell
- dbr:Asia_Frigga_(Booth)_Clarke
- dbr:Allen_Welsh_Dulles
- dbr:William_H._Rinehart
- dbr:William_Julian_Albert
- dbr:Art_collector
- dbr:List_of_Maryland_Governors
- dbr:Aide_de_camp
- dbr:Major_General_George_H._Steuart
- dbr:Baltimore_City_Landmark
- dbr:United_States_House_of_Representatives,_Maryland_District_4
- dbr:Theodore_R._McKeldin
- dbr:File:GreenmountCemeterylookingnorthwest.jpg
- dbr:File:GreenmountChapel.jpg
- dbr:Teackle_Wallis_Warfield
- 1501 (xsd:integer)
- Baltimore, Maryland 21202 (en)
- owl:Thing
- dbo:Place
- wikidata:Q41176
- yago:WikicatCemeteriesInBaltimore,Maryland
- yago:WikicatCemeteriesInTheUnitedStates
- yago:WikicatCemeteriesOnTheNationalRegisterOfHistoricPlacesInMaryland
- geo:SpatialThing
- dbo:ArchitecturalStructure
- yago:Cemetery108521623
- yago:GeographicalArea108574314
- yago:Location100027167
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
- yago:Region108630985
- yago:YagoGeoEntity
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:Building
- yago:Site108651247
- yago:Tract108673395
- umbel-rc:Place
- مقبرة غرين ماونت (بالإنجليزية: Green Mount Cemetery) هي مقبرة تاريخية في بالتيمور بولاية ماريلاند الأمريكية. أُسست في 15 مارس 1838، وكُرِّست في 13 يوليو 1839. تشتهر بكثرة عدد الشخصيات التاريخية المدفونة في أرضها، إلى جانب احتوائها على رفات عدد كبير من أبناء العائلات الكبيرة في منطقة بالتيمور. وتحفل المقبرة بالأعمال الفنية النفيسة، من بينها منحوتات لكبار النحاتين من أمثال ويليام هنري راينهارت وهانس شولر. أُدرجت المقبرة ضمن السجل الوطني للأماكن التاريخية سنة 1980. (ar)
- Green Mount Cemetery è un cimitero storico situato a Baltimora, Maryland, Stati Uniti, famoso per le varie personalità sepolte, al suo interno si ritrovano sculture di e . (it)
- Green Mount Cemetery é um cemitério histórico em Baltimore, Estados Unidos. Estabelecido em 15 de março de 1838, e dedicado em 13 de julho de 1839, é conhecido pelo grande número de personalidades históricas sepultadas em seu terreno bem como por famílias proeminentes da região de Baltimore. O cemitério foi listado no Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos em 1980. Visitas guiadas são disponíveis. (pt)
- Green Mount Cemetery is a historic rural cemetery in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. Established on March 15, 1838, and dedicated on July 13, 1839, it is noted for the large number of historical figures interred in its grounds as well as many prominent Baltimore-area families. It retained the name Green Mount when the land was purchased from the heirs of Baltimore merchant Robert Oliver. Green Mount is a treasury of precious works of art, including striking works by major sculptors including William H. Rinehart and Hans Schuler. A Baltimore City Landmark plaque at the entrance reads: (en)
- Кладбище Грин-Маунт (англ. Green Mount Cemetery) — историческое в Балтиморе, штат Мэриленд, США. Основанное 15 марта 1838 года и посвящённое 13 июля 1839 года, оно известно большим количеством исторических личностей, захороненных на его территории, а также многими известными семьями из района Балтимора. Оно сохранило название Грин-Маунт (Зелёная гора), с тех пор как земля была куплена у наследников балтиморского торговца Роберта Оливера. Грин-Маунт — это сокровищница драгоценных произведений искусства, в том числе поразительных работ крупных скульпторов, в том числе Уильяма Райнхарта и Ганса Шулера. (ru)
- مقبرة غرين ماونت (ar)
- Green Mount Cemetery (en)
- Green Mount Cemetery (it)
- Green Mount Cemetery (pt)
- Грин-Маунт (ru)
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/GreenmountCemeteryBaltimore.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/GreenmountCemeterylookingnorthwest.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/GreenmountChapel.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Sculer_Riggs1.jpg
is dbp:placeofburial of
- dbr:Cadwalader_Ringgold
- dbr:Samuel_Ringgold_(United_States_Army_officer)
- dbr:Benjamin_Huger_(general)
- dbr:John_Reese_Kenly
- dbr:Joseph_E._Johnston
- dbr:George_F._Emmons
- dbr:George_H._Steuart_(brigadier_general)
- dbr:George_H._Steuart_(militia_general)
- dbr:Eric_Bergland
- dbr:Isaac_R._Trimble
- dbr:Arthur_Pendleton_Mason
- dbr:Charles_Marshall_(colonel)
- dbr:John_H._Winder