- Stanley Pines, also known as "Grunkle Stan", is one of the main characters of the Disney Channel animated series Gravity Falls, created and voiced by the series creator Alex Hirsch. In an interview, Hirsch claims that Grunkle Stan is loosely based on his grandfather, also named Stan. Stan is the great-uncle (or "grunkle") of the show's two main protagonists, Dipper and Mabel Pines, who are sent to live with Stan at the Mystery Shack, a tourist trap (and his house) which presents creatures and objects of supposedly supernatural origins. He often is depicted wearing a black suit with a white shirt and red string bow tie, along with a red fez, and a cane topped by a billiard 8-ball. At home, however, he is usually seen wearing slippers, blue and green-striped boxer shorts, a white sleeveless shirt and a gold necklace. At the beginning of the show, Stan, known to all as Stanford Pines, is portrayed as a relatively-simple character, with his shady past being used mostly as a joke. However, as the series goes on, he is gradually revealed to hold deeper secrets; In "Not What He Seems" and "A Tale of Two Stans", his real name is revealed to be Stanley Pines, and that, for the past thirty years, he had been secretly trying to bring his twin brother, the real Stanford Pines, back into their world after he was sucked through an inter-dimensional portal. Besides the main series, Stan has also made appearances in the 2018 graphic novel, Gravity Falls Lost Legends. An alternative version of the character, named Mr. Ponds, appeared in a 2020 episode of Amphibia, with Hirsch reprising his role. (en)
- Стэнли «Стэн» Пайнс (англ. Stanley «Stan» Pines) — один из главных персонажей американского мультсериала Disney «Гравити Фолз», созданного и озвученного создателем сериала Алексом Хиршем. В одном из интервью создатель утверждает, что Дядя Стэн во многом основан на его деде, которого также звали Стэн. (ru)
- 618 (xsd:integer)
- 61800 (xsd:integer)
- (en)
- Stanford Pines (en)
- S618 (en)
- Andrew "8-Ball" Alcatraz (en)
- Hal Forrester (en)
- Stetson Pinefield (en)
- Steve Pinington (en)
- (en)
- Caryn Pines (en)
- Dipper Pines (en)
- Filbrick Pines (en)
- Stanford Pines (en)
- Mabel Pines (en)
- Shermie Pines (en)
- Стэнли «Стэн» Пайнс (англ. Stanley «Stan» Pines) — один из главных персонажей американского мультсериала Disney «Гравити Фолз», созданного и озвученного создателем сериала Алексом Хиршем. В одном из интервью создатель утверждает, что Дядя Стэн во многом основан на его деде, которого также звали Стэн. (ru)
- Stanley Pines, also known as "Grunkle Stan", is one of the main characters of the Disney Channel animated series Gravity Falls, created and voiced by the series creator Alex Hirsch. In an interview, Hirsch claims that Grunkle Stan is loosely based on his grandfather, also named Stan. Besides the main series, Stan has also made appearances in the 2018 graphic novel, Gravity Falls Lost Legends. An alternative version of the character, named Mr. Ponds, appeared in a 2020 episode of Amphibia, with Hirsch reprising his role. (en)